In addition to the skill learning machine purchased at the beginning, he also spent a lot of money to buy the best quality energy cube in the system store for Naughty Panda, the rainbow energy cube.

A degenerate version of the Rainbow Power Cube.

It has the same function as the rainbow energy block. Long-term use can improve various attributes, but it is not as big as the rainbow energy block.

And the price of a piece is not cheap.

It sells for [-] Elf Coins in the system store.

And Naughty Panda eats at least five or six yuan a day, and sometimes consumes too much and needs to eat seven or eight yuan.

In addition, in order to help Naughty Panda lay a solid foundation, Natsume also purchased a few eggs of Happy Egg.

The eggs of Happy Eggs are rich in nutrition. Eating one before Naughty Panda rests every day can enhance the Naughty Panda's physique very well, and the taste is also very delicious.

It is very expensive, an egg costs [-] Elf Coins.

There are also some medicines needed to treat the dark disease that the naughty panda has left in the body due to fighting and training. After a few days, one million Elf Coins were spent by Natsume and only more than [-] were left.

It is also because of this that Natsume has the confidence to guarantee that even if Naughty Panda is at the elite level, he can fight against the leader level as long as he is not at the peak of the leader level.

With the battle over.

Natsume shouted at Naughty Panda. "Little guy, take off the load, we should leave."

Tomorrow, it's time for the trial competition to start, and you need to go back in advance to prepare.

"Wow wow."

Naughty Panda nodded and took off the weight-bearing anklet.

Although he was used to the weight-bearing anklet, Naughty Panda suddenly felt that he became extremely light after the weight-bearing anklet was taken off.

Immediately afterwards, a gleaming white light radiated from Naughty Panda's body.

"This is... evolution?!" Seeing the light, Natsume's eyes widened.

As I said before, the level of the system is only a criterion for judging the strength of elves, not like in the original game, the evolution of elves needs to reach the corresponding level in order to evolve.

In this real world, the evolution of elves has nothing to do with rank. As long as they encounter a crisis, or because of a certain aspect of strong willpower and strength, they can evolve.

And now, it is clear that the strength of Naughty Panda has reached the requirements of evolution.

Natsume didn't hesitate, immediately opened the backpack, took out the Stone of Evil in the backpack, and threw it to Naughty Panda, shouting. "Take this, feel it, and you can become stronger after evolution."

The Stone of Evil is picked up by Naughty Panda.

At this time, the light of evolution also completely wrapped the naughty panda.

Natsume looked excited and had a look of anticipation.

I didn't expect that the naughty panda would evolve when it was about to leave.

After evolution and before evolution, the strength is incomparable.

After the evolution of Naughty Panda, there is no doubt that although the level will not increase, the strength will increase again.


The light of evolution is getting brighter.

It can be seen that the figure of the naughty panda wrapped in the light has become huge. If the previous naughty panda was petite, then it has become strong at this time.

In terms of height, I am afraid that it is more than two meters, reaching the point of almost three meters.

From this, we can see that the potential of Naughty Panda is very good, and we can also see the importance of laying a good foundation.

You must know that the basic height of the rogue panda is in the early two meters, reaching a body size of nearly three meters, which is considered huge among the rogue pandas.


With a roar, the light of evolution suddenly dissipated.

After the evolution, the huge rogue panda suddenly appeared in front of Natsume.

Compared to the naughty panda, the rogue panda is just a little bigger in appearance. As its name suggests, it has a bamboo leaf in its mouth, like a rogue.

However, the character of the rogue panda is similar to that of the naughty panda.

[Name: Rogue Panda! 】

[Characteristic: Iron Fist (the power of boxing moves is increased)! 】

[Attribute: Fighting + Evil! 】

[Introduction: The rogue panda, the iron-faced Pokémon, the evolution of the naughty panda, has a short temper, and is easy to find people to fight. The bamboo leaves in its mouth have the ability to sense organs and can detect the movements around it. 】

[Level: 27 (20~30: Elite)! 】

[Skills: Shave, Iron Block, Lightning Fist, Flame Fist, Frozen Fist, Bite, Arm Hammer...]

