Breaking the silk connection with your ex-girlfriend?

Actually, let’s put it this way…….. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Bai Jiliang’s contact information about his ex-girlfriend on the phone has not been deleted, is this considered a broken thread?

But if he said that he made a fuss during his relationship with Master Liu, he definitely didn’t do it.

Not to mention cheating on his ex-girlfriend during love, not even ambiguous.

Moreover, he was bored before and chatted, after the two fell in love, Bai Jiliang never took the initiative to chat with other girls.

Even if people look for him, he replies very perfunctorily.

Even the creditor of Da Mimi is no exception……..

Therefore, Bai Jiliang looked at Master Liu’s eyes firm and frank, “How come!” I’m not that kind of person! ”


Take it with a pinch of salt.

This is Master Liu’s state at this moment.

She still believes in Bai Jiliang, from all angles.

You can’t pretend to be good to her! This is a point that Master Liu firmly believes.

And Bai Jiliang stayed with her every day, and since the last play until now, the two have never been separated.

Moreover, after filming “Xuanyuan Sword”, the two also lived together…………. Unless Bai Jiliang has a doppelganger, how can something happen to his ex-girlfriend.

There is no time, space or opportunity!

But if this is really the case, why would the ex-girlfriend suddenly come to her?


In fact, to be honest, she just buzzed in her head, K’s boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend?

She has no experience in this area…….. What if when the woman came to her, she couldn’t scold?

And to be honest, she doesn’t swear very much.

Thinking about it like this, I was a little anxious, “No, if you don’t break the silk connection with your ex-girlfriend, what is she looking for~?” ”

Wait a minute……..

An answer suddenly flashed in Master Liu’s mind.

To be honest, this short few minutes may be the time when her brain is working fastest and her IQ is the highest in her life.

Every woman’s IQ in this regard is several times the usual IQ!


“You don’t owe money to someone, and then people come and ask for it, right?”

Combined with Bai Jiliang’s “bankruptcy at home” once rich second-generation identity, and Bai Jiliang’s spending habits before lavishness.

When the two were not together, Bai Jiliang also borrowed 100,000 yuan from Liu Shishi himself…….

To sum up, she suddenly felt that this answer was very reliable!

My heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief…….. As long as she doesn’t owe hundreds of millions of dollars so exaggeratedly, she will pay it back for Bai Jiliang.

“You’re going to tell me about this kind of thing!”

Bai Jiliang: ………

No, how did Master Liu come up with this aspect? He hadn’t even thought of this stubble just now.

With a wry smile, “What, master, it’s not owed”

“Isn’t it?!” Master Liu originally thought that his judgment was correct, and his heart relaxed, “Who is it first?” When will it come? ”


Bai Jiliang organized the language in his heart…….. In fact, there is no need to organize, confess leniently, resist strictly, and honestly explain ~

“It’s Liu Yifei……..”

Master Liu: ???

“You repeat, who is your ex-girlfriend?”

“Liu Yifei…….

“Is it the Liu Yifei I know? Do you want to grab the role with me this time? ”

“Yes . . . .”

“Why didn’t you tell me before!”

“I want to say, didn’t I want to explain to you about my ex-girlfriend before…………. Have you forgotten? ”

Of course, Master Liu did not forget that Bai Jiliang did say this.


But at that time……. In order to show her trust and generosity in her boyfriend, she said that she didn’t want to know.

Now I really want to give myself a slap in the face!

“I’ll be quiet first, you ignore me.”

Master Liu is really messy in his heart now, his boyfriend…………. It’s quite capable.

You know, since her debut, Liu Yifei has never said who she is in love with.

Tianxian ~ How does Tianxian fall in love.

As a result, or their own predecessors?

And now, Master Liu began to feel that Bai Jiliang’s family should be quite powerful before bankruptcy.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be with Liu Yifei before, how much her mother is, who in the circle does not know ah~


Outside the crew of “Embroidered Spring Dao”, several reporters are bragging and farting boredly.

“I heard that this crew is about to finish, right?”

“Yes, the thief who filmed it is fast, and I don’t know how many box offices can be in the end.”

“It should be okay, I didn’t say the role of Master Liu before, Liu Yifei also wanted to either, the script should be very good, otherwise I wouldn’t let these two people grab it.”

“It makes sense, it is estimated that the company behind Master Liu has paid a lot of price.”


In a van not far from them, paparazzi Ah Hui was pondering whether he should continue to follow.

From Oak Mountain to Shencheng, and from Shencheng to Huaiyan……. If he can’t shoot anything again, he can’t even afford to pay the wages of his subordinates.

Now Ah Hui is a little regretful, why do you have to gamble when you have nothing to do, neurosis.

And even if Bai Jiliang really has some problem with this deflated calf, stepping on a few boats, this will definitely be a great defense against him…….

… (of money)…….

“Forget it, we’ll go back later, take on a customized job, wasn’t there a little star who wanted to hype it yesterday.”

“Boss, you finally figured out soft!”

Ah Hui rubbed his head, of course he didn’t give up.

The enemy advances and retreats, playing a tactical shot.

After a while, Bai Jiliang relaxed his vigilance and killed him again, I don’t believe that I can’t photograph this guy’s affair with other female stars!

“Huh? How do you drive a nanny car at this time? ”

Hearing the reminder of the little brother, Ah Hui looked up, the license plate was a little familiar!

My mind flew by, and my eyes lit up.

“Groove! This is Liu Yifei’s nanny car! Something is shot! Guys support me, wait for the meeting to act, and see if I can sneak in and shoot! ”


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