The nearly five-meter-thick ice layer actually cracked under the desperate struggle of the tyrannical carp dragon, and it was about to break free.

And Vulcan Moth was not idle either. A huge fireball hit the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon. The fireball had a diameter of more than ten meters.

The fireball landed on the tyrannical carp dragon and exploded, and the ice layer that imprisoned the tyrannical carp dragon shattered directly in the explosion.

And because of this explosion, waves of more than ten meters appeared on the sea surface.

There was even a circular vacancy around the body of the Tyrannosaurus!

This shows how powerful the explosion was.

The gigantic transformation brought this tyrannical carp dragon, in addition to super high defense, there is also super high special defense.

Even with such a powerful explosion, it only injured this tyrannical carp dragon.

But it didn't let the tyrannical carp dragon faint.

Super dream also shot at this time.

There are no gorgeous moves, after Mewtwo used self-suggestion to himself, the muscles on his body skyrocketed again.

I saw Chao Meng fly behind the Tyrannosaurus at a very fast speed, folded his arms and hugged the Tyrannosaurus tightly.

"I'm going! This..."

Natsume stared blankly on the side.

After letting his three elves deal with the tyrannical carp dragon, Natsume had no intention of commanding.

After all, if the three champion elves can't deal with a mad tyrannical carp dragon, they can really find a noodle and hang themselves.

But he didn't expect that Chao Meng would be so fierce.

Looking at it like this, it seems that he wants to directly grab the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon by his own strength.

But you must know that even after the evolution of Mage, Chao Meng's body has improved a lot, reaching a height of nearly three meters.

But compared to this tyrannosaur, it's not even as big as its tail.

However, Natsume still underestimated Super Dream.

After Mewtwo grabbed the Tyrannosaurus's tail tightly, he exerted strength all over his body.

The tyrannical carp dragon kept twisting its injured body, trying to break free.

But Mewtwo's arms were like iron pliers, and they held on tight.

The current Tyrannosaurus carp dragon is like a bug nailed to the ground, its whole body can move, but only the nailed tail cannot move.

After Chao Meng controlled the tyrannical carp dragon, he used his strength again, and his strength surged again.

Immediately afterwards, Natsume saw a picture that he would never forget in his life.

Chaomeng, who is only three meters tall, directly grabbed the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon's tail and swung it with great strength!

A dog swings a slipper, it's playing, a crocodile swings an antelope, it's hunting.

And Chaomeng swings the violent carp dragon nearly [*] meters, this is a miracle!

This scene can only be described as a miracle.

Natsume really doesn't know what words can describe this scene at this moment.

It was not only Natsume who was shocked, but also two elves.

Vulcan Moth and Edelweiss Moth also looked at Chaomeng blankly.

We are all elves, is the gap really that big?

Chaomeng X, the king of hand-to-hand combat!

The tyrannical carp dragon was forcibly swayed by Chao Meng, and fell on the sea at a very fast speed.

A crisp snap sounded, and the nearly [*]-meter tyrannical carp dragon became the whip in Chao Meng's hand.

After falling once, Mewtwo didn't stop, but swung again in another direction.

clap clap clap! ! !

After more than a dozen consecutive swings, Chao Meng still had no strength. It was strong, but he was only a champion now.

The explosive power just now, able to support the violent carp dragon for a dozen times, is already the limit.

And this tyrannical carp dragon was not in a coma, after all, the defensive power was there.

   But it has come out of a frenzy.

After being dropped more than a dozen times by such a small elf, Tyrannosaurus felt like he had encountered a ghost.

Can you give me some face?My tyrannical carp dragon loses face?

In the heart of Tyrannosaurus, he is now full of fear for Chaomeng.

This is simply not something that humans do, no, it's not something that elves do.

With the wailing of the tyrannical carp dragon, the tyrannical carp dragon flicked its tail and disappeared into the sea.

Natsume looked at the three elves flying towards him, no, to be precise, he was surprised to see the super dream flying towards him.

It's too strong, it really is a collection of the advantages of many elves.

The talent and strength of Chaomeng, there is simply no one else.

"Fortunately, you can only evolve X now. If you have the Y Dream Stone, I don't think you are going to take off."

Natsume smiled and said to Chao Meng.

Mewtwo doesn't understand what Natsume is talking about. If it takes off, isn't it flying now?

Is it possible to fly to a higher place?

The Tyrannosaurus carp dragon that caused the riot has been driven away. Seeing how scared it was when it left, it is estimated that it will never dare to come here in this life.

At this time, several warships were also late.

Natsume took back the elf and returned to the warship. Zhang Dabiao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the uninjured Natsume.

It's fine not to get hurt. .

Chapter 416

"Hey, are you underestimating me a little bit?"

Xia Mu looked at Zhang Dabiao speechlessly.

To be honest, in his opinion, Zhang Dabiao followed him to help him eat, drink, and sleep.

If you really want to protect yourself, it's really not that effective.

After all, he was carrying three legendary elves on his body this time, and he could just release one when he was in danger.

"This is our mission."

Zhang Dabiao said seriously.

Even if he knew that the elves of himself and others were not as strong as Natsume, Zhang Dabiao still insisted on his mission.

"I got it, I knew it."

Xia Mu can guess it, and Lao Zhang will definitely say so.

"But this thing is a bit strange. It seems that someone has deliberately attracted this mad tyrannical carp dragon."

After dealing with the crazy carp dragon, Natsume remembered the people who had behaved strangely before.

Could it be that these people are here to make trouble?

But even if he came to make trouble, he would provoke a champion-level tyrannical carp dragon?

When he was in the Asian competition, he had already shown some of his strength, and it was impossible for a champion-level wizard to have any useful effect.

Even if he didn't make a move, he didn't believe that among so many players who participated in the World Championship, no one could solve it.

"You guys go back, I'll check the situation."

Natsume said, and set off on the desert dragonfly.

Zhang Dabiao didn't even have time to stop him, so Natsume flew away in a desert dragonfly.

Following the direction that the people left just now, Natsume passed by several small islands, but did not see those people.

After searching for more than [*] small islands in a row, Natsume finally saw the previous few people.

At this time, the few people were gathered around, looking at their attitude, it seemed that they were reporting something.

The one who listened to their report was a young man who looked about the same age as him.

Natsume just glanced at it a few times, the young man seemed to feel that someone was looking at him, and instantly raised his head to look in the direction of Natsume.

As soon as the young man looked up, Xia Mu also saw the appearance of this person, secretly wrote down the appearance of this person in his heart, and left.

Back on the island assigned to them, Natsume didn't care about anything, and went straight to his tent.

The information Li Long gave him before was put in the tent by him.

Now he wants to see who this young man is.

The sound of paper flipping sounded inside the tent.

Not long after, Natsume found the information of the young man.

Samuel, the U.S. champion, is also the European champion.

It has a very high popularity in the country, and the most commonly used spirits are Latios and Lattias.

Both elves are champion-level strength.

In the European competition, only relying on these two elves, Samile won the championship all the way.

After reading Samile's information, Xia Mu was even more puzzled.

To be honest, there's nothing wrong with Samuel's message.

It is estimated that his information is similar in the hands of other players.

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