Entertaining Children

Chapter 620 One Candidate

"Really?" The five girls of Gstar were all surprised.

Three years ago, the five girls from Gstar hadn't debuted in a group yet, but they had a very good relationship as trainees at that time. Because Yuni's high school classmate Jin Yazhen's girl group participated in that program, driven by Yuni, these trainees are still quite concerned about that program. However, although they knew that Xiao Yao was the songwriter and choreographer of "alone", they didn't know that Gu Chengxian praised Xiao Yao as a genius at that time.

The electronic music program back then was jointly organized by two TV stations in South Korea and China. Because it was a recorded program, the versions broadcast by the two TV stations were not exactly the same. It may be due to consideration of the face of domestic artists. In the version broadcast by Korean TV, Sky Park Dacheng questioned Xiao Yao and after being verified on the spot, Park Dacheng apologized to Xiao Yao. After seeing "alone", Gu Chengxian thought that the songwriter and choreographer These clips, which are all Korean, were cut and not played.

"Yes!" Whether it was Park Dae-sung's questioning or Gu Sung-hyun's praise, Xiao Yao didn't pay much attention to it back then, and now he doesn't care too much, so facing the eyes of the five girls, Xiao Yao He just nodded with a smile and didn't show any complacent expression.

Before Xiao Yao participated in today's show, he also watched some videos of previous shows, and knew that Jin Yazhen was one of the hosts of this show. However, although Jin Yazhen is Xiao Yao's acquaintance, the two only met once in that electronic music program, and they didn't communicate in private, nor did they have any personal feelings. In this meeting, the two actually had nothing to talk about.

Jin Yazhen came here this time mainly to care about Yuni. It was an accident to meet Xiao Yao, and there was nothing to chat with Xiao Yao. As the host of the show, she also had the task of memorizing the script to follow the program flow, so after finding out that Yuni was fine, she cheered up with the five girls from Gstar, then said goodbye to everyone and left the lounge.

Not long after Jin Yazhen left, Bae Sang-joon, the manager who went out to help Gstar arrange visits to seniors, came back. However, he was not alone when he returned to the lounge, and brought two police officers in uniform.

Bae Sang-joon gave a brief introduction, and everyone understood that the security department of the TV station had called the police, and these two were the police officers sent by the police to handle the case.

When the Anti incident happened, there was a security guard from the TV station nearby. Those security guards were only a little slow to react, and the process of the incident was still very clear. In addition, there were many fans present at the scene, who were willing to testify for the idol, so after the two police officers arrived, they quickly figured out the truth of the matter. After passing by, the young man who was handed over to them by the security department of the TV station was arrested.

From a procedural point of view, the police need the confessions of all parties involved in the incident. Many people, including security guards and fans of the TV station, testified that the police have basically determined the nature and process of the case. Considering that Gstar and Xiao Yao will also participate in the recording of the program,

So at Pei Xiangjun's request, instead of taking Xiao Yao and Yuni back to the police station to make notes, they came to the lounge to question the two parties.

What happened was very clear, what Xiao Yao and Yuni said did not differ from what the TV station security guards and fans told.

Xiao Yao was afraid that the young man would remove the blade and "destroy the evidence" before the police arrived, so he asked Pei Minyi to shoot the video. After Pei Minyi showed the video taken by the two police officers, the case can basically be regarded as a certainty. The questioning process went smoothly. After Pei Minyi was asked to forward the video evidence taken to one of the police officers, the two police officers who had completed their tasks left.

After the two police officers left, Bae Sang-joon arranged for the five girls to visit the seniors' practice room, while he himself waited in the waiting room with Xiao Yao as he said before.

In fact, Xiao Yao and the manager had nothing to talk about, so he took out the guitar he brought and played casually for a while to pass the boring time.

After the five girls came back, some of their juniors came to visit the lounge one after another. Now Korean group idols are still relatively popular, and various entertainment companies have been promoting new groups. Although Gstar has only debuted for more than a year, there are still many junior artists who debuted behind them. But today this is a singing show, and it just so happens that there are not many younger artists who come to play songs on the show today, and there are only two groups of younger generations who come to visit their lounge.

When the two groups of people knocked on the door and came in, Yuni introduced Xiao Yao in the lounge to them, and Xiao Yao also met two new Korean idol groups.

Not long after the visit process was over, the staff of the program team came in and informed the five girls of Gstar to go to the rehearsal. After the five girls came back from the rehearsal, it wasn't long before Xiao Yao was notified by the staff to go to the studio for rehearsal.

