Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1823:  Competing for Will (1)

When the thin sun star was still young, before the star king Shangmo fell, it used to be a wide and treeless plain. Clouds flow in the sky, and sunlight shines golden light through the gaps in the clouds, casting a mottled but brilliant light on the earth. When the wind blew past the grassland, there would be waves of green. As for the south, there are rolling mountains, the tops are covered with white snow, and black strips of folds spread among them. The grassland stretches all the way to the foot of the mountain, and finally enters into many dark valleys that can't even be reached by the morning light. When passing through the valley, the mountains will unfold like a bay, revealing a vast plateau.

In those old days, this high ground was full of animals that loved the sun.

However, the stars shifted and the years passed. The grasslands and highlands that were once prosperous are now covered by snow and ice. The sun no longer comes, and the land enters the winter of eternal night. Pasture is difficult to grow, and animals have long turned into stiff corpses under the ice. The past glimpses of light, now only the cold wind sighs in the air.

I don't know when it started, a gate was erected on the top of this highland, with unrestrained lines on the gate, like a flame. The door door opened, but inside the door was not the desolate scenery on the other side of the highland, but the tossing flames. Creatures continue to emerge from the flames in that door. They have different shapes, but no matter what kind of creature they are, they have an aura that is incompatible with the thin sun star.

That is the breath of flame.

Just three hundred kilometers north of this highland, there is a collection field. Now this gathering field has been occupied by monsters, and the gold nuggets have been slaughtered. The monsters melted it with shadow iron, forming a throne. On the throne sat a black knight, his whole body was wrapped in hideous heavy armor, and two magic pupils at the mouth of the heavy armor were shining with hot red light, and even his face was hidden under a demon-like helmet. , Behind the knight hung a dark red cloak, the end of the cloak was flying with arrogance, and sparks were constantly floating in the air.

Suddenly, the knight stood up suddenly as if feeling something. Then he raised his hand, and a huge blade fell into his hand next to the throne. He blew his whistle and suddenly ran out a colt from the depths of the gathering ground. This war horse is completely dark with shiny hair, but its four hoofs are inflamed, and its back has wings, just like the heavenly horse in the myth. The knight leaped on its back, the black horse flapped its wings, its front hoofs stood up and stepped on the empty space, and it jumped into the sky.

The war horse carried the knight to the high ground, and the people were in the air. The knight had already seen that there were people walking through the flame gate.

He jumped directly from the horse, like a meteor, hitting the top of the high ground heavily, and knocking out a shallow hole. The knight walked out of the pit and knelt down on one knee in front of the giant blade: "Your Highness, you are here."

It was the Son of Twilight who walked out of the Flame Gate. He who possessed Archimedes's body cast his eyes down and looked at the knight: "The Son of Dawn appears on this planet?"

"Yes, my lord, this is the picture seen by the scout eagle." The gem on the knight's helmet shot out a beam of red light, and the light cast into the air to form a picture. The picture shows a starship stranded on the ice sheet. Some people stepped out of the starship one after another, and one of them was Alan.

The Twilight Son narrowed his eyes and said, "The Twilight Clan has a plan for me and the Creator. The Twilight Son is the key to the plan. They have been recovering the so-called King’s Treasure. If the Twilight Son came to this universe. If the border has a purpose, then I can be sure that there is a treasure of kings on this planet."

"After I discovered the Sons of Dawn, I sent a message to His Royal Highness, while secretly watching their whereabouts. Your Highness, they have already entered the ground, and they should be heading to the Nest of Shadows."

"The Nest of Shadows?"

The knight nodded, "Yes, my lord. The Nest of Shadows is a forbidden place on Thin Sun. According to the information I collected from the brains of local collectors, it should be a treasure house. On this planet, Any gathering base can go to the Nest of Shadows, and I can lead the way for His Highness."

"Then what are we waiting for, I won't ask the Son of Dawn to continue to reclaim Dusk Will, don't think about it!"

What the Twilight Son didn't know was that it was not only Alan who would patronize the Sun Star, but also Frius.

The Nest of Shadows.

"Smiler..." Frios nodded, "Yes, that's right. A young general, ambitious. I promised him a lot of benefits. What he can get in Dobia is far more than You have a lot more Demon Kingdoms. He is very capable and brought back a lot of news for me, including the king's treasury and the will of the dusk. Alan, you are so lucky. I have been thinking about your luck. What is it? It turned out to be the twilight will. The experience of another period of life obtained by fusing the will, and it is the supreme, or no less than the supreme power experience. This is too precious for us, which is equivalent to shortening us The process of exploring the path of power."

