"Or, it's an elves who are not closely related to trainers."

Summer nodded.

"So it is."

Xixi Na said with a smile.

"Of course, for a trainer of your level, when I'm looking for elves, it can be useful."

"Because the fit between you and the elf is too high-!"

Xia Mu felt relieved after hearing Xi Xi Na say this.

After all, if Xixi Na can easily control her own spirit, then it can only show that her ability is too weak.

If that's the case, then you don't have to worry about it.


Xia Mu suddenly remembered something and said to Xixi Na.

"Since, you can use your telepathic ability to track my elf."

"Then, are there other trainers, too?"

When Xixina heard what Xiamu said, she immediately shook her head vigorously.

"Of course not! How many people in this world do you think can communicate with elves at will!"

"Psychic communicators, in the entire world, no more than five people!"

"Besides, now that I'm by your side, as long as someone tries to use the ability of telepathy to track your elf, I will sense it immediately."

"You can rest assured about that."

When Xia Mu heard this, she was immediately overjoyed.

"Unexpectedly, now I not only get a mobile tracker, but also a lightning rod!"

When Xixina heard Natsume's praise, she immediately said happily like a child who got candy.

"Of course, I'm very good!"

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

Li Long couldn't help but joked.

· 0 flowers 0 ·

"It won't be your admirer again, chasing after him?"

Xia Mun glared at him, and out of the corner of the eye turned to Li Cheng with a slightly wary look.

So, he said in a bad tone.

"Alright, alright, you're the only one talking."

As he spoke, he walked towards the door.

After opening the door, there was a courier standing at the door.

The courier was wearing a green windbreaker and a big sun hat on his head.

........ ......

Glasses case mask is fully armed.

Holding an email in his hand, he asked Natsume.

"Hello, is this Mr. Natsume?"

Summer nodded.

"I am."

The courier handed the letter to Natsume.

"Hello Mr. Natsume, this is a letter from Juzizhou Island, please sign for it."

Summer was stunned.

Orange Island?

where is that?

Natsume was full of doubts and accepted the letter.

The courier received the receipt and disappeared without a trace.

Natsume looked at the letter from Juzizhou Island, and then at the disappearing figure of the courier.

Brow wrinkled slightly.five.

Chapter 694

The three people in the room couldn't help being a little curious when they saw Natsume standing at the door and didn't move for a while.

Li Cheng came over and asked worriedly.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Natsume looked at her, and then put the letter in his hand on the ground.

While turning around and walking into the house, he said.

"It's not a big deal, just a very strange courier who sent a letter from Juzizhou Island."

Eighty-five-three when Li Long heard it, he couldn't help but be startled.

"Orange Island?"

Xia Mu looked at him, raised his eyebrows, and asked.

"What? You know what?"

Li Long nodded.

"Yeah, I was about to tell you about this!"

"Originally, I came here today to tell you."

Xia Mu asked suspiciously.

"what's up?"

Li Long took the letter from Li Cheng, looked back and forth, and then said.

"Juzizhou Island is a mysterious island, where they hold a trainer competition every year."

"And, every time, the strongest trainer will be invited over."

"Of course, trainers can also sign up by themselves."

"At the same time, the trainer also has the right to refuse the invitation from Orange Island."

"However, so far, no trainer has refused."

Xia Mu asked with a frown.

"Oh? Why is that?"

Li Long explained.

"Because, those who can go to Juzizhou Island to participate in the competition are all the strongest trainers."

"Even if it's not for the competition, even if it's to make new partners, everyone will rush to participate in the competition!"

Xia nodded clearly and said.

"So it is."

Li Long continued.

"Moreover, I heard that the strongest trainer in Orange Island Island, as the host, will meet the challenges of trainers from all over the world in this competition."

"People are all rushing to sign up to meet him!"

Summer asked.

"But what does this have to do with me?"

Seeing Natsume's seemingly irrelevant appearance, Li Long couldn't help feeling that he hated iron.

"Natsume! That's the strongest trainer on Juzizhou Island! Don't you want to take a look?"

Natsume said calmly.

"So what? I'm also the strongest trainer in the country!"

Li Long looked at Xia Mu, speechless for a while. 0

"You are really shameless!"

Xia Mu looked at him and asked seriously.

"What? Isn't it?"

Li Long nodded and said.

"Yes, yes, you are awesome!"

Xia Mu said with a smile.

"Haha, I'm joking, but then again, let's take a look at what's in this letter first!"

Li Long nodded and handed the letter to Natsume.

Natsume opened the letter and read it slowly.

Li Long asked.

"What did you write?"

Xia Mu smiled and handed the letter to Li Long.

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