"Xiamu, don't let me touch you again, if you let me touch you, you will die for me!"

Samuel murmured.

As everyone knows, Natsume is already on his way to the base camp of the Black Elf Organization.

After getting off the plane, under the leadership of the Chinese, Natsume went straight to the headquarters of the Black Elf Organization.

It's just that his identity is completely different from the last time he came to the island country.

Last time he came to the island country as a contestant, but this time, he was an international policeman.

Of course, Natsume didn't really join the police, but the identity assigned to Natsume above.

In order to be able to let Natsume take action in the island country.

"Natsume on June [*], this is the base camp of the Black Elf organization."

The person who led Natsume over pointed to the manor ahead and said.

Looking at the vast manor in front of him, Natsume snorted coldly.

As expected of a black elf organization that has done bad things, it is really rich.

To be able to buy such a manor in an island country with precious land.

It's a pity that starting from tomorrow, this manor will no longer exist!

"I see, are you all ready?"

Summer asked.

"Get ready, we will definitely try our best to stop the members of the Black Elf organization from escaping."

The man nodded.

Now that he is ready, Natsume is not ready to be polite.

Natsume released his spirits one after another.

The Vulcan Moth recovered from the injury, and the Edelweiss Moth captured in the island country.

Ola Zyra, Rogue Panda, etc., Natsume released all the elves whose strength exceeded the Heavenly King level in his hands.

"Huoshenmo, come and give our old friend a gift first!"

Natsume looked at the manor coldly and said.

The Vulcan Moth spread its wings and flew into the air, with flames covering its entire body.

The people in the manor also saw the elves appearing in the air.

When I was still wondering what this was doing, I saw the elf with fire in the air flapping its wings directly.

The high-temperature wind blew into the manor, and in the manor, many places were ignited by the moves of Vulcan Moth.

"Someone invaded! Someone invaded!"

"There's a fire in the south, put out the fire quickly."

"The garden is also on fire, come quickly."

As the flames rose in the manor, the originally quiet manor became noisy.

Members of the Black Elf organization are constantly looking for fire extinguishers to put out the fire.

The members of the Black Spirit organization with water spirits also released their own spirits.

"Natsume!? You really dare to come!"

A familiar voice sounded, and Hei Lu appeared at the gate of the manor.

After being identified by Natsume, although Hei Lu was released.

But she absolutely did not believe that Natsume dared to come to a foreign country to attack their Black Elf organization.

But I didn't expect that not long after the World Championship ended, Natsume really came.

And he didn't say anything, just started directly.

"I am definitely coming, but it seems that you are not prepared to welcome me."

Natsume said with a smile on his face, like a real door-to-door visitor.

It's a pity that the flames that are constantly being extinguished in the manor prove that Natsume has bad intentions.

Hei Lu stared at Natsume with an ugly face, and this guy found the home of the Black Elf organization.

And let him knock on the door.

I really despise their Black Elf organization.

Although the Black Elf organization has been planted in Natsume's hands many times, it does not mean that their Black Elf organization is weak.

"Natsume? It's you!"

After Samile heard the turmoil, he immediately came to the gate of the manor.

As soon as the result came out, it was Natsume who saw the trouble.

He also wondered if he should find a chance to take revenge on Natsume.

But he hadn't gone to the **, and Natsume actually delivered it to the door by himself.

Could it be that this is the so-called step through the iron shoes and nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it?

"Whoops~ Isn't this the Samile who turned his head and ran away after framing someone else? Why, you guys still got together?"

Natsume really didn't expect that he would be able to see Samile in this place.

When the World Championships officially ruled against the United States before, Samuel was not seen.

He thought that Samile had escaped back to his own country, but this guy actually escaped to the island country.

It is also involved with the Black Elf organization, which is probably the so-called nest of snakes and mice.

"It seems that even God is helping me. I may not have been your opponent before, but I am different now!"

Samuel said, and took out the Poké Ball that he had just obtained. 0

With a flick of his hand, the Poke Ball was thrown, and as the white light flashed, a Pokemon appeared.

Just seeing this elf, Natsume suddenly had the idea of ​​killing someone.

This elf is very similar to Mewtwo, and it can be said that it was created from the Mewtwo template.

But unlike Chaomeng, Chaomeng is just a genetic elf, and this elf is completely sewn together!

Whether it is the tail or other parts of the body, obvious stitch marks can be seen.

In some places, the skin color and texture are even different.

"This is the masterpiece of your Black Elf organization? It's really excellent!"

Natsume said angrily, and the word "excellent" was deliberately emphasized.

As a gene elf, Chao Meng's talent and strength surpass that of many elves.

After all, it is normal for a genetically altered elves to have such strength.

But the Black Elf organization actually created powerful elves.

Even at the expense of splicing out a 'Super Dream' with various elves' body parts, this is not something Natsume can endure.

"Natsume, can't think of it, I can also get a super dream, and my super dream has a stronger power than your super dream!"

Samuel said with a frantic smile.

When he first got this 'Super Dream', Samuel couldn't believe his eyes.

But after truly understanding the strength of this 'Mewtwo', Samile suddenly felt that Natsume or something was just a piece of garbage.

Although his 'Super Dream' looks a little ugly, in every aspect, it is the strongest he has ever seen.

"It doesn't deserve the name Mewtwo. The real Mewtwo isn't like this."

Natsume murmured.

Super dream super dream, beyond the dream of the wizard.

A mere stitching monster, how can it be compared to Super Dream?

"Super dream, it seems that today you have to prove how your super dream name came from!"

Looking back at Mewtwo who was also angry, Natsume's voice was full of confidence.

Looks can be imitated, moves can be imitated, voices can be imitated, everything can be imitated.

But the power that comes from genes cannot be imitated by anything! .

Chapter 460

Natsume and Mewtwo are now full of fighting spirit.

One person and one elf, all want to prove that the name Chaomeng is not worthy of all elves.

There can be two Mewtwos in this world, and there can be many Mewtwos.

But now the stitched monster in front of him is absolutely unworthy.

"Say that my super dream is not worthy of this name, what about you Natsume! Are you worthy of the title of world champion!"

When Natsume said that, Samuel roared hysterically.

His dream of a world championship was completely destroyed by Natsume.

Now he has obtained a super dream of his own, but he was also said so by Natsume.

Samile's hatred for Natsume exploded in her heart.

"Samille, you know what? You look like a clown now, a clown who has gone mad."

Contrary to Samile's rage, Natsume said very indifferently.

To win this world championship by yourself is completely achieved by yourself step by step.

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