Then Hu He pulled himself and said the conditions that Datong made him very excited, and finally after he agreed, he told himself as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh right, I went to Natsume's house before I came to you. Natsume asked me to tell you something."


At that time, Li Long was still a little puzzled. Obviously, the two families were so close together, why did they need Hu He to help spread the word?

However, Li Long didn't think much about it, and while packing his things, he waited for Hu He to say those words.

"'I won't take you this time,' that sentence."

"Clap", it was Li Long's favorite ceramic mug.


"I won't take you this time."

Li Long didn't think about it, and hurriedly called Natsume, but received a prompt tone that he was not in the service area.

Afterwards, Li Long hurriedly said goodbye to Hu He again, and left each other's contact information before rushing to Natsume's house.

When he opened the door, he still had a mentality that Natsume hadn't left.

But this kind of small happiness is that it is clear that the person in front of him is Natsume's father, not that Natsume was shattered in an instant.

Especially, this vile man said to himself with a schadenfreude expression, 'You are late, Natsume has already left'!

Since he was a child, he and Natsume's father have not dealt with each other. Every time the two meet, they have to hurt each other again. 0

But it is very strange that, except for the two of them, the rest of the two families are all in harmony.

Li Long looked at Natsume's father and wanted to ask for an answer.

"When? Was it just now?"

Natsume's father nodded viciously: "It's only a minute away."

And now, Li Long's face was even darker, and he didn't even have the strength to refute.

And Xia Mu's mother, who was reading in the library, heard Li Long's voice, and Shi Shiran walked out slowly.

"Oh, it's Li Long, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Obviously, Natsume's mother didn't know that Li Long was on an adventure with Natsume recently.

"Would you like to come in for some breakfast?"

"I heard that your parents also went on a trip and haven't come back."

"You usually come here to eat, don't eat those takeaways or something, it's not nutritious.".

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