"You can leave if you want, you have to leave that ghost-type guy here, otherwise what will you do if you don't come back?" Geng Gui rolled his eyes and said.

Although the human in front of him doesn't look like someone who does that kind of thing.

But you still have to guard against it, otherwise, when it spreads out, wouldn't it have to be ridiculed by other peers?

"Okay." Xia Mu stopped, smiled, and agreed to this.

This Gengar has no malicious intentions, so if you think about it, it won't do anything to the mimetic q.

As for the number of promises to Gengar, although there are many, but after all, they are just ordinary things, not too difficult to get. The only worry is...

What should I do if my phone runs out of battery?

Shouldn't it be time to remind Gengar, and let Gengar catch an electricity-type elf so that it can be charged at any time?

Shaking his head, Natsume and Genggui returned to the forest. After packing their things, Natsume looked at Genggui and said. 0 "Gengar, I have to continue to wander in the secret realm in the next few days, or you should come with me first. ?"

"With you?" Geng Gui asked, looking at Xia Mu. "Don't you want to subdue me? I told you don't even think about it."

"I think so, but you have to be willing." Xia Mu said with a smile.

Geng Gui is so powerful, if Geng Gui is willing, he naturally doesn't mind having such a powerful elf in his hand, but he also knows very well that such a powerful elf, or Geng Gui, does not know how long he has lived. Elves who are used to freedom are impossible to be subdued by trainers.

"Hey, it's good to know."

Geng Gui let out a hoarse laugh, thought for a while, and suddenly leaned into Xia Mu's ear and whispered something.

Hearing this, Xia Mu suddenly opened his eyes wide, showing a look of astonishment. "Are you serious?"

"Humph, what are you doing to lie to you?" Geng Gui snorted and said. "But you still don't have any thoughts recently, it can't be interested in you, you want to get it, at least you have to, um, let your Vulcan Moth strength go to a higher level, or for the sake of your brand, although It won't do anything to you, but it will definitely blow you out."

Xia Mu nodded, his eyes flickered, and he smiled. "I know, that kind of elf doesn't need to think about it and I know that the eyes are above the top, but the news is good, thank you very much, Gengar."

"Hey, just remember to bring me some interesting things when the time comes, it's really boring here." Geng Gui didn't care.

"OK, no problem."

Xia Mu nodded and looked in one direction. He didn't expect that there was such a surprise in this secret realm.

But unfortunately, this surprise, he can't get it in a short time now.


There have been too many updates in the past few days, and my wrist hurts. I have a rest today. .

Chapter 113

"By the way, are you sure no one else will know?"

Xia Mu suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Geng Gui grinned. "Hey, even the people who called themselves the Elf Alliance from the very beginning of your human race wouldn't know about it."

"That guy, in the innermost part of there."

Gengar pointed in one direction.

Natsume looked up and whispered in his mouth. "There...is the sea?"

"Yes, it's there, no one knows its existence, except me, because I've seen it before, and it doesn't like dealing with you humans, hehe, so don't worry."

Hearing Geng Gui's words, Xia Mu nodded. "It turns out that it is no wonder. This is good news. I will do it as soon as possible."

"You have to do it as soon as possible, otherwise if this secret realm merges with reality, that guy won't know where it will go," Gengar reminded.

"I know."

Summer nodded.

I have to say that what Gengar told him was a surprise to him.

But this 10 surprises, he can't get it now.

The descendant of the elf seems to need the approval of strength.

And, at least at the championship level.

The current Vulcan Moth is still a while away from being a champion.

After thinking about it, Natsume smiled at Geng Gui. "If I leave next, you remember to help me guard it so that other trainers will not find it."

"Hey, no problem, but you just have to remember to bring something interesting every time you come."


"Hey, that's fine."

At this time, a human trainer actually reached a deal with a ghost-type elf. If other trainers saw this, they would be surprised, right?

Xia Mu shook his head, no longer thought about it, but said. "Then, follow me when I leave the secret realm. It's also a good way to teach Mi Miu Q and Vulcan Moth. I need to let the metal monsters and other elves fight to improve their strength, and I can't stay in one place all the time."

Hearing this, Geng Gui thought for a while, and then nodded. "All right."

Anyway, it's lonely and boring, and it's good to be with this human being, and it's quite interesting to watch movies from time to time.


Unconsciously, in a flash, three days passed.

in secret.

Still a forest area.

At this time, in a clearing in the forest, Xia Shu was commanding the metal monster to fight.

The opponent is a night owl.

Normal + flight elves.

At this moment, Nighthawk flew in mid-air, waving its wings, and a sharp slash suddenly slashed towards the metal monster. This was a flight-type move, 'Air Slash', which was quite powerful.

"Metal monster, avoid it!"

Natsume calmly commanded. "Then keep your mind strong!"

The metal monster flickered, and immediately avoided the air slash, followed by a ray of light in the eyes, a wave of fluctuations in the air swept through the air, and the strong mentality suddenly hit the night owl, and the powerful power suddenly knocked the night owl. The eagle flew out.

This is one of the moves that Metal Monster finally learned through the learning machine yesterday.

One of the most powerful moves in the super power system.

Looking at the night owl flying backwards, Natsume spoke again. "Move at high speed, then the electric light strikes the final blow."

Electric light, one of the new electric moves learned by metal monsters, is similar to the 'flare charge' move. It floods the body with lightning and then hits the opponent, with a certain chance of paralyzing the opponent.Well, almost most of the electricity-type moves may put the opponent into a state of paralysis.

The metal monster lightened his body and entered a state of high-speed movement.


Lightning flooded the body.

The metal monster suddenly slammed into the distance like a blue beam, directly hitting the Nighthawk in mid-air. The impressive power coupled with the restraint of the attributes caused the Nighthawk to send out a painful pain. cry.

However, it still flapped its wings and flew in mid-air, without losing its ability to fight.

Seeing this, Natsume couldn't help but be surprised. "Can you still hold on?"

"But even so, the outcome of the battle is already doomed." Natsume commanded again. "Give the final blow, electric shock!"

Thunder appeared on the metal monster again, and an electric shock struck Nighthawk mercilessly. Nighthawk, who was seriously injured, could not escape.

And after suffering this blow, Nighthawk fell directly and lost the ability to fight.

[Your elf 'Metal Monster' wins the battle, gets '142' experience points, and raises his level to 41! 】


With the end of the battle.

The system beep also started to sound.

"Finally reached."

Xia Mu exhaled and sighed with emotion.

Forty-one, entering the gymnasium level.

Vulcan moth, rogue panda, and metal monsters, he has three elves that reach or exceed gym level, and he can pass the assessment of elite trainers.

And right now.


On the body of the metal monster, a gleaming white light suddenly appeared, covering the whole body of the metal monster.

"This is... the light of evolution? Is it finally going to evolve!" Looking at the light, Natsume couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

But then, Natsume shouted. "Gengar, Vulcan Moth, help me pay attention to the surroundings, don't let other elves disturb the evolution of metal monsters."



Two voices sounded.

The figures of Gengar and Vulcan Moth, who had been teaching and learning before, appeared, paying attention to the surrounding situation to avoid being attacked by some malicious wild elves to the evolving metal monsters.

There have been examples of this in the wild.

Especially in high-level secret realms.

Therefore, Natsume naturally has to be careful.

And if an elf is interrupted during evolution, it will be very difficult to evolve again in the future, which will cause psychological shadows.

For elves, it is difficult to cure.


The light of evolution is gone.

A brand new figure also appeared in front of Natsume.

Giant gold monster.

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