Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2880: Didn't you say you were in a hurry? (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao had a small face, saying she was unhappy and needed someone to coax.

Yin Shaojiao embraced her with her long arms and carried it on her body. The magnetic voice coaxed softly, "Don't you say you won't go back tonight? Let's take a look at the night scene, and then have something to eat? What do you want?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the night scene under the tower through the floor-to-ceiling window not far.

Gaze, but involuntarily aimed at the couple.

Because the two brought up stinky tofu, they are now driven away.

The two blamed each other as if they were fighting.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly pulled Yin Shaoyan, followed quickly, and squeezed into the elevator in the last second.

The couple was fighting in the elevator.

"I blame you, why don't you remind me not to bring stinky tofu up? I've been kicked off now, so embarrassing! I have lost all face, and I don't want to come here again!"

"I reminded you ..."

"You don't! You don't!"

The elevator went all the way down, and the two kept arguing.

On the first floor, Mu Xiaoxiao greeted him and asked, "Sorry, I want to ask, where did you buy stinky tofu?"

The girl's mood was still gone, and her tone was a little unkind. "Why should I tell you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She didn't expect the girl to be so angry.

Yin Shaojie on the side raised her eyebrows and stepped forward to hold Mu Xiaoxiao, watching the girl say sternly, "You made the cricket you just made. Spreading your anger on an irrelevant person seems too boring Tasted. "

"You—" The girl just wanted to scold her back, who knew that a pair of handsome and shameless faces on Yin Shao'an, and then stopped, her eyes suddenly caught the idiot.

Who said that looking good is useless?

A handsome guy who looks so good scolds you, you can't be angry at all.

Yin Shaojiu pulled Mu Xiaoxiao away.

Mu Xiaoxiao whispered, "I just want to eat stinky tofu ..."

Yin Shao glanced at her and said, "Let's find it ourselves."

At this time, the girl chased after him and said, "You go up 300 meters, turn left and there is an alley, there is a snack street!"

Mu Xiaoxiao turned back and smiled, "Thank you!"

She looked at Yin Shaojie, and her eyes were all curved into a crescent moon with a smile.

"It seems she's nice."

Yin Shaojie smiled slightly, feeling the coolness of the night breeze, and his long arms held her tighter.

The two walked in the direction that the girl said. Sure enough, after walking a few hundred meters, many people went to the alley on the left.

There really is a snack street.

Standing at the alley, you can smell the scent of various foods, making you mouth watering.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw a stall at first glance, and cried excitedly, "Pancake fruit! Pancake fruit! I want pancake fruit!"

The two bought a pancake fruit.

Mu Xiaoxiao was very resourceful. When he saw that there were so many delicious foods, he just bite a few bites and the rest were all eaten by Yin Shaojiu.

Yin Shaojie is helpless. He is not enthusiastic about this kind of street food, but he can only help her out.

Mu Xiaoxiao also bought a milk cap and drank a milk beard on her lips.

Yin Shaojie laughed and bought a paper towel to wipe her.

Entering the Snack Street, Mu Xiaoxiao's IQ dropped directly below the age of three, so he kept thinking about eating this and buying that.

Immediately afterwards, the two found a stinky tofu stall.

At this point, Mu Xiaoxiao was full of food in both hands, but he was still reluctant to give up the stinky tofu.

She motioned to Yin Shaoji, "Buy, buy, buy!"

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