Earthy Superstar

Chapter 785: : Looking at you from above

The inspection of the training ground is not so much an assessment as it is a ritual. Everyone is very happy.

The soldiers are no longer full of errors and omissions, nor trembling, and the instructors are no longer as serious as before. Except for the instructor who was testing the artists, the others were all stunned and snickered.

The inspection went smoothly, everyone passed smoothly, and finally came to the final link-discharge from the army.

At the beginning, it was fine, and received the "Pioneer Warrior" medal again. Everyone was very happy.

When the instructors removed the national emblem, epaulettes, and armbands for them, Liu Yuan was the first to cry, followed by Yuan Heng, Wu Litao and Li Tiezhu, and finally Guo Xiaoxi and Zhang Yifeng, the two old cadres, also cried.

Chinese military camps have always had a unique sacred charisma. They came more like a baptism rather than training.

Although they were crying, they seemed to fight straighter than when they first arrived.

When sending six "veterans" to board the train, several instructors cried.

If this were left in the past, Li Tiezhu would find it difficult to understand, but now he cried the most fiercely. That's right, the tough guy Li Tiezhu cried all the way.

Wonderful scene!

After the car drove out of the barracks, a group of people couldn't care about their sadness. They ran to persuade Li Tiezhu not to cry too badly and hurt his throat, and there was a concert next.

"The Real Man" is completely over.

This variety show is the first of its kind in China. It is very popular and topical. It has set off a wave of military enthusiasm in China, just like last year's TV series "Soldier Assault".

In the evening, the program group brought the artists to a dinner, which was regarded as the finale of "Real Men".

Wu Jing is also there, and he has to wait for Li Tiezhu to make a promotional video.

The Army Propaganda Department first found Wu Jing, and then asked him to invite Li Tiezhu to go with him, but did not contact Li Tiezhu's brokerage company because... it was troublesome.

What are you talking about with a broken brokerage company? roll!

I don’t want to use it for ordinary artists. If it weren’t for Wu Jing and Li Tiezhu, they were planning to find a few first-class talents to shoot promotional videos, wouldn’t it be better than the artists?

Of course, the influence is really almost...

It's not that the Propaganda Department is lofty, it's that the domestic entertainment circles in recent years are hard to say, and they are afraid of using the wrong person.

How can such a thing as a conscription propaganda be trifling? The artist overturned the car, it is not as simple as embarrassing.

"Master is going to make a conscription promotional video?"

During the dinner, Wu Litao was shocked when he heard the news. He still wanted to go back to Kyoto to play with Master.

Li Tiezhu nodded, looking very calm.

You can't hide this kind of thing, and you don't have to hide it. Wu Jing told everyone about it when he was drinking with everyone.

Artists such as Yuan Heng are very envious, because they understand the meaning behind it.

Liu Yuan, who doesn't understand this meaning, is even more envious.

To be honest, this one-and-a-half month military career was very difficult, only Li Tiezhu and Liu Yuan felt uncomfortable, after all, they were both young people.

Guo Xiaoxi and Zhang Yifeng looked at each other and nodded secretly, thinking that Li Tiezhu was very suitable.

Wu Litao said stupidly: "Why don't you let us all go? It's better to have more people."

Liu Yuan laughed, he knew that they... weren't worthy.

Uncle Zhang Yifeng said: "Wu Litao, you are not even standard in tactical movements. Isn't it a shame to shoot a promotional video?"

Wu Litao: "Master, you can. Ah! No, you are too old."

Zhang Yifeng: "Huh? Come on, single out! I will give you a hand."

Wu Litao: "Master, I was wrong."

Guo Xiaoxi said: "It should be because of the "War Dragon" series of movies and the TV series "Soldier Assault." These two works have the most influence in society and their images are excellent. Wu Jing and Li Tiezhu are the most suitable candidates.

Now the others have nothing to say.

"War Dragon" 1 and 2, box office and word-of-mouth, who dares to refuse?

Who dares not accept the influence and popularity of "Soldiers Assault"?

Especially in "Soldier Assault", now even children play the role of "Xu Sanduo".

After more than a month of military career, they have indeed become acquainted with each other, and their comradeship has also been cultivated, although it is not as pure as a real soldier.

"Drink and drink!"

Wu Jing is a heroic person, and drinking alcohol is even rougher.

A few here have also been trained in the barracks.

That night, except for Li Tiezhu and Wu Jing, the other five vomited. Among them, Liu Yuan was the first to be "dead", and the old man Zhang Yifeng was the one who insisted on being drunk.

Li Tiezhu and Wu Jing had no infighting in a tacit understanding, and each would rest in the hotel, and then went to shoot a conscription promotional video the next day.

The promotional video was shot for three days and went to many places, almost non-stop.

What impressed Li Tiezhu most was the top of the snow-capped mountains in southern Tibet, while Wu Jing preferred the sandy Gobi desert.

It is not appropriate to say more about the details of the shooting, because many involve confidentiality.

During the period, Wu Jing asked about "Operation Red Sea" more than once, and he also heard about Li Tiezhu's plan to make a military movie. On the one hand, Wu Jing admires and encourages Li Tiezhu, but on the other hand, he is afraid of making jokes because of his inexperience, so she is quite concerned.