The special stage that Xiao Yao participated in was at the end of the whole program, and the rehearsal time was also very late. Xiao Yao's rehearsal is over, and there is not much time left before the show starts. When Xiao Yao came back from the rehearsal, the five girls had already changed into their performance costumes and were doing styling.

Looking at the girls who were putting on makeup, Xiao Yao suddenly found that he hadn't said anything to them since he entered their lounge. He couldn't help wondering why he came to their lounge.

But since he came, Xiao Yao didn't plan to leave halfway. Xiao Yao's performance costumes are not very complicated. Compared with the casual clothes he wears now, he only needs to change into an upper coat. He doesn't even need to enter the dressing room, and there is no embarrassment in changing clothes in their lounge.

Not long after the six of them put on their makeup and styles, the recording of the program started, and the six of them also sat in a row and looked at the TV screen in the lounge.

This is a singing show, and the stars spend most of their time waiting in their own lounges except for performances, so each lounge has also prepared TV screens for live broadcasting of the stage, so that those waiting stars You can also see other people performing on stage.

At the beginning of the show, there was no host, but a stage performance by a boy group directly opened the show.

Xiao Yao is not very familiar with this boy group group, and he doesn't have much feeling for the song they performed. This experience of watching a stage performance in the lounge is not the first time, but it is the first time to participate in Korea after all. Xiao Yao watched the TV program recording more seriously.

In order to minimize the impact of the anti incident on the girls just now, Xiao Yao briefly discussed the boy group's performance with the girls around him at the end of the opening performance.

After the opening performance, the picture on the TV screen switched to the two hosts in another scene. In this program, except when the result of a winner is announced at the end, several hosts will not appear on the main stage, but will introduce the stars and songs participating in the program in another scene. Xiao Yao had watched a lot of previous videos of this show before, and was not surprised by this scene.

After the two hosts made their opening remarks, they first invited a special host for today. After a brief chat, the three hosts highlighted the names of several groups that returned to the stage in this episode, and then introduced a candidate for this episode.

Korea's song playing programs have their own set of rules for calculating scores. At the beginning of each episode of the program, they will announce the top few songs in this set of rules except for the results of the live broadcast voting as a candidate. At the end of the program, they will count the live broadcast The results of the voting are combined with the previous results to calculate the first place, and finally announced.

No matter which song playing program, music sales are the most important item when calculating the score. Gstar's "Expectation" was only launched on Thursday, and the sales of the music source were several days behind others. It is said that it is unlikely to appear in a candidate. In the introduction of a candidate, he actually saw the song "Expectation" by Gstar.

"This song has entered a candidate?" Xiao Yao looked at the girls around him in surprise, and then gave a thumbs up and said, "You are really amazing!"

"Thank you," the girls were a candidate who had long known that the song would enter the show. They were not surprised at this time. After bowing down to thank Xiao Yao, Yuni smiled and said to Xiao Yao, "This is also because Xiao Yao Yaoxi you!"

"Me? Is it because of the songwriting and arrangement?" Xiao Yao waved his hands, "Although I also think that the song and the dance I wrote are very good, but it's not so good that it was released only three days ago." You can enter a candidate, and this is mostly because of your own popularity, right?"

"It's not just because you helped them write songs and choreograph." Bae Sang-joon next to him interjected and explained, "As of noon today, the number of downloads of this song's online music source has ranked first this week, which is more than many releases. The hit songs of more than a week are even higher. The music source website is worried that some fans will deliberately swipe the votes, and also specially conducted a background data review. As a result, they found that the paid download users are very scattered, and there is no obvious swipe behavior. However, they also found a The strange thing is that many of the IP addresses of users who pay to download this song are from China."

"From China?" Xiao Yao asked strangely.

"We also find it very strange." Bae Sang-joon said, "Because the children haven't been to Huaxia activities, it is reasonable to say that there are not many Huaxia fans, and there will not be many fans who deliberately went to Korean music source websites to pay for their music. Song. For Huaxia netizens, this is a rather troublesome operation."

"Senior Xiuyan reminded us later!" Yuni continued, "Senior Xiuyan knew about this and reminded us that when we were in the practice room, she and Xiao Yaoxi were in your webcast You advertised for us. Later, our company found a Chinese-speaking employee to check on Huaxia’s network, and found that many of your fans posted on your personal website, fan forums, and various SNS websites calling on Huaxia netizens to go to Korea. Download the sound source of this song for a fee on the music source website.”

