The Team Rocket trio was also stupefied.

"At this time, it's better to pretend to be garlic, meow!"

This kind of earth-destroying level battle is really not something that Ash can participate in now, they escaped to the ship as fast as they could, and successfully completed the meeting with the trio of Team Rocket.

As soon as I arrived on the ship, a thunderbolt roared from the sky.

The frozen sea was cracked open at once.

The howling waves swept the boat away and fell down the slope from a high altitude, seeing that Ash and his party were about to be destroyed.

At a critical time, someone made a move.

From the depths of the sea, a waterspout rises into the sky, catches the falling boat, and under the control of the waterspout, the boat moves all the way forward, and is finally thrown onto a mysterious island.

"Treasure, on that side."

The owner of the mysterious island is a dumb king, and with the dumb king's inform, Ash finally understands how to end this great chaos.

To put it simply, just place the three orbs in the altar and blow the flute to soothe the gods, so that the angry flame birds, lightning birds, and frozen birds can be calmed down.

Ash now has the Orb of Fire and the Orb of Thunder in his hand, and he is short of the Orb of Ice.

There are also flutes, which is what Flora is best at.

If you look at it this way, it seems that it can be easily done.

But in reality?

The last orb is on the Ice Island, and you have to go through the battlefield to get to the Ice Island.

The Flame Birds, Lightning Birds, and Frozen Birds are now in a state of extreme rage, and anyone who enters the battlefield will be attacked indiscriminately by them.

It's impossible, if you want to go to the Ice Island at this time, it's no different from sending you to death.

There are Pokémon everywhere, and all the Pokémon near the Orange Islands have arrived, and they sense that a crisis is coming.


"There is no way to appease the wrath of the gods without a good controller."

[Sirona: Is the good controller Ash?] At this time, let the little "one-two-zero" wisdom go to this troubled water? It's a bit too embarrassing. 】

Not to mention Ash in this situation in the video, even the regional champion will have a headache before the action.

[Sakaki: The smart people have already run away, and only the fool is still watching the play over there. 】

Sakaki really doesn't understand what to do, so if you are lucky, you will definitely be able to escape from the Orange Islands.

[Wataru: Hehe, do you think that everyone is as irresponsible as you? 】

Dry, I was angry when I saw this guy Sakaki.

[Hiba: Ah!! Why is that dumb king able to speak! 】

Hiba suddenly discovered something very magical.

[Kona: Your reflex arc is a little too long, are you just discovering it now?] 】

Kona was speechless, and the Dumb King had been talking for a long time, but Hiba only now found out that the Dumb King could speak.

[Dr. Ohki: I can only watch Ash.] 】

The rest of the alliance was too far away from the Kikuko Islands to come over.

What the? Didn't you say that the fast dragon of the crossing could circle the earth in sixteen hours? If you want to cross it, you should be on the orange islands in a short time.

Well, do you believe in the illustrated book? It's a bit naïve.

I can only look at Ash, don't look at Ash's unwilling look now, but Dr. Oki knows that Ash will definitely take on this difficult task.

Ash is a kind person in his bones, and he can't sit back and watch so many innocent lives pass away in front of his eyes.

In the process of talking to Ash and his party, the battlefield began to shift to the mysterious island, and soon the Flame Bird, Frozen Bird, and Lightning Bird discovered Ash and his party on the island.

Regardless of thirty-seven twenty-one, seeing people is doing.

In the face of external enemies, the three gods still have a tacit understanding, they decisively stopped the internal fighting, and decided to clear the onlookers first.

It's dangerous.

Being targeted by the Flame Bird, the Lightning Bird, and the Freezing Bird in a rage, as long as you are not an idiot, knows what it means.

"It's over, Ash wants GG."

It's really not that the audience is cursing Ash, it's really that the scene Ash is experiencing now is too terrifying,

The three divine birds all rode their faces, and they were at most ten meters away from Xiao Zhi and his party.

The distance of more than ten meters is nothing for the three god birds, they can burst into Ash's face with one breath.

was protruded by the three god birds, what is the result, needless to say, right?

Flames, lightning, freezing, three terrifying energies fell from the sky, and the three gods were about to wipe Ash and his party from the world.

[Daigo: Grace will take revenge, and the flame bird and lightning bird are too disdainful!! 】

Daigo is about to be.

Ash worked so hard to get you out of Gilluta's hands, and that's how you repaid Ash?

If I had known, it would have been better to just make them a collector's item.

[Karunai: I don't dare to look at it. 】

The combined force of the three divine birds, this energy is indeed a little too strong, even if it is replaced by himself who is good at defense, it is difficult to escape from the hands of the three divine birds.

What is Ash going to do?

At this time, we can only hope for a miracle.

Is there really a miracle?


The mysterious waterspout has reappeared.

"Brother Frog, is it our Brother Frog here?"

This waterspout is so similar to the waterspout when the Koga ninja frog appeared, so some viewers began to speculate that it was the Koga ninja frog.

"Brother Frog? Are you mentally retarded? This is in the Orange Islands, not in Carlos, and at this time the Koga ninja frog is still a croaking bubble frog. "

"If it's not Koga Ninja Frog, who would it be?"

"I don't know, if you read it, you'll know. Don't ask, look. "

Back to the video –

There are many speculations about the identity of the mysterious man, but when the mysterious man actually appeared, everyone was still surprised.

It is the god of the sea that Gillou is so desperately seeking to capture - Lokia.

Since leaving Yuanzhu City, Lokia has been living in the Orange Islands, and for Lokia, the Orange Islands are also half of its hometown, and of course it does not allow the three gods to mess around and destroy its hometown.

The appearance of Lokia made the three divine birds unify their positions at once, and the three of them were originally fighting to the ground, but at this time they suddenly united again.

Thunder, lightning, fire, freezing, all kinds of energy were smashed towards Lokia, and the three gods seemed to plan to kill Lokia first, and then divide the superior.

Of course, there is no way to compete with Lokia in the ordinary flame birds, lightning birds, and frozen birds, but the three of them are different, and they are not afraid even in the face of Lokia by the name of gods.

The Three Divine Birds vs. Lokia.

A war of annihilation began.

[Wataru: Can you win?] Lokia. 】

If Lokia can win, Ash won't have to take any risks, so Wataru still hopes that Lokia can settle the fight between the three sacred birds.

[Dr. Ohki: It's a bit of a hanging.] 】

One-on-one, Lokia is not afraid, one-on-two, Lokia can also compete, but one-on-three is indeed a bit difficult for Lokia.

What's more, Lokia can't have any scruples yet, and its ultimate goal is to restore balance to the Orange Islands, not to eliminate the three gods.

In the battle, Lokia fought timidly, but the three gods were different, they had fallen into a state of madness, there was no reason at all, and now they were controlled by the instinct to kill.

What happened to Lokia, the god of the sea? It's Lokia!

After working hard for a while, Lokia realized that something was wrong, and there was no way to stop the battle on its own, so it could only choose to turn to Ash for help.

That's right, you heard it right, Lokia chose to turn to Ash for help.

"You're the closest person to saving the world right now."

That's what Lokia said to Ash.

I was panicked to death, but there was no way, everyone's hope was on him, and Ash could only bite the bullet.

In Lokia, in Team Rocket, and with the help of his friends, Ash finally managed to get the last treasure on the Isle of Ice.

All you have to do is place the Ice Treasure in the altar and play the flute, and you're done.

Ash sat on Lokia's back and walked quickly in the direction of the mysterious island.

Ash is also an unlocked achievement, and before him, no one should have been able to sit on Lokia's back.

I thought it was going to be over, but who knew there would be accidents.

Gilluta, who had disappeared for a long time, began to come out at this important moment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The Flying Palace was shattered, but the weapon was still intact, and with the last of its energy, Gillutai fired the capture tools specially prepared for Lokia.

The prison trapped Lokia, and in the meantime, he continued to reduce Lokia's physical strength.

Lokia, who had already fought a battle with the Three Divine Birds, was no longer at his peak, and under the effect of the prison, Lokia became weaker and weaker.

[Chairman Dama Lanqi: It's really damn it! Gillou !! 】

Dama Lanqi was about to go crazy, thinking that the crisis would be resolved, but who knew that such a thing would happen.

Gillutai is an idiot who is really a shit-stirring stick, and if it weren't for this idiot, none of this would have happened.

[Gillou: Hahahaha, Lokia is mine.] 】

The destruction of the Orange Islands, the life and death of Pokémon, these Gillutai don't care, he only knows that his dream has come true, and in the future, Lokia was successfully captured by him.

Lokia, the god of the sea, became a collector of his Gillutay!!

Gillou was so happy that it was too early to be lost.

The Flying Palace's lethal weapon was to hit Lokia, but Lokia was far more powerful than he thought.

With the last of her strength, Lokia broke free from the prison, but it was not over, it completely destroyed Gillutai's flying palace, and Gillutai was buried in the rubble.

"It's over."

Lokia loses consciousness and plunges into the endless depths of the ocean.

Ash also doesn't know whether he is alive or dead.

The wind was stormy, and without Lokia's suppression, the sea became violent, wave after wave, as if it were about to swallow all life.

On the mysterious island, Flora handed the flute to Xiaoxia and said, "You take this." "

"I'll go find Ash."

Looking at Flora, who looked serious, Xiaoxia smiled, she shook her head and said, "This is your flute, your mission." "

"Ash, she's a nuisance for me to take care of."

Sister Xia is no longer pretending, and there is a showdown.

Regardless of the fierce wind and waves, Xiaoxia jumped into the icy sea alone, relying on her own strength, Xiaoxia rescued Xiaozhi from the sea0....

The beautiful girl in the water, sure enough, only has the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

"Ash, cheer up, Ash !!"

Xiao Zhi in a coma did not wake up for a long time, Xiao Xia was going crazy, she kept pressing Xiao Zhi's chest, seeing that Xiao Zhi had no signs of waking up, Xiao Xia was ready to do artificial respiration.

"Up, Xiaoxia, up, Xiaoxia."

It's not a big deal to watch the excitement, and the audience frantically urged Xiaoxia to kiss Xiaozhi.

"Are you stupid birds, can artificial respiration be the same as kissing?"

Some people couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but complain.

The artificial respiration session that the audience was looking forward to did not come in the end, and Ash woke up.

The first thing he did when he came to his senses was to touch his pocket and make sure that the treasure was not lost, and Ash breathed a sigh of relief.

The station was unstable, but Ash still didn't forget his mission, "I must go, I must go." "

It's very moving.

It took nine deaths to get the treasure back from the Ice Island, knowing that Ash was still a ten-year-old child.

It's a bit cruel to put all the task of saving the world on one child.

[Daigo: It can only be said that Wataru is still unqualified, and terrorists like Gil Luta should have arrested him earlier. 】

There's only one reason why things have come to this point, and it's too wasteful.

Daigo put the pot and desperately buckled the pot to Wataru's head.

[Wataru: Hey, hey, hey, what's the matter with me, who knew that Gillou was so crazy before it happened, and besides, I've done my duty enough, Daigo, you're not qualified to talk about me. 】

Although everyone has a hobby, his hobby is to serve as an Interpol, sweeping away gangsters and eliminating evil, which is not more lofty than Dawu's hobby of digging stones?

【Daigo: What do you know?】 I also dig stones for the sake of world peace! 】

Daigo doesn't have to hit the draft when he lies, his face is not red and he doesn't pant, what he says is the same as the truth.

[Watar: Heheda.] 】

With Xiaoxia's support, Ash came to the altar panting, and under the guidance of the Dull King, Ash successfully put the last treasure into the designated position.

It's finally coming to an end.

When Ash places the last orb into the altar, a magical scene happens.

A grass-green glow enveloped the island, followed by a spring of water gushing from the altar's floor.

The warm flute sounded slowly, and the flame birds, lightning birds, and frozen birds gradually regained their calm under the soothing sound of the flute.

The clouds cleared, and the sun shone again.

The mysterious energy centered on the island continued to radiate outward, and with the help of this life-filled energy, the ice melted and life returned to the earth.

The lightning bird, the flame bird, the frozen bird, and the three legendary Pokémon danced to the sound of the flute, and at this time they were as good as a person, and they couldn't tell that they were still fighting and dying not long ago.

Lokia also recovered, and the tornado that rolled up from the depths of the sea brought Lokia out of the sea, and Lokia was healthy.

It's over.

Finally, Lokia flew in front of Ash, leaned down, and motioned for Ash to sit on its back.

In the final shot, Ash sits on the back of Luo 5.8 Kia, surrounded by the three divine birds, constantly soaring in the sky.

[Johto Kikyo Gym Asso: I'm so envious, I also want to ride on Lokia's back and fly in the sky. 】

For a flying enthusiast, this is a great temptation and at the same time a great honor.

Riding on the back of the legendary Lokia, this is not something that anyone can do.

To be more precise, only Ash has done it.

[President Dama Lanqi: Recognized by King Feng, recognized by Lokia, and the life-saving benefactor of the Flame Bird and the Frozen Bird. 】

President Damaran was lost in thought, wondering if he had been a little too hasty before.

It shouldn't be easy to agree to Kukuy, and Kanto shouldn't let a talent like Ash go.

A manly man, a mouthful of spit and a mouthful of nails, what he said by the president of the alliance can't be counted!


Equally depressed is Wataru.

Hey, he has worked hard for so many years, but he has to rely on Ash to save the world, which is too much of a failure.

You must work hard, yes, you must answer the questions well and enhance your strength.

Ollie gives, rushes !!

"Did you get another reward?"

The child was hungry and cried, and seeing that Ash had an extra treasure chest in his hand, Xiaoxia knew that Ash had been rewarded again.

"What's the reward this time?"

Xiaoxia asked curiously.

"I don't know?"

Ash shook his head.

"Let's open it and take a look."

It's not a Pokémon, it's not an evolution stone, it's a feather in the chest.

A silver feather.

"This should be Lokia's feathers, right?"

It's still quite recognizable, this feather is exactly the same as Lokia's feather in the video.

"Huh? I have a reward too!! "

Because she helped Ash a lot in the video, Xiaoxia was also rewarded this time.

Two Pokémon.

Dumb beasts, big-tongued shellfish.

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