"No, I can't say how many moves can last through Xiamu, I can only say, how many moves can Xiamu and his fire-breathing dragon hold?"

The man nodded in approval immediately.

At this time, Mu Ze, who was competing on the stage, looked back at Bing Guihu.

He said excitedly.

"Thank you for being able to hold on, Ice Ghost Guardian."

"How is it, is it alright?"

Ice Ghost Protector immediately rolled off the ground and nodded.

Mu Ze said with a smile.

"Okay! It's good to hold on, then let's keep fighting!"

Ice Ghost Protector was immediately inspired.

A turn over and soared into the air.

Then, Mu Ze instructed the Ice Ghost Protector to say.

"Ice Ghost Protector, use Destruction Death Light!"

As a result, the Ice Ghost Protector immediately flew forward and attacked the fire-breathing dragon with the Destruction Death Light.

At the moment when the ice ghost guardian launched the attack, Natsume said to the fire-breathing dragon.

"Fire-breathing dragon! Use burst to burn."

The fire-breathing dragon immediately soared into the air, exuding blue flames all over his body, surrounding his entire body.

And Ice Ghost Protector's destruction of death light also launched the strongest attack directly like a fire-breathing dragon.

The attacks of the two elves met again.

But this time, Ice Ghost Protector's attack, the attack on the fire-breathing dragon, did not play a decisive role in damage.

And he didn't even protect himself.

The explosive combustion of the fire-breathing dragon directly overturned the entire ground, and pieces of debris directly hit the Ice Ghost Guardian in front of Mu Ze.

The surroundings of the battle between the two elves also burst open.

The ice ghost guard suddenly fell to the ground.

In an instant, it was knocked back to its original shape.

Mu Ze immediately stepped forward to check nervously.

He said anxiously.

"Ice Ghost Guardian, are you alright?"

Ice Ghost Protector raised his head with difficulty and looked at Mu Ze.

There was an unconcealed sadness in his eyes.

It looks like it's talking.

"Sorry, I lost the game".

Mu Ze didn't care.

Touching the ice ghost guard, he said with relief.

"It's okay, you're already amazing."

After speaking, he looked up at Natsume again.

said with a smile.

"You are strong, trainer."

"This time with you, I think it's very interesting."

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning."

"Our real game is still to come.".

Chapter 713

Xia Mu heard him say that.

Instead of responding directly to him, he stroked the body of the fire-breathing dragon and said with a smile.

"Nice job! Fire-breathing dragon."

The fire-breathing dragon immediately screamed in the sky like a child who had been praised.

Later, it also changed from the mega evolution form to the normal form.

The onlookers watched this scene and couldn't help but have another discussion.

"Oh my god, I was still thinking at first, which is the more powerful Mage evolution form of Fire-breathing Dragon and Ice Ghost Guardian."

"Now it seems that it is comparable in any way."

And the person next to him, upon hearing what he said, immediately quit~ and retorted.

"What is comparable, obviously the fire-breathing dragon is more powerful-some."

It seems that this person is a die-hard fan of fire-breathing dragons.

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon's battle, his whole face was excited.

Another person also echoed and said.

"Yes, this time, the fire-breathing dragon is obviously better."

"Just looking at his attack on the Ice Ghost Guardian, you can see that the Ice Ghost Guardian is simply powerless."

"Forget it, no matter which of the two is more powerful."

"For me, it was like watching a fairy fight."

Mu Ze said while stroking Ice Ghost Protector's body.

"It's a good fight."

"Ice Ghost Protector, don't feel that you owe me."

Natsume walked forward with his fire-breathing dragon and talked to Kizawa.

"Fight later."

"Mu Ze, this time, I also appreciate your fighting style. Whether it's you or the Ice Ghost Protector, you've already done your best."

"You are opponents worthy of my respect."

Although Mu Ze lost the game, there was still light in his eyes.

Said to Natsume.

"Have you always been in this state? You can only pursue the strongest battle, and you can turn all your elves into the strongest battle elves!"

Xia Mu said with a smile.

"Forget it, but I'm not as powerful as you say."

After he finished speaking, he helped Mu Ze up, and Mu Ze also handed him his hand.

The two men clenched their fists together and smiled at each other.

Mizawa said.

"You are a worthy opponent, Natsume."

Natsume smiled modestly and responded to him.

· 0 flowers 0 ·

"You're not bad either."

Mu Ze shook his head a little embarrassedly and said.

"Forget it, compared to you, I'm still far behind."

"Actually, Ice Ghost Protector's mega evolution form is already quite powerful, but I may have barely gotten along with her."

"That's why I lost to your fire-breathing dragon."

........ ......

Natsume comforted him and said.

"No, your ice ghost guard is already very powerful, not inferior to my fire-breathing dragon."

"As long as you practice more, I believe that your ice ghost guardian will one day defeat my fire-breathing dragon."

Mu Ze knew that Xia Mu was comforting her, but he just smiled casually and then said.

"You are so strong now, what else do you want in the future?"

Xia Mu said with a smile.

"You mean my wish?"

Mu Ze nodded, Xia Mu smiled a little lightly, and then said.

"My wish is actually nothing."

"My wish is to defeat the trainers in the world, stand on the top of the trainers, and become the strongest champion." Five.

Chapter 714

Mu Ze heard what Xiamu said, not only did his eyes flash with a strange brilliance.

Said in agreement with a smile.

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