"Hahaha, not bad."

An excited smile appeared on Natsume's face.

Although the level of the evolved rogue panda has not changed, it has learned two good new skills, one is the bite, the evil-type move.

The other is the arm hammer, a fighting-type move. If it is explained in terms of the game, the arm hammer is a one-hundred-power fighting-type move.

Very strong.

"Rogue panda, you are welcome." Natsume looked at the rogue panda with a smile and stretched out his right hand.


The rogue panda let out a low growl, without the slightest malice, and with joy in his eyes, he stretched out his hand.

The hands of one person and one elf clenched tightly. .

Chapter 26

After leaving the secret realm and registering the time of the secret realm at the entrance, Natsume took the subway and returned home.

My parents are not at home, so I think they are busy in the store.

Back home, it was still early. After Natsume put down his backpack, he took a cold shower, dried his hair and lay on the bed, feeling extremely relaxed.

Pick up your phone.

The sound of ding sounded.

Someone privately messaged himself.

Open the chat software and go in and see that it is Li Cheng.

Orange: [Are you home? 】

Natsume: [Well, just got home. 】

Orange: [I also want to remind you not to forget the trial competition. 】

Natsume: [Don't worry, I won't forget, after all, I'm the one who wants to win the championship. 】

Orange: [Old Wu in our class group discussed you just now, and he is very optimistic about you. 】

Natsume: [I'm a trainer who hides at first glance, isn't it normal to be optimistic? 】

Orange: [Bah, Minato is shameless! 】

Ending the chat with Orange with a smile, Natsume went for a walk in the class group, and as Orange said, because the trial competition will start tomorrow, several classmates discussed their own affairs.

Lao Wu also participated.

In particular, several girls in the class said that if they had time, they would definitely form a cheerleading team to cheer on the scene.

Seeing this, as a man, Natsume showed a faint smile.

If there are really girls to form a cheerleading team to cheer themselves on, it always feels very attractive to hate.

"But I like it."

Natsume grinned, then shook his head, got up and made a dinner for himself.

In the previous week of practicing in the secret realm, I didn't sleep well every night to be honest, so Natsume went to bed early tonight.

It wasn't until seven o'clock the next morning that Natsume slowly woke up.

The game started at [-] o'clock, but he was in no hurry, and he was not in the first few games, so Natsume rubbed his eyes and lay down for a while before getting up to wash up.

"Xiaomu, are you up?" In the living room, Mother Xia was making breakfast.

"Well, Mom, you haven't been to the store yet?" Natsume asked in surprise.

"Isn't this making breakfast for you? I'll go after breakfast. You wash up quickly. Isn't there a game for you today? Come on, strive for the same winning streak as before, when your mother and I are in the store, I can be in the shop again. Show off how good my son is to others." Xia Mu urged, obviously when Natsume won three consecutive victories before, she had already shown off to many people in the store.

Parents have this hobby.

Natsume shrugged slightly and smiled. "Don't worry, mom, your son will definitely win, and you will have a better face."

Mother Xia said with a smile on her face. "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. Your dad is still waiting for me to help. I've made breakfast with you. After washing up, remember to eat it quickly. Don't let it cool. I'll go first."

"Got it, Mom."


With the sound of the door closing in the living room.

Natsume, who was brushing his teeth, knew that his mother had left.

After washing, he changed into a simple black and white with casual clothes, Natsume started to eat breakfast, and at the same time used his mobile phone to learn about the forum on the official website of the trial competition.

Natsume hasn't used his mobile phone much in the secret realm, so he doesn't know much about the latest news.

This is the time to take advantage of it.

As soon as I opened the forum, I was able to see a new pinned post on the forum.

The id of the poster is: a little donkey.

Natsume remembered that the post of the popular player he first read was posted by this guy.

[The most competitive players in the major stadiums and the most likely to be promoted to the top sixteen are worth seeing! 】

"Hello everyone, I'm your favorite little donkey. This time I brought you a lot of dry goods. I believe everyone is very interested. Okay, let's not talk nonsense and go straight to work."

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