Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1844:    1 person left

With a punch, directly exploded Shiren's head. Narius snorted and kicked the stone man away. Looking around, there are no stone people in the hall. These Magtoma's split bodies are not weak, but they are not yet an opponent of Narius, but for the strong below the Dominator, these stone men are not that simple. Considering the number of them, Narius couldn't help but feel heavy.

Leaving aside the Burning Legion, these giant clones alone are already a terrifying army. Coupled with the Burning Legion, Narius doubted how many people were left in the fortress after the battle. He left the command hall and went straight to the courtyard where Allen lived. There is also a Milina in that courtyard. Since Alan saved Milina before, even if Narius didn’t think that the emperor of Demon Shadow Nation would be interested in that woman, people still have to be saved and she can’t be killed. In the city.

At least, after the war, I hope that the emperor will read this and not pursue his previous offense.

Stone figures can be seen everywhere in the entire fortress, and Narius settled a few along the way. When I came to the courtyard, the main building of the courtyard had collapsed, and a figure flashed through a window in the auxiliary building. Narius slammed into the window and saw Milina fell to the ground, and a stone man in front of her was raising her arm. The next moment, Narius' fist pierced through the stone man's chest, he retracted his fist, and the giant avatar scattered into rubble.

"Are you okay?" Ganglius tried to make his voice sound softer.

Milina shrank towards the corner, holding a dagger in her hand. The woman's body was trembling, and all the guards died in the giant's attack. She couldn't be happy to see Narius now, after all, Narius had to deal with Ellen before. Narius raised his hand and said: "Don't get me wrong, I won't do anything to you. Maybe you don't know, the one you serve is a big man, I can only say that you are lucky. Now please follow me By your side, I won't let you have an accident."

"Big man? You say Lord Isinger?"

Narius nodded and helped her correct: "Next time you see him, you should call him your majesty. Of course, I just learned about it...that one is the emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom!"

Milina felt dizzy for a while, she shook her head and said: "Impossible, how could the emperor of Demon Shadow Kingdom be here?"

"It's up to you to ask him about this. Now stand up, I have to clean up the giant clones in the city, you are the safest to follow me." Narius stretched out and lifted Milina.

The two left the courtyard.

On the battlefield outside the city, Allen walked between the battlefields like a stroll. Every minute and every second, there will be giant clones rushing towards him, the clones are endless, even though Alan doesn't even need to lift the sword. With the sword spirit and determination all over his body, he smashed the clones one by one. But with so many clones, when will it be the head? Alan frowned and said to himself: "Are you planning to play a war of attrition with me?"

Of course no one answered him.

He stopped suddenly, and simply closed his eyes, even the sharp sword energy around him disappeared. The giant clones immediately seized this opportunity and rushed forward. At this time, the golden wings behind Allen opened up, and then a light strip was ejected from the wingtips on both sides. The light strip was split into beams, and the beams split again. Into countless golden threads. For a time, the two groups of golden silk thread dispersed, and each silk thread entangled a giant clone, and the silk thread kept sticking out, wrapping each giant clone accurately, even the stone man in the fortress.

Seen from the air, the entire battlefield seemed to spill out of a golden ocean, and those clones entangled in silk threads were unable to move.

At this moment, Alan opened his eyes, with a faint smile on his face. Then the hundreds of millions of silk threads vibrated at the same time, and the calm ocean suddenly set off a wave. After this golden wave surging, countless giant clones burst to pieces at the same time!

In Allen's perception, tens of thousands of energy reactions disappeared at the same time, and only one reaction remained. Before it was mixed with other energy reactions, it was difficult to tell the difference, but now it is obvious. This remaining energy response is the deity of Magtoma.

Right on the battlefield, a rocky man squinted his eyes. He was about to move, when a little golden spark fell in front of him, he saw Alan fall in front of him. Allen smiled and said, "So this is what you really look like, Magtoma!"

Magtoma is like a middle-aged man, with no grass on his head and thick armor on his sturdy body. The material of the armor is volcanic rock, and the whole person exudes a fire-like atmosphere. Holding two warhammers flowing with lava in his hand, he looked at Alan in silence.

Then without words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let out a low growl and rushed forward.

Magttoma held the warhammer high, and the fire on the warhammer blazed and blasted down suddenly.

Allen slipped back, letting his warhammer hit the ground. As the warhammer hit the ground, a wave of fire was immediately set off, spewing out countless rubble. The ground creaked, cracks rushed out one after another, and the whole earth was torn apart at once, and finally bursts of flames spewed from these cracks, instantly turning into a sea of ​​flames.

In the flames, Magtoma was as mighty as the **** of war, and the flames illuminated his armor. He raised his hammer and let out a roar at Allen, then took a big step, sprinting towards Allen on the flames. Alan tapped his toes lightly, and suddenly pulled out a golden rainbow and crossed Magtoma.

When Allen settled, Magtomar rushed dozens of steps before the strong man stopped. With an unbelievable look on his face, he heard Alan say: "After all, you are not what you are good at. You are better at breaking through the city. If you are alone, Heerseth is the real master. As for you, the moment you abandon the giant form, it is tantamount to abandoning your greatest advantage. Like I said, you look rough and cunning in nature. Unfortunately, in front of the Supreme, this little trick is just a trifling matter."

"Eboins' Big Three, from now on there is only one flaming power left."

After that, Allen walked towards Stormrage Keep. The endless sword outfit on his body was quietly lifted, and all the glory was collected. Alan, who was as simple as an ordinary person, quickly disappeared on the battlefield.

Only then did Magttoma let out a loud roar, and then the man's eyes, nose, and mouth spurted out fire. The ejected golden flames brightened his skin and armor. After a full eruption for a few seconds, thick smoke rose from Magtoma’s mouth, and the man’s body turned into crystal-like black rock, becoming a battlefield. A lifeless sculpture!

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