"Otherwise, logically speaking, no matter what happened, Lugia, as a guardian spirit, should not have done such unacceptable or unexplainable things."

Xia Mu nodded and said regretfully.

"I see, it turned out to be the case, I said, if it was an ordinary thing, Lugia wouldn't be so manic. It's just blackening."

Xixi Na sighed, her mouth full of pity.

"Yeah! It's all caused by human beings!"

while they were talking.

Lugia spoke suddenly and spoke to them.

Natsume and his party hurriedly looked at Lugia's direction, only to see Lugia looking at Xiamu with a sense of unbridled aggression in his eyes.

"Small and ignorant human beings."

"I've already seen your insatiable greed."

"It's just that I didn't expect that you not only have powerful consciousness, but more importantly, you actually have a more powerful elf key that allows you to evolve into elves."

"Only, for you greedy and ignorant humans."

"This evolution key, I am afraid, is just a more powerful tool that you can use to show off yourselves."

"You don't have that ability at all, you can protect this thing in your hand."

"What's more, you actually tried to defeat me, and got the powerful, master-level Poké Ball in this foggy forest."

"Now I order you to give it to me, and let me protect this, supreme, fortified key."

"I can promise you, as long as you teach me this key, then I will protect you and the safety of your companions."

"It will never hurt you, let you walk out of this foggy forest safely and safely."

"I don't accept any attack from elves. Of course, any elves, including me."

Natsume not only raised his brows when he heard Lugia say this.

"I'm so sorry, Senior Lugia, I know you have different opinions on elves and humans."

"You think human beings are greedy and ignorant, but what I have to tell you is that they are other ordinary human beings. For me, I am different from those people."

"What I pursue is different from them."

"If you want to get the key in my hand, it's impossible. As long as it helps me improve my ability, I won't give it to anyone easily."

"Besides, since you said that there are master-level Poké Balls with great power in this forest, then I must get this Poké Ball as well."

"I also hope that you, senior, will not stop you."

When Lugia saw Natsume, she didn't want to recognize her intentions, and immediately said angrily.

"Stupid human, do you know what you are talking about yourself, are you trying to defeat me in vain?".

Chapter 801

Xia Mu shook his head.

"No, you're wrong, I don't want to beat you."

"I just want to get the Poké Ball that you guard."

Lugia looked at Natsume.

His eyes narrowed dangerously.

But even so, he still did not mean to snatch, but continued to negotiate with Natsume.

"Why don't you, young man, if you are willing to give me the key in your hand, then I will give you the supreme power."

"Don't you always want to be the strongest person? Then I will give you this supreme power, and you can realize your wish, how about it?"

Lugia tries to confuse Natsume with her own words.

Lugia's voice seemed to have magic power, passing through the foggy forest layer by layer.

Directly to Natsume's ear.

Full of magic.

Seduces Natsume, trying to make Natsume disturb his mind.

However, Lugia's voice did not mean disturbing Natsume alone.

His words.

Accurately, it reaches everyone's ears.

Natsume has a strong consciousness, so he will not be disturbed by Lugia's words.

But Qurem, who is an elf, does not have a strong consciousness like Natsume.

Therefore, Qurem couldn't help being bewitched by Lugia's tempting voice.

Quirem looked at Lugia.

Consciousness gradually became confused, and his eyes became more and more blurred.

As for Xixi Na and Li Long, because the two of them are not very longing for powerful power, they are not confused.

It was Xixina who first noticed that there was something wrong with Qurem.

Xixi Na stood beside Qurem.

It was immediately discovered that Qurem seemed to be a little confused.

So, Xixina quickly called Xiamu.

"Natsume, what should I do? Quirem seems to be tempted by his voice" 〃."

Xia Mu turned his head and saw Querem looking in the direction of Lugia with a bewildered look on his face.

Although he looked confused, his eyes were full of yearning.

Xia Mu knew that Qurem had always pursued supreme power just like himself, so it was clear that Lugia's words had a decisive effect on her.

Now, Qurem looked longingly at Lugia.

Xia Mu was startled, and immediately ran to Quirem's side.

".'Querem! Wake up, don't be fooled by his words, we're going to find a master-level Pokeball together, instead of needing the supreme power he bestows on you."

"His power can be withdrawn at any time, but if we go to find the Poké Ball together, then we are the most suitable partners!"

"Your power will always exist, not this illusory power."

Natsume's voice, very penetrating, entered Qurem's ears.

All the scenes of Qurem and Natsume's negotiation (Nord Zhao) appeared in front of them.

At the same time, Qurem's memory was recovering little by little.

His eyes gradually became clearer.

Soon, he regained his consciousness.

She looked at Natsume apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I was almost tempted by his words."

"If you hadn't woken me up in time, I'm afraid I would have done something bad for you." Kai.

Chapter 802

Xia Mu shook his head and said indifferently.

"Don't worry, even if you do something unfavorable to us, I will quickly bring you back on track."

After speaking, Natsume raised his head again and looked at Lugia.

"Lugia! I am very sympathetic to your experience, that's why I will negotiate with you without any reservations."

"Instead of fighting you as soon as you come up."

"I hope you can understand me and stop provoking me."

Hearing what Xiamu said, Lugia couldn't help laughing.

"Stupid human, look at the elves around you."

Seeing Lugia's attitude, Xia Mu couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

So he turned his head and began to observe the elves around him.

When his eyes came into contact with these elves, Natsume suddenly found out.

These elves couldn't stand the temptation of Lugia's language at all, and they all became puppets, puppets dominated by Lugia.

His eyes were blood red, all neatly, and he raised his head to look at Lugia.

Obedience to Lugia.

Xixi Na couldn't help frowning, looking anxiously at the blackened elves around.

"What should I do? Why are you all tempted? Wake up soon. Don't be fooled by Lugia's words. Everything he said was a lie to you!"

Natsume shook his head, stopping him from speaking.

"Forget it, it's useless, these elves have been confused, they can't listen to what we say at all."

Xixi Na said anxiously.

"What can we do? If all these elves are blackened, then they are very likely to attack us in an instant."

Xia Mu looked at him and smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, when we first came in, weren't these elves already blackened? Now, they just surrendered to Lugia, it's no big deal."

Lugia looked at Natsume with a light expression on her face.

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