Chapter 28: Xu Jing’an’s shock [New book for collection]

In the seventh year of Tianqi, my brother Emperor Tianqi passed away, and I succeeded to the throne.

In the first year of Chongzhen, I worked hard to become a good emperor, govern the Ming Dynasty, and create a prosperous Ming Dynasty. Especially when Yuan Chonghuan proposed five years to pacify the Liao Dynasty, I was extremely happy. Although a large-scale peasant uprising broke out outside the customs, if the Liao Dynasty could be pacified , for me, everything is not a problem.

In the second year of Chongzhen, the second year after I succeeded to the throne, I pacified the Wei party, uprooted the hated Wei Zhongxian lineage, solved the cancer in the court, and for a while won the loyalty of all civil and military officials.

In the third year of Chongzhen, the four cities of Yongping were lost, and the government and the public were shaken. I declared the king of diligence in the world, but the world was in chaos. Only Qin Liangyu generously swore to the public to take back the four cities, and then I executed Yuan Chonghuan, a traitor to the country.

In the eighth year of Chongzhen and the eighth year of my succession to the throne, due to the turmoil in the world, I have been punished for my crimes. I hope God can forgive me, and I also hope God can give the Ming Dynasty a glimmer of hope.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen, Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai conquered a large number of prefectures and counties.

In the eleventh year of Chongzhen, I thought victory was ahead. Li Zicheng was surrounded and suppressed, leaving only eighteen people. However, in the same year, the Qing army invaded the territory.

In the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng defeated the Ming army in Xiangcheng and killed the governor Wang Qiaonian. In February and March, Hong Chengchou surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. In May, Li Zicheng surrounded Kaifeng. In July, the imperial concubine Tian died of illness.

In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, on March 19, it was still dark, and I had not slept for three days and three nights. At this moment, I was looking at the civil and military forces of the dynasty, hoping that a miracle would happen.



Ugly time.

Ye Ran opened his tired eyelids and looked at the civil and military officials of the court. The hall was extremely quiet, and everyone was waiting for news.

Ye Ran's eyes scanned the entire hall.

Although full of fatigue, a sense of emperor's majesty spread from his body, and the imperial aura made all the extras feel shocked, as if they had really seen the emperor.

Chongzhen's imperial aura was naturally not as good as that of the First Emperor, but he still had a formidable aura.

When Xu Jing'an saw Ye Ran's expression and momentum from the broadcasting machine, he couldn't help but be amazed.

In fact, at first, when he saw Ye Ran's performance, he was shocked because Ye Ran played Qin Shihuang so well.

The aura of being the overlord of the world over anyone else is so impressive.

But during the filming of this drama, Xu Jing'an was actually a little worried that Ye Ran would play Qin Shihuang's domineering character.

Chongzhen was the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, especially this movie is called The Last Day, not the biography of Chongzhen.

So on the last day, although Chongzhen had an imperial aura, he could never exude that kind of domineering aura. Instead, he could only be part majestic and part tired, like a lion in his twilight years.

At this moment, Ye Ran perfectly explained what Chongzhen is.

The imperial aura is very strong, and it is very prominent under the camera, but it has lost that strength and domineering, and has become more worried and helpless.

With one look, the essence of the performance was revealed, and the role that Xu Jing'an wanted was performed.

In the play.

The civil and military officials in the court were quiet and frightening, especially under Ye Ran's gaze. The extras instinctively showed fear and then lowered their heads, perfectly in line with the courtier's heart.

Everyone was silent, not knowing what to wait for or what to do.

The only thing that can be known is that Ming Dynasty may have come to an end


A harsh voice sounded. At this moment, all the civil and military officials in the court looked at the soldiers outside the door.

"Say it."

Ye Ran stood up. At this moment, all his tiredness disappeared. He didn't know what happened and was extremely nervous.

"Report, Li Zicheng sent someone to negotiate peace!"

The voice sounded, and the civil and military officials in the court were in an uproar.

"Negotiate peace?"

"Why did they suddenly negotiate peace?"

"When the army approaches the city, suddenly negotiate for peace? What does this mean?"

The voice sounded.

Ye Ran showed a hint of joy for a moment, but this joy was quickly hidden in his heart.

Because for Ye Ran, he is Emperor Chongzhen and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Negotiating peace is tantamount to surrender, which is extremely shameful. things, but the peace talks also say one thing: there is a chance to save things, and everything can turn around.

"How to negotiate peace?"

Ye Ran didn't speak, but a minister asked.

"Reporting back to the emperor, Li Zicheng hoped that your majesty would make him the king of the northwest and reward him with a million troops. Li Zicheng agreed to retreat to Henan and was willing to defend his majesty from the bandits and help suppress the Liao vassal, but he would not obey the imperial edict or meet with his majesty."

The guard said this.

Become the King of the Northwest!

No obedience!

No audience!

This is dividing the world equally.

Ye Ran's eyes were a little distracted, and he was silent and didn't know what to say.

Such negotiation and surrender are completely meaningless.

Li Zicheng wants He does not dare to sit in this position, because if he takes this position, the Liao Kingdom and the Qing army will unite to deal with him, so he does not dare and does not want to sit in this position if I grant him the title of king. Although he will agree like this, if he takes over the northwest and develops stably, he will still come to Kyoto to seek peace.

But if he does not negotiate for peace, now that he has arrived, I am afraid it will be my death.

Ye Ran took a deep breath. , he hesitated, not knowing whether to make peace or not.

All the psychological expressions appeared on his face, interpreting an indecisive emperor.

"According to the ministers, how will this matter be decided?"

Ye Ran asked the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

He hoped that someone would agree to negotiate a peace.

Because he also wanted to negotiate a peace.

But he must not let himself speak about the peace negotiation.

There is no difference between the king's peace negotiation and surrender.

However, at this moment, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty Silence, no one dared to speak.

But the court officials all knelt on the ground and shouted that they did not dare to discuss the matter. He could tell that the courtiers were silent.

, everyone is afraid, afraid of being infamed for the ages, afraid of settling old scores in the future, so he would rather let the monarch take the blame than take the blame himself! What a courtier of the Ming Dynasty!

Ye Ran took a deep breath, his eyes There was a trace of deep contempt in his eyes, but he withdrew his gaze and just took a deep breath and said:"Tell Li Zicheng to take another look!



At this moment, Xu Jing'an's voice sounded, and the shooting was over!

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