"Ah? There is such a thing?" Xiao Yao was even more surprised, and muttered in his heart, "But I obviously didn't ask everyone to pay for the music source on the Korean music source website during the live broadcast, and at that time, this song was all It hasn't been written yet!"

During this period of time, Xiao Yao was still relatively busy, and did not pay attention to the developments on the domestic Internet. Now hearing what Yuni said, Xiao Yao immediately took out his mobile phone and searched online.

After searching the Internet for a while, Xiao Yao quickly figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that when the live broadcast was broadcast, because the content of the live broadcast was the practice of Korean girl groups, among the fans who watched the live broadcast at that time, they liked Hallyu, and there were quite a few who liked Korean girl groups. Among them are fans who like and have heard of Gstar, a Korean girl group.

At the end of the live broadcast, Hong Soo-yeon advertised for the girl group. Although Xiao Yao didn’t say that he would ask the fans to pay to download songs on Korean music source websites, he admitted that he helped the girl group write songs and choreograph. In the end, I inadvertently mentioned the comeback stage of Korean music shows.

Some Huaxia water friends who are not familiar with Korean TV programs do not know what it means to play songs and return to the stage, so they will inevitably discuss it in various communication fan groups after the live broadcast. At this time, some netizens who are familiar with Korean Wave culture and Korean TV programs came out to give you popular science, and by the way, introduced to you a competition system in Korean song-playing programs.

Speaking of a competition system, some Hallyu fans brought up the topic of Xiao Yao's writing and choreography for Gstar. I put forward a rather strange point of view, that is, since Xiao Yao from our family has gone to write songs and choreograph for a Korean girl group, that girl group will still go to the TV station to play songs and compete. If this song doesn’t win, Wouldn't it make our Xiao Yao lose face? Maybe it will make Xiao Yao look down upon by those Koreans, thinking that our Chinese music geniuses are nothing more than that?

It is often said that there are as many fans as there are stars. If it is in the fan base of other stars, this kind of weird point of view may not be paid much attention to. But Xiao Yao's "pills" are different, they actually quickly recognized this point of view, and began clamoring to help Xiao Yao's work win a place in Korean song-playing shows.

In Xiao Yao's "pill", the proportion of fans who like Hallyu and Korean girl groups is actually not high, but the small group of Hallyu fans are fighting for the banner of Xiao Yao's works in South Korea, not calling for Everyone voted for a Korean girl group, and this rhythm was actually brought up by the "pills" who like to make trouble.

It doesn't matter that Xiao Yao didn't mention the name of the song during the live broadcast, fans can find it by themselves. Xiao Yao has a huge number of fans, and there must be many of them who are proficient in Korean and understand Korean music sites. Hong Xiuyan said in the live broadcast that the girl group is called Gstar, and Xiao Yao said that the song will be launched the day after tomorrow, so just wait for Gstar's new song to be launched on the Korean music source website. Songs on Korean music sites will also have songwriters written on them. Wait for Gstar's new songs to go online and see which song's songwriter is Xiao Yao.

After the song "Expectation" was launched on the music source website, it was quickly discovered by some Chinese "pills" who followed the Korean music source website.

The act of spending money to buy sailors to swipe tickets is an act that the "pills" are not ashamed of. Buying a song is just a matter of a few dollars. Xiao Yao has so many fans. I believe that there are definitely a lot of fans who are willing to spend a few dollars for Xiao Yao. The only problem is that many people do not have accounts on Korean music sites. I don't know Korean, so it's a bit troublesome to register.

In response to this problem, some fans who understand Korean specially made a video and picture introduction of the registration process of the Korean music source website. The Korean name and song link of "Expectation" are attached below, and the post is made on Xiao Yao's post bar and major fan groups. And the SNS community website spread the propaganda everywhere, and a campaign called "Send Xiao Yao's song to win one" was launched vigorously on Huaxia's network. Later, even some netizens who were not considered "pills" joined in as if to join in the fun.

Although the proportion of Huaxia fans and netizens who are willing to take the time to register and pay for downloading songs on Korean music source websites is not high, but Huaxia netizens and Xiao Yao have a large fan base. This number is still very impressive, and the impact is also great. very big. In addition, Gstar's own local fans have not been idle these days, and they are also collecting music sources for their idols.

After three days of fermentation, with the joint efforts of fans from both parties, the song "Looking Forward" finally reached the No. Two are quite a few.

The sales volume of online audio sources is the largest item in a ranking score. Although there is still a certain gap between this song and other songs in other aspects, this song has successfully squeezed into a candidate in the last program of this week's song play cycle due to its leading position with the largest proportion.

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