Entertaining Children

Chapter 725 I Have a Dream

A 22-year-old Chinese star serves as a goodwill ambassador of the United Nations Environment Program and participates in the United Nations World Youth Forum. These two things are quite shocking. After the awards ceremony ended, some media reporters went online to check the official websites of the United Nations Environment Program and the World Youth Forum, only to find that this organization and the official website of this event had indeed appeared in the event process introduction Xiao Yao's English name.

After confirming that it was correct, many media also reported the news, and many online media directly posted screenshots with Xiao Yao's name on the two official websites.

Some netizens are faster than media reporters. The annual "Golden Dragon Award" award ceremony is broadcast live by CCTV's movie channel. Before the award ceremony was over, the news that Xiao Yao was absent from the "Golden Dragon Award" award ceremony because he went to the United Nations to participate in the youth forum appeared on the Internet.

On the second day, after a night of fermenting the news from the netizens, coupled with the media's reports, Huaxia's Internet was also exploded because of the news.

Compared with China's annual "Golden Dragon Award" award ceremony, the opportunity to go to the United Nations is of course even more rare. The World Youth Forum held by the United Nations and China's "Golden Dragon Award" are not on the same day, but the distance between the two is very close. In addition, Xiao Yao also has an appointment ceremony for the UNEP Goodwill Ambassador. It is no wonder that Xiao Yao Because of this, I will miss the "Golden Dragon Award" award ceremony. However, because of the rare opportunity to show his face at UN events, the public also paid extra attention to the performance of Xiao Yao, a young Chinese star, at UN events.

The topics of public concern are naturally the topics that media reporters want to pursue, but not just any reporter is qualified to cover and report on the activities of the United Nations. Now there is only one day left until the World Youth Forum is held, even those large and serious media that are qualified to report to the United Nations immediately send reporters to New York, and it is too late to apply.

Fortunately, what the media want to report is not the only way to interview in person. The activities of the United Nations must also be reported by the media. At that time, it is also a way for everyone to wait for other people's reports to come out, and then reprint the reports. Therefore, many Chinese media, like the public, are waiting for relevant reports to come out.

Xiao Yao participated in the United Nations World Youth Forum as a goodwill ambassador of the United Nations Environment Programme, so the appointment ceremony for UNEP to appoint Xiao Yao as a goodwill ambassador was before the World Youth Forum.

The headquarters of the United Nations is in New York, USA, but the headquarters of UNEP is not in New York, but in Biirone, the capital of Kenya, Africa. In the past, the UNEP appointed goodwill ambassadors to hold the appointment ceremony at its own headquarters, but this time because Xiao Yao will participate in the World Youth Forum, the appointment ceremony is not at the UNEP headquarters in Birone, but It is located in New York, the headquarters of the United Nations where the World Youth Forum is held.

Although not at UNEP headquarters,

However, the process of the appointment ceremony is no different from that held at the headquarters before. After all, UNEP itself is also an organization under the United Nations.

Generally speaking, the appointment ceremony of goodwill ambassadors is actually not very interesting to the general public.

Relevant media reports introduced the entire process of the appointment ceremony, as well as Xiao Yao's contribution in the field of environmental protection. At the appointment ceremony, Xiao Yao made a simple speech. However, judging from some media reports, Xiao Yao's speech seemed very official, and there was nothing special about it. The only thing that comforted the Huaxia reporters was that Xiao Yao's English speech was very fluent and smooth. And to say that Xiao Yao's greatest contribution in the field of environmental protection is actually mainly the animated film with the theme of environmental protection.

If it is another star, just being able to calmly and fluently speak in English at the appointment ceremony of the United Nations Environment Program is already a thing worth bragging about. But for Xiao Yao, he was an exchange student in the United States for a year in high school, participated in a police press conference in the United States, played a guest role in an American drama series, and participated in the behind-the-scenes of the Eva Show and the Eva Swimsuit Special For the filming, I don’t know how many times I have been to the Eva show, and I have been a guest performer, and I have experienced so many things. It is surprising news that I can’t speak English well or be nervous on the spot.

