Evolving in the game, it is not that it has not appeared.

It is the first time that the elves of both sides of the game have evolved at the same time.

There are also attentive people who found a little different.

That is the change of the giant gold monster seems to be controlled by Natsume. 0

During the domestic competition, Natsume once let the giant gold monster evolve, but only once, and never saw it again after that.

Now that such an evolution has appeared again, many people suspect that Natsume has a unique way to make elves evolve in a special way.

"Why can you evolve too!?"

The southern female player looked at Natsume's mage giant gold monster in surprise.

Originally, she thought that after the evolution of her tyrannical carp dragon, she would be able to defeat at least one or two elves of Natsume.

After all, the champion Vulcan Moth is really not something she can deal with.

But she never thought that the giant golden monster of Natsume had evolved like her tyrannical carp dragon.

Before evolution, the giant golden monster of Natsume had already defeated his own tyrannical carp dragon once.

Now that the two spirits have evolved at the same time, can she defeat the spirit of Natsume?

"You can make elves evolve, why can't I?"

Xia Mu said with a smile.

Just kidding, your tyrannosaurus has evolved into a super tyrannosaur. If I don't let the giant gold monster mage evolve, can I beat it?

"Come on Tyrannosaurus, we will definitely win!"

After taking a sigh of relief, the female player from the southern country cheered on her super violent carp dragon.

The tyrannical carp dragon also called out very cooperatively.

I have to say that the evolved super storm carp dragon is really handsome.

The originally long blue beard has turned white, and its length has increased by about one-third.

The fins on both sides of the head also nearly tripled, becoming like wings.

On the back of Tyrannosaurus's head, a bunch of fin-like parts also grew.

The tail, which was originally similar to the tail of a fish, has also been greatly changed.

It directly turned into a few things like spikes, which were distributed on the tail in a triangle.

The body also changed from blue to reddish, looking aggressive.

But the evolution of the giant gold monster's mage is also not inferior.

From the original pair of arms, it became two pairs of arms.

And the original fingers are white sharp corners.

After Mage evolved, the fingers of both pairs of arms became like steel claws.

Gives a sense of metal power.

There is also a white sharp horn on the chin of the giant gold monster.

The overall color is also darker, seemingly adding metal to the skin. .

Chapter 370

After the super-evolution of the tyrannical carp dragon, all the injuries on his body disappeared, and even his physical strength recovered to the peak.

It can be said that the evolution of this hand is something that Natsume really did not expect.

"Super Tyrannosaurus, use the tornado!"

Facing the same evolution of the giant gold monster, this female player from the southern country chose to attack after being surprised!

"The giant gold monster, use the illusion technique!"

Natsume then said that he would not let the giant gold monster stand and be beaten like this.

The super storm carp dragon rolled up, and a small tornado appeared.

After the tornado appeared, it expanded rapidly, and soon the tornado spread to a thickness of nearly ten meters.

The rapidly expanding tornado, while expanding, is also rapidly flying towards the giant golden monster.

After the giant gold monster used the illusion technique, the giant gold monster quickly left the place and flew high into the sky.

But in the sight of the tyrannical carp dragon, the giant golden monster still did not move.

The tornado blew onto the phantom of the giant gold monster without causing any damage.

At this time, the giant golden monster had already circled to the side of the tyrannical carp dragon.

"Right now, the giant gold monster, use the halving reflection, and then use the spinning ball to attack after 10!"

Seeing the giant golden monster circling to the side of the super violent carp dragon, Natsume said immediately.

A faint white light appeared from the giant golden monster, and the white light flew from the giant golden monster to the super violent carp dragon.

After using the second move, the illusion spell also shattered.

Super Tyrannosaurus also saw the giant golden monster again.

But at this time, the halving reflection of the giant gold monster has already fallen on it.

The tyrannical carp dragon wanted to turn back to attack, but found that his body movements were very stiff.

As stiff as maintaining a movement for a long time, I want to quickly control the body to attack the giant gold monster.

But the body is always a little slower.

After the giant gold monster used the reflection halving, its body began to rotate rapidly.

The high-speed rotation makes the current giant gold monster look like a ball.

In the same way, telling the spin to bring the giant gold monster is a more powerful attack power, and that faster speed.

Compared with the giant golden monster, the super violent carp dragon is not so comfortable.

Originally, at his speed, it would not be too easy to avoid the slalom ball, but it was not impossible.

But after the reflection was halved, it could only watch the spinning giant gold monster attacking itself.

With a bang, the giant golden monster suddenly stopped.

It's just that the poor Super Tyrannosaurus was knocked out.

At this time, the Super Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon became the brake pads of the Giant Golden Monster.

Originally, the body weight of the giant golden monster was very high, but after the evolution of mage, the body became heavier.

At the same speed, the higher the mass, the greater the power.

The super tyrannical carp dragon fell to the ground fiercely. Although there was no wound on his body, the severe pain made the super tyrannical carp dragon very uncomfortable.

It's a shame that it's not a tyrannosaurus dragon now, but a super tyrannical dragon.

The super violent carp dragon struggled from the ground and flew back into the air, although there was still anger in his eyes.

But after this anger, there are more fears.

Just a moment ago, Super Tyrannosaurus really didn't want to suffer a second time.

That feeling like being hit by a train is really uncomfortable.

And now the place where it was beaten is still faintly painful, even if there is no fracture, it is basically a bone fracture.

"Golden Monster, use flash!"

Natsume hurriedly said again.

This super tyrannical carp dragon still has some strength, and Natsume doesn't want to continue to give the opponent a chance.

A dazzling white light suddenly emitted from the giant golden monster, and the super tyrannical carp dragon was not guarded, and his eyes entered a state of temporary blindness.

"Using Super Impact! Attack with tile splitting!"

The flash successfully blinded the Super Tyrannosaurus, and Natsume immediately issued an attack order.

The giant gold monster's body hit the blind Super Tyrannosaurus with a metallic light.

The Super Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon only felt a strong force hitting it, and then two pairs of claws slammed into it.

"Don't give your opponent a chance, use Chase and Mind Hammer!"

The successive attacks fell on the Super Tyrannosaurus, and the Super Tyrannosaurus had no chance to fight back.

Occasionally a hit back, but also can not cause a useful effect.

This battle is over!

A burst of white light flashed, and the super violent carp dragon was taken away by the southern female player.

The super storm carp dragon was finally knocked unconscious by the giant gold monster.

After the strongest super carp dragon was defeated by the giant golden monster, the third elf of the female player also suffered a tragic defeat.

In the subsequent games, the giant gold monster was replaced by Mewtwo and Rogue Panda one after another because of excessive physical exertion.

With the end of the last game, Natsume once again successfully completed the feat of one-on-one against the national team.

"Natsume! Natsume!"

"Natsume! Natsume!"

With bursts of cheers, Natsume walked off the field and returned to the auditorium.

In the preparation area of ​​the island team, everyone looked at Natsume with ugly expressions.

Originally, if Natsume knew each other, he might have become a member of their island team now.

Unfortunately, Natsume did not agree to join the island nation.

A powerful trainer like Natsume really shouldn't appear in the game, but should be hidden outside the game.

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