"Wood spirit, wood spirit."

Li Long asked curiously.

"What are they talking about?"

Xia Mu said with a smile.

"good news."

Li Long asked suspiciously.

"What good news?"

Xia Mu said with a smile.

"They said, we don't have to save Mengya until we defeat the last divine beast."

"Mengya will appear directly in front of us." Five.

Chapter 789

Hearing what Natsume said, Li Long asked.

"what do you mean……"

Summer nodded.


"So, what we have to do now is to quickly find the strongest elf and defeat him."

"Then, we can rescue Mengya."

When Li Long heard this, he immediately said happily.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be great? Let's hurry up and find that powerful Spirit Nine One Seven Spirits. ? 1? 6"

Then, Li Long reacted and asked.

"But then again, when we find that powerful elf, what are we going to do to be able to fight him?"

Xia Mu pointed at Qurem and said.

"Isn't this a ready-made elf? Have you forgotten?"

"Qurem is also a divine beast."

"Don't worry, as long as Querem takes the shot, I am confident that we can win this battle!"

Quirem on the side listened, and immediately said unwillingly.

"What is a divine beast, I can tell you, I am a divine beast."

Xia Mu hurriedly nodded and changed his mind.

"Yes, yes, you are a divine beast, I was wrong."

Quirem pouted and said.

"It's almost the same, you have to pay attention to your words and deeds."

"My trainer."

"After all, there are handsome and mighty divine beasts who look like me, don't you think there is light on your face?"

Xia Mu glanced at him, but did not refute him.

Quirem may have forgotten that Mewtwo and Hoopa are also his own elves.

However, Qurem has never seen the evolution of Mewtwo Mage.

If you saw it, what would you be jealous of?

After all, a small and cute super dream.

After mage evolves, it is a giant.

However, it should be a good choice if Qurem and Mewtwo have a try.

Xixi Na asked Xia Mu and said.

"Natsume, where are we going next, to find the strongest divine beast!"

Xia Mu looked at him and said with a smile.

"It's up to you, Miss Xixina."

Xixi Na pointed at herself blankly and said.

"rely on me?"

Xia Mu nodded and said as a matter of course.

"Yes, of course it's up to you, have you forgotten?"

"Among us, you are the only one who can have the ability to communicate with spirits. 0"

"In this case, it is up to you to use this skill to find this powerful elf."

Xixi Na nodded clearly and said.

"So that's the case, don't worry, wrap it on me."

After speaking, Xixi Na closed her eyes, put her hands together, and placed them on her chest.

Concentrate and begin to experience what the elf feels like.

Touch it tentatively to see where the elf is.

In just a moment of effort, Xixi Na opened her eyes.

When Xia Mu saw that he opened his eyes, he immediately stepped forward and asked.

"How? Did you find it?"

Xixi Na nodded and said.

"found it."

Natsume asked next.

"where is it?"

Xixi Na pointed to not far ahead and said.

"There, in that place, there is a forest."

"The name of this forest is called the Misty Forest. I can feel that inside this forest! There is a elf with a powerful aura."

"This elf seems to be very dangerous. If we get close, we must be careful.".

Chapter 790

After listening to Xixina, Natsume patted Qurem on the shoulder excitedly.

"Very good, brother, let's go! Come to work."

Quirem cast a glance at him and said.

"What's so exciting about this?"

Xia Mu said with a smile.

"I take back my original opinion."

"Now, I think that's what they're going to guard."

"It must be a master Poké Ball, and this Poké Ball should be tailor-made for you."

"As long as you defeat it, the elf in the misty forest."

"This master-level Poké Ball is ours!"

When Qurem heard this, he said excitedly for 10 minutes.

"Really? Then let's go, I can't wait!"

Summer nodded.

"Well, let's go."

After that, the group of them hurried to the foggy forest to see what kind of monster this mysterious elf was.

Can they beat it.

So, the group of them started walking forward.

Walking and walking, suddenly, I found a place that looked exactly the same as the foggy forest.

Because in front of this forest is a huge fog.

After they entered, they found that they had no way out.

This road is simply a maze-like existence.

They are in front.

You can only see large groups and large groups, and the fog is foggy.

Natsume immediately told Qurem and the others.

"Be ready, there may be danger at any time, you must protect yourself, you know?"

Later, he said to Xixi Na and Li Long.

"You two, don't separate from us."

"You can lie on Qurem's back as much as possible."

Li Long nodded.

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