Hawking Hill blurted out.

This girl had a relationship with him. In fact, the name Zhou Xiaoru was given by Hawking Shan.

Zhou Xiaoru's father served in the general staff all the year round.

The old general has devoted his whole life to the development of the Dragon Kingdom's military weapons.

At the time of his tenure, General Counselor Zhou was the senior military cadre with whom Hawking Hill most often dealt.

The reason why Zhou Xiaoru dared to ask Ying in front of so many leaders is also because of this.

His father is the boss.

Zhou Xiaoru has been used to seeing big scenes and big leaders since she was a child, so she has the courage.

Although a small boss.

But with an excellent design in hand, Zhou Xiaoru is not at all stage frightened.

"Hello Uncle Huo!"

Zhou Xiaoru gave a military salute and greeted cordially.

"Okay, okay, Xiaoru, you entered the first-line equipment research institution, which is considered to have taken over your father's gun."

"Looking at your look, you must have something good to introduce to your uncle, right?"

Hawking Hill is very pleased.

Who says rich can't be more than three generations?

Although Zhou Xiaoru came from a famous family, she also has a gifted scientific research ability.

Has a high-ranking father.

However, Zhou Xiaoru was able to start from the equipment research of the grassroots army, which shows that she is not an impetuous person.

"Uncle Huo!"

"Look at this grenade, based on the Type 91 transformation of the Armed Forces Group."

"While retaining the advantages of the Type 91, we have made a modular modification to this grenade."

"Separate, this is a grenade."

"But combined with the powder plug at the bottom, this grenade can be extended indefinitely."


Zhou Xiaoru picked up his proud work.

The Military Region Equipment Department, after all, is a local armament research and development department. Without an integrated production line, it cannot achieve the same large-scale research and development as the Ordnance Group.

Therefore, Zhou Xiaoru's entry point can only be in the modification.

But even so.

She also came up with a nice design.

It didn't take long.

She effortlessly assembled the five grenades together.

"In a specific combat environment, soldiers can use this grenade to easily assemble an explosive for demolition, or a powerful explosive weapon."

Looking at the collection of grenades the size of a basketball in front of him.

Xu Gong nodded in admiration.

Although the grenade was not a weapon developed by Xu Zizhong himself, he was the chief engineer of the Armed Forces Group after all.

He still heard about this project.

Not long after the Type 91 grenade was assembled in the army, Zhou Xiaoru had already made such an excellent modification.

It's commendable.

More importantly, Zhou Xiaoru's modification ideas are very clever.

in his hands.

Grenades can be used both for throwing and for demolition and demolition.

The real thing is to think about the multi-functionalization of equipment.

XCMG sighed: "Okay, this trip to Qianjiang is a worthwhile trip."

"Seeing that our front-line researchers are so young and talented, we old guys can rest assured."

Mr. X, who shocked the scientific research community yesterday.

To Zhou Xiaoru, who is determined to innovate today, Xu Zizhong seems to see hope for the next [-] years.

Deputy Commander Wang observed his words.


This project of Zhou Xiaoru is even more favored by the two experts.

He immediately ordered: "Lieutenant Colonel Zhou!"

"Since you volunteered to fight, please demonstrate the blasting effect of your grenade on the spot."

Zhou Xiaoru was afraid that there would be no such opportunity.

She handed the assembled five grenades to the assistant.

The weight of this assembled grenade is no longer suitable for throwing.

Can only be used for placement.

To this end, in the end, Zhou Xiaoru specially modified the demo detonation device, which allowed the soldiers to carry out blasting operations calmly.

The assistant ran a hundred meters away.

The grenade was placed under a model bunker made of cement in the training ground.


"Can work."

Zhou Xiaoru picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly, "Blast it!"

One command.

The assistant opened the safety ring, then ran all the way, retreating to a safe distance.

After a few seconds.


There was a deafening sound.

The training ground is full of smoke and dust!

The model bunker was directly blown to pieces.

Everyone could smell the dust in the air.

clap clap clap-

Huo Lao took the lead in applauding.

As a strategic weapons expert, Hawking Hill is familiar with the energy patterns of various weapons.

Grenades are the weakest of all explosive weapons.

But the modular grenade was assembled to have an explosive effect.

Five grenades.

Assembling together is more than just addition and subtraction.

XCMG also immediately understood.

Zhou Xiaoru reorganized the explosive pattern of the gunpowder to make the ammunition of the five grenades explode within a slight time difference, forming a resonance.

This explosion.

Much larger than the charge of five grenades.

"Not bad!"

Several leaders praised together.

In particular, Commander Wang, the leader of his own family, was the first to see the actual measurement of this kind of grenade.

Start from your true inner feelings.

He loves the project very much.

The current combat environment has been biased towards elite individual combat.

Therefore, the weapons and equipment carried by soldiers are required to be multifunctional.

This grenade can not only be used for killing enemies, but also for blasting, and can even play the role of c4.

Fully meet the requirements of the army.

When the two scientists leave, the military region must mass-produce Zhou Xiaoru's results as soon as possible and install them in the army as soon as possible.

at this time.

Zhou Xiaoru was still unsure.

"Director, in order to form a better visual comparison, I suggest using ordinary 91-style grenades to compare the explosion effect."

The voice fell.

Commander Wang nodded immediately.

"Guard, do you have a grenade?"

The guard shook his head quickly.

"Sir, I'll go get it right away!"

at this time.

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