"So, the twilight will here, I have to decide."

Allen shook his head, "Frios, you don't know what Twilight Will means to me or what it means to this universe. Twilight Will must be received by me, so that I can stop the cosmic twilight!"

"Block, why block?" Frius laughed, "Think about it, Ellen. Combining the twilight will and breaking through the current supreme realm, we may be above this universe. At that time, we can break. Open the universe and enter other universes to explore infinite mysteries. Compared with this, what cosmic dusk can be ignored, isn't it?"

"Okay, take ten thousand steps. It may be important to you to stop the cosmic twilight, so what are you going to do? Ignore the two ladies, Laura?"

Frius's narrow eyes fixed on Alan.

Allen laughed suddenly: "You don't know Laura and the others, you don't know my women. They are not the kind of weak people. If you let them know that I will compromise because of this, I will make them look down on. "

The gold king flame rose.

"Frios, today, no matter what, I will not give you the will of the dusk!" Allen took a step forward.

One step, across the distance between and the Black Emperor.

The hymn of ashes appeared in the air and cut down with the golden king Yan. Frius snorted and pushed the sword out of its sheath. It was obvious that the sword was released later than Alan, but the dull blade still held the hymn of the ashes, and then the night turned into day, and the Great Hall of the Nest of Shadows rose A round of the sun illuminates the entire space in a flash. The stars were eclipsed by it, spreading out with unspeakable power, and "blowing" the surrounding shadow creatures to the distance. Even the shadow guard and shadow arbitration also pushed this bursting force back and forth. Then there were twisting, brilliant bands of light around. In those light bands, you can vaguely see the scene of underground potholes.

Then there was a sudden blast of swords.

Ashen Hymn and Wuguang fought each other in an instant, I don't know how many times Alan and Frios flickered. The speed of the two was so fast that they were hard to detect with the naked eye, leaving only afterimages in the space. The collision of the two long swords exploded the vomiting black electric snake and the bright golden flames, and suddenly a picture of iron trees and silver flowers bloomed in front of the hall. In the maddening light and shadow, the two figures quickly separated again, each taking a corner, and then the chaotic energy flow gradually subsided.

"You're crazy." Frius said coldly: "You actually shot, don't you know the consequences of the Supreme's full fight? Or do you think that the power that suppresses the peak can defeat me?"

"It depends on how much you value Twilight Will." Allen said lightly: "Frios, I don't want to go to war with you. But as I said earlier, Twilight Will definitely cannot be handed over to you. If If you insist on taking it, then I can only do my best, as to what kind of consequences it will cause. I think that will be much lighter than the inability to stop the cosmic twilight."

"Young man, being too stubborn is not necessarily a good thing." Frius lifted up and said, "Since you insist, let me see, how about you than Fascism?"

"As you wish." Allen took a breath, and then every piece of armor in the endless sword was lit up. The Golden King Flame no longer ascended, but condensed into a substantive light, forming a perfection around Allen. The round ball ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Allen's figure disappeared into this small sun, and then the sun slammed into Frieus.

The sun rises and the shadows recede.

Frius suddenly discovered that Allen's light was the nemesis of his dark rules. Under the radiance that was so brilliant that he couldn't look directly at him, he couldn't find a place where he could apply the rules. But the black emperor didn't get angry and smiled, the matt long sword exuded black matter like thick fog from the inside out, and the surrounding space was instantly stained with pitch black. Since it can't be used, it creates itself. This is the terrible aspect of the supreme, creating the possibility in the impossible!

Then a large black fog diffused out, and the thick black fog hit the sun that Allen had hit. The next moment the entire space roared, and the spatial light bands that were about to disappear suddenly tore even more severely. Even though they hadn't tried their best, the two supreme forces collided and suddenly broke the space where the Nest of Shadow was. The source of this space is very stable, but under the battle between Frios and Allen, it can't even last a minute.

The black mist enveloped the sun and continued to diffuse, but there were bright spots in the black mist. Every time a light spot is generated, a cloud of black fog is annihilated, the light spot is floating, and there are dull blasts. Suddenly a black fire exploded, splitting into countless small streams of fire in the air, and falling to the ground like rain. The buildings in the Nest of Shadows were hit by those tiny streams of fire, and no matter what material could hardly stop them from penetrating, part of the buildings were now riddled with black fire.

There was a sudden light in the black mist, and a sharp sword shadow broke out of the mist. Thousands of light rays pierced the black mist, and then the large mass of black mist was instantly annihilated. Inside, Frius slipped back, his long sword pointed away, and the remaining black mist gathered and condensed, forming a fist-sized ball of light and slammed into Allen!

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