Li Tiezhu didn’t hide it. Master Cheng Dalong couldn’t believe it, but Jing Ge can trust him. He said it without reservation from the plot summary, main characters, action design, military knowledge, etc., and he hopes to get some suggestions. point.

After Wu Jing listened, he only felt that Li Tiezhu was well prepared. It sounds like a good movie, but there is still a lack of military knowledge. He recommended two military advisers to Li Tiezhu.

As for the action design, the uncle Hong Dabao had already made a package ticket to come to help, but Li Tiezhu declined.

Military themes are not suitable for excessively exaggerated movements, and are based on reality.

Therefore, Li Tiezhu decided to ask the mysterious force Wu Jing trained to be the action guide, and Wu Jing's help was needed.

The two had discussed for two or three days. When the Xijiang Military Region was about to leave, Wu Jing said to Li Tiezhu again:

"I can only help you with the talk. It's okay or not. It's probably impossible. Although they are stationed in the Middle East for a long time, they should not participate in the shooting for actual combat training. That unit, you know...not short of money. ."

Wu Jing was happy to help, but he didn't dare to pack tickets.

Li Tiezhu said: "It's okay, please ask first, and then think of a solution if it doesn't work. Thank you, Brother Jing!"

When the filming of the promo film was completed, Wu Jing's "old leader", the head of the mysterious army, came, and Wu Jing and Li Tiezhu were very surprised. Li Tiezhu didn't know the chief, Wu Jing helped introduce him.

He found Li Tiezhu and said, "Listen to Wu Jing, do you want the troops to help guide your movie?"

Li Tiezhu: "Yes."

The chief said: "I will give you a class of veterans at that time, and it will be a vacation for them."

Li Tiezhu: "Ah...Thank you, Chief."

Director: "Don't thank me, thank yourself, we don't care about your entertainment industry, but you have been watching your performance over the years."

Li Tiezhu looked up at the sky: "Who is looking at me from above?"

Wu Jing gave him a kick and asked the chief to complain: "When I was shooting "War Dragon", the chief was not so generous. He was Li Tiezhu an outsider..."

The chief gave Wu Jing a kick: "Did the warships in "War Dragon 2" feed the dogs?"

Wu Jing could only smile: "Hey..."

The chief looked at Li Tiezhu again: "Do it hard! You are very good. Okay, this time I returned to China to recruit soldiers from various reconnaissance companies. If Li Tiezhu really is a soldier."

After leaving the chief, Wu Jing smiled and looked at Li Tiezhu: "Boy, okay! I'll catch up with my uncle when I shoot a TV series."

Li Tiezhu: "I have movie works."

Wu Jing rolled his eyes, forget it, don't talk to fools.

With the support of the military, can "People on the Road" and "Kung Fu" be able to do it? fart! It all depends on "Soldiers Assault."


Three days later, in the afternoon of June 20.

Li Tiezhu flew back to Kyoto from Xijiang by plane, and would never go back to school. He had hardly been in school this semester, so he always had to spare some time for the exam.

From the landing of the plane to returning to the small villa on the outskirts of Kyoto, no one greeted him.

Anyone here refers to Song Zhuer and Zhang Xiaomeng.

In the past, Li Tiezhu returned to Kyoto from another place, Sung Zhuer and Zhang Xiaomeng must have one to pick him up.

Li Tiezhu is not angry, just a little confused, Zhu'er has turned her sex?

As soon as he got out of the villa community and got off the online taxi, Li Tiezhu met the bird-walking uncle Tengger.

Li Tiezhu went home in a hurry, said hello and left: "Where is the big bird walking? Have you eaten it? Oh, why did this bird lose weight?"

Uncle Tengger reached out and grabbed Li Tiezhu: "The key is back."

Li Tiezhu: "What key?"

Tengol said: "The key to my house."

Li Tiezhu took out the keychain from his pocket and began to take the keys of the Tengger's house: "What's wrong? Did you lose the key?"

Tengger hurriedly snatched it and said, "Fart! I didn't lose the key. I confiscated the key in Zhuer's hand two days ago. Don't even think about it."

Li Tiezhu scratched his head: "What's wrong? You quarreled with Lapaw?"

Tengol: "Go ahead, go home by yourself and ask your wife, hey! Also quarreling, I took her broom and kicked her half a mile."

After speaking, Tengol took the birdcage and left, looking very angry.

Li Tiezhu thought, could it be that Song Zhuer went to steal the uncle's Maotai again? Certainly not, Zhuer always went home after drinking at the uncle's house, because she was too lazy to throw away the bottle.

Speaking of it, Tengger is actually not good at drinking, but the years when his daughter passed away suddenly became a little depressed. Later, his step-wife had a He also gradually walked out of the haze and became optimistic and humorous again.

He likes Song Zhu'er, an eccentric and weird baby girl, so the two families are very close. His son often visits Li Tiezhu's home to go wild, and Song Zhu'er often goes to his home to steal wine, and even each has the keys of each other's home.

Bewildered, Li Tiezhu returned to the small villa. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zaban and Liu Xiaohua kicking shuttlecock in the yard. Zaban was Tengger's youngest son. He was only twelve years old this year. His idol was Li