Shiana looked at Natsume with a grateful expression. .

Chapter 851

Then, he said with a smile.

"Natsume, I also have a gift for you."

Xia Mu asked suspiciously.

"Oh, really?"

"What present do you have for me?"

Shiana said with a smile.

"You haven't forgotten, what was your original purpose in the foggy forest?"

Hearing Shiana say that, Natsume was taken aback, and quickly said with a slap on the forehead.

"Going to fight Dark Lugia."

"I forgot to come to the foggy forest in the first place, just to challenge different levels."

"On the one hand, it is to rescue Mengya, and on the other hand, it is to obtain the mysterious power in the foggy forest."

Shiana said with a smile.


"The mysterious power in the misty forest is me."

Xia Mu was stunned and asked in shock.

"What did you say? The mysterious power in the foggy forest is you?"

"What do you mean?"

Shiana said with a smile.

"Everyone who comes to the foggy forest and wants to find it is the foggy forest that attracts people, that different energy' 〃."

"Actually, this energy is a master-level Poké Ball, and this master-level Poké Ball happens to be on my body."

Natsume looked at Shiana and didn't answer.

On the side, Li Long asked in surprise.

"What did you say? It turns out that the master-level Poké Ball is on you!"

"So what are we doing after all this hard work?"

"If I knew this earlier, at the beginning, I asked Mengya to give us the master-level Poké Ball, wouldn't that be enough?"

Shia looked at Li Long with the same look as if she was mentally retarded, and said.

"Are you dreaming?"

"If Mengya can give you the Poké Ball, then do you still use your hard work to come here?"

Shiana sighed, rolled her eyes and said.

"Siana is just Siana, and Mengya is just Mengya."

"Although Mengya said she was a helpless little girl in that village, once Mengya came to the foggy forest, she would immediately become Xiana."

"However, if Mengya didn't come to the foggy forest, then Mengya is just Mengya."

Li Long asked in surprise.

"So what you mean is that Mengya can only become Shiana in the foggy forest, so what about the master-level Poké Ball? Is it hidden on Eiana's body or Mengya's body?"

".'Aren't Siana and Mengya the same person? I'm all confused by you."

Shiana shook her head and explained.

"The Poké Ball will only appear when Mengya becomes Shiana. It's not conflicting at all, what's so confusing about it, you don't even understand this, right?"

"Really, it turned out to be only for small animals to see diseases."

Li Long couldn't help saying angrily when Shiana said so.

"What does it mean to only treat small animals?"

"(Nuo Ma Zhao) You know, I can also treat the trainers, okay? For me, all people and animals are the same. How can you slander me like this?"

Shiana saw that Li Long was really angry, so she looked at Natsume for help, but Natsume smiled.

said without hesitation.

"Okay, you two stop fighting."

Then, he looked at Shiana again.

At this time, Shiana just looked at Natsume with a sigh of relief, without saying a word. .

Chapter 852

Natsume looked at Shiana like this, frowned and said.

"You said that the master-level Poké Ball is on you, so why do you say that you are the mysterious power of this misty forest?"

Shiana said with a smile.

"Because once I hand over the master Poké Ball."

"Then it means that I will become Siana for the rest of my life."

"If that's the case, Lucario and Dark Lugia, two of my spirits, won't they also become your spirits?"

Natsume didn't expect that Shiana thought so, so she said with a smile.

"I thought, what do you mean by mysterious power?"

"However, in that case, what you said is not wrong, indeed, after all..."

Saying that, Natsume pointed to the key on Shiana's chest and said.

"Your key, for me, is also a treasure, because we got the yellow gem."

Shiana nodded and said.

"Yes, actually, the moment you get the yellow gem."

"In this foggy forest, whether it's me or Dark Lugia, it's all in your pocket."

Xia Mu asked suspiciously.

"why is that?"

Shiana said with a smile.

"Actually, Lugia and I both belong to this foggy forest."

Natsume watched Xiana without speaking, just quietly, waiting for him to say the next words.

Because Natsume knew that this would be a long, long story.

Just listen to Siana next, tell the story of him and Dark Lugia.

It turned out that Shana was the most ordinary little girl in that village at that time.

Her parents died in her early years, leaving her at her grandparents' house.

This little orphan.

Helpless, can only survive in the grandparents' house.

It's just that the grandparents' daughter, that is, Siana's aunt.

I don't like Shiana.

In fact, Shiana's aunt is not much different from Shiana.

So it may be ignorance.

Or, it was deliberately rejecting Shiana.

Every time, my aunt would be called Siana, a child no one wanted.

She often bullied Siana, hiding in the corner and crying all the time.

It cannot be said that it is Shiana, it can only be said that it is Mengya at that time.

Mengya was used to being bullied, and over time, she began to hide when she saw her aunt.

But her aunt was unforgiving to her.

Even if Mengya keeps avoiding him, he still wants to bully Mengya in different ways!

Until later, my grandparents also passed away, so my aunt was the only one left in the family.

In this way, the aunt became even more aggressive.

After all, my aunt has relatives and parents.

Mengya did not.

Out of desperation, Mengya had to leave her aunt's house.

By a chance coincidence.

Mengya accidentally broke into the foggy forest.

In fact, no one had entered the foggy forest at that time.

Therefore, Mengya was the first person to enter the foggy forest.

After he entered the foggy forest, he saw that the tall Lugia was taking a nap in the foggy forest.

Little Mengya looked at Dark Lugia, but did not feel a trace of fear. Instead, she had a friendly conversation with Dark Lugia.

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