Therefore, for Huaxia fans who have watched the movie, the only highlight of this appointment ceremony is that Xiao Yao wears a belt with the UN badge and "goodwill ambassador" on it, and holds the appointment with the person in charge of the UNEP. pictures of gestures and handshakes.

Of course, just this news and these few photos are enough to make Xiao Yao's fans and ordinary people in China very happy. After all, this is an event of the United Nations, not a commercial event or a variety show, and it is impossible for Xiao Yao to perform a show on that occasion.

However, what Xiao Yao's fans, China's media and the public did not expect was that at the World Youth Forum held later, Xiao Yao still gave many people a big surprise.

The World Youth Forum is not an activity of UNEP, but an activity initiated by the Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Youth Office and other departments. At the forum, there are not only environmental protection topics, but also a series of topics such as economy, energy, education, eradication of hunger and poverty, and sustainable development.

Xiao Yao got the opportunity to speak at the forum. As a goodwill ambassador of UNEP, his speech is of course related to environmental protection.

Although Xiao Yao is going to make a speech on environmental protection, as a goodwill ambassador, he does not need to propose any specific and feasible solutions to environmental protection problems. Those things are the problems that professionals called "scientists" need to solve. What he has to do is to make a statement and call for more people to pay attention to this issue. Therefore, Xiao Yao's task is not to make a report at the forum, but to make a speech.

All the speeches at the World Youth Forum were prepared by myself. When Xiao Yao came to the United States, he only brought an assistant with him, not someone who helped him write his speech. Although Xiao Yao has the identity of a director and screenwriter, considering his status as an entertainment star, the Environmental Planning Agency arranged for someone to write a speech for him.

For Xiao Yao, who has no problem with English proficiency and has a super memory, it is easy to memorize such a speech and go to the forum to talk about it at that time, but Xiao Yao did not accept it. Because of my kindness, I caused myself some more trouble.

Speaking of speeches, the first thing that popped into Xiao Yao's mind was the famous speech "I Have a Dream" delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lincoln Memorial in his previous life.

Xiao Yao’s speech at the World Youth Forum only lasted a few minutes, not more than ten minutes like Martin Luther King Jr. in his previous life, but Xiao Yao did not intend to copy the full text of "I Have a Dream" from his previous life . Xiao Yao has no impression of most of the previous content, but is particularly impressed by the following paragraphs beginning with "I Have A Dream". Omitting a long paragraph in front of the original text and keeping only the latter paragraphs, the length of the speech would be just right.

Although the content of that speech was about the equality of the black people in the United States, Xiao Yao felt that changing the United States into the world, and changing the issue of ethnic equality into environmental protection issues, speaking in such a sentence pattern and structure, should also give people a sense of Very impressed.

Therefore, Xiao Yao rejected the speech script provided to him by the Environmental Planning Agency related to his own personal experience, but spent one night to come up with an environmental protection version of "I Have A Dream".

In an occasion like the World Youth Forum, nonsense is not allowed, and the content of all speakers' speeches must be reviewed. As a goodwill ambassador of the UNEP, Xiao Yao's speech has to be reviewed by the UNEP staff.

When Xiao Yao put the speech draft he had written in front of the relevant person in charge of the Environmental Planning Agency, the people from the Environmental Planning Agency widened their eyes in disbelief. The performance of the person in charge of the UNEP is because the speech was better than he expected. When it was handed over to the relevant person in charge of the World Youth Forum for review, of course it passed without a doubt.

Xiao Yao’s speech at the World Youth Forum was not delivered in front of countless people in an outdoor place like the Lincoln Memorial like Martin Luther King Jr. in his previous life, but in front of dozens of people in an indoor forum. Yes, the content and length of the entire speech cannot be compared with that of Martin Luther King in his previous life. But on such an occasion, Xiao Yao managed to shock many people present through his speech.

Unscripted speeches are nothing special. Although at the World Youth Forum, there were not many youth representatives who gave speeches without scripts, but it was not impossible. Xiao Yao did not attract much attention when he walked onto the podium empty-handed. But what makes Xiao Yao's speech awesome is not that it is out of script, but the content of the speech and his state during the speech. The entire speech process can be said to be full of emotion and powerful, especially when the first few paragraphs of "IHaveADream" came out, the eyes of all the people watching Xiao Yao's speech at the scene changed. Before Xiao Yao's speech ended, some people on the scene couldn't wait to give Xiao Yao applause.

At the World Youth Forum, Xiao Yao was not the only youth representative who spoke, but the only ones who applauded in the middle of the speech were those long-winded expert speakers on various topics. Young representatives like Xiao Yao made short speeches When this happens, Xiao Yao is the only one in the audience. After Xiao Yao's entire speech was over, the applause at the scene was obviously much warmer than that of others.

The World Youth Forum is divided into the main forum and sub-forums, each with a different theme, for a total of three days. Originally, Xiao Yao only spoke at the sub-forums on the environment, energy and gender equality, but the night after his speech, the organizer informed him to give another speech at the main forum the next day.

In the second day's speech, Xiao Yao took a few minutes longer to speak than the day before.

Xiao Yao knew that he was able to get such an opportunity because his version of "I Have a Dream" on environmental issues was particularly effective, so he didn't write another speech, but added a new version of the speech based on the previous day's speech. Some content has been changed to accommodate a longer presentation. Of course, those few paragraphs of "IHaveADream" are the core of the speech, and Xiao Yao will not modify it easily, but only added some content before and after. With the version from his previous life, it didn't take much time for Xiao Yao to change it.

In the second day's speech, Xiao Yao's performance was still very exciting. Due to the larger number of people on the main forum and the higher degree of attention received, the extended version of "I Have a Dream" aroused stronger reactions on the main forum.

During the World Youth Forum, the organizer will make relevant official records of the whole process, and some media qualified to report will also film and record on the spot. Therefore, these two speeches by Xiao Yao were recorded with video data.

After Xiao Yao participated in the World Youth Forum, the videos of his two speeches soon appeared on Huaxia's network. When these two videos appeared on Huaxia's network, it really shocked Huaxia's media and netizens. Various media and netizens have made a lot of reports, reposts, comments and discussions on these two speech videos of Xiao Yao at the World Youth Forum. Appeared in some TV news programs.

There are actually quite a few Chinese stars or celebrities who serve as goodwill ambassadors in various organizations around the world, and have participated in many world-class activities, but none of them have participated in such activities. Videos of Xiao Yao's speeches and speeches, like Xiao Yao's speech videos, have spread so widely and become popular in China in such a short period of time.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, because of Xiao Yao's own fame. In China, among the stars under the age of 30, Xiao Yao is definitely the most well-known one in China, and if it is placed in the world, I am afraid that only a few international superstars such as Zhou Hu can surpass him in popularity up.

Of course, another more important reason is because of the content of Xiao Yao's two speech videos.

In these two videos, Xiao Yao's speech is really wonderful. Especially the few speeches that started with "IHaveADream" are simply deafening. Whether it is from the content of the speech, or from the expression of emotions, expressions, and body movements during the speech, it can almost be used as a textbook model for speeches. Just after these two speech videos were circulated, some speech experts really made a serious analysis and comment on Xiao Yao's extended version of the speech video.

And the most important point is that the source of these two videos is not only from some Chinese media involved in the World Youth Forum report, the latter longer speech video also appeared on the official website of the World Youth Forum. In other words, the organizers of the World Youth Forum especially recognized Xiao Yao's speech and made it the image representative of the World Youth Forum. This kind of treatment is something that even many foreign first-line international stars have never had.

Even the officials of the World Youth Forum regarded Xiao Yao's "I Have a Dream" speech video as a facade and posted it on the official website. How could Xiao Yao's speech video not be popular in China?

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