After hearing Lin Qiushui's words, Lin Kun suddenly showed an excited expression.

"Great, Qiushui, you come with me, they've been waiting for a long time."

"They? You mean other people in your organization, right?

Although Lin Qiushui was a little puzzled, he still followed behind Lin Kun.

I saw Lin Kun leading a few people to the alley, and then opened a sewer manhole cover and led a few people into the sewer pipe.

"I'm really sorry about Qiushui, because our organization is always surrounded by the Eye of Argos, so in order to avoid being discovered by the Eye of Argos, we have set up some important strongholds in the city sewers."

Lin Kun apologized to the two while leading the two forward, and Lin Qiushui was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

The city's sewer system is so extensive that it's easy to get lost in the sewers if no one leads the way.

It is also because of this characteristic that the 'Awakeners' organization chose to establish important strongholds in urban sewers.

Under the leadership of Lin Kun, several people quickly came to the depths of the sewers.

Lin Kun knocked rhythmically on a pipe, and then led the two of them to walk a little further.

Turning over a floor tile, several people saw a tunnel leading to the underground.

"This is one of our strongholds."

Lin Kun led the two of them as he walked and explained, "In order to avoid being discovered by the Eye of Argos, each of our strongholds enters in a different way, and only a few members know where these strongholds are. Several

people continued down.

Lin Qiushui estimated that he was now about fifteen or six meters underground.

Finally, Lin Kun stopped in front of an iron gate.

When I opened the door, I was in a conference room of about twenty or thirty square meters, with soft lighting and many people sitting at a few tables.

Lin Qiushui glanced at it, except for himself and twelve, including Lin Kun, there were a total of twelve.

After seeing Lin Qiushui appear, those people immediately surrounded them excitedly.

"Hello, you are the ordinary person Lin Qiushui that Brother Kun said, right?!"

"Sure enough, he looks so ordinary, he is worthy of being an ordinary person, he is really too ordinary!"

"It turns out that ordinary people look like this, I thought ordinary people had three heads and six arms!"


to these people who seemed to be surprised and like disparaging words, Lin Qiushui's face was full of embarrassment.

So, Lin Qiushui whispered to Twelve, "Twelve, although I have no evidence, I always feel that these people are scolding me..."

Lin Kun came forward to play the round and said, "Teacher Qiushui is here to explain ordinary people to everyone this time, if you have any questions, just ask them in a moment, don't surround Teacher Qiushui now!"

After hearing Lin Kun's words, although these people were a little reluctant, they still opened the distance and did not disturb Lin Qiushui anymore.

Seeing that the conference room was quiet, Lin Kun said to Lin Qiushui, "Teacher Qiushui, please start~

" "Start?"

Lin Qiushui said with some embarrassment, "Where should I start?"

"Whatever you want, as long as Qiushui-sensei you think is appropriate, you can start talking from any point."

After hearing Lin Kun's words, Lin Qiushui became even more entangled.

There are so many things that ordinary people can do, such as washing and cooking, beating beans, and painting cakes.

Although people like to listen to these trivial things when they talk to these people, this is somewhat misleading.

Wouldn't it be too much for these people to have the intention of resisting the oppression of the 'Eye of Argos', and as a result, they taught others how to roll inward, how to nine-nine-six, and how to roll up their peers.

After thinking about it, Lin Qiushui felt that he wanted to nip this kind of thing in the bud.

So Lin Qiushui thought about it and said seriously, "Do you know what is pressing and what is nine nine six!" Suppose you work at least twelve hours a day, only provide two meals a day, no overtime pay, and a month's salary is only enough for rent, water and electricity, then what will you do?

After listening to Lin Qiushui's words, everyone present fell into deep thought, with surprised expressions written on their faces.

Seeing this, Lin Qiushui smiled in his heart, you know, this kind of terrifying life Lin Qiushui had experienced in the front room, therefore, Lin Qiushui felt that these people must be afraid of capital oppression and understand what is the oppression from capital!

Tremble! Fear it! You ordinary people of the 'Land of Luminescence' who have not experienced the torment of nine ninety-six!

Finally, the exclamation of one person broke the calm.

"What... What the! There is such a good thing under the sun! "

In an instant, the conference room exploded!

"You only have to work twelve hours a day! That's great! "

There is actually a salary, and you can still rent a house, is this the paradise that the 'Eye of Argos' said!"

"It's amazing! Do ordinary people live such a good life! Nine ninety-six is simply a blessing!! After

hearing these guys' words, Lin Qiushui was completely stunned!

Nine ninety-six is a blessing?

Twelve hours a day?

Is the salary only enough for rent, water and electricity, which is equivalent to a life like heaven?

Lying groove, you guys got kicked in the head by a donkey, right?

Lin Qiushui no longer dared to imagine what these guys had gone through, and he actually felt that nine nine six would be a good thing.

It seems that he still underestimated the oppression of these guys by the 'Eye of Argos'.

Lin Kun on the side seemed to have guessed Lin Qiushui's thoughts, and whispered to Lin Qiushui, "Qiushui, everyone used to work sixteen hours a day, and there was no salary, so what you said was still too light.

"Don't worry, I understand, I know what to do."

Lin Qiushui gestured at Lin Kun, and then said to everyone again, "What do you think, where is nine nine six so simple, I haven't finished talking yet!"

"I said, how can there be such a good thing in this world."

"Alas, Teacher Qiushui is so serious, it seems that Nine Nine Six should not be as simple as we think."

"I thought that nine nine six was a blessing..." Seeing

that the atmosphere was pulled back on track, Lin Qiushui breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly said, "Of course, nine nine six is not as good as you think, next, what I want to tell you is the horror, now, please be prepared to be dominated by nine nine six!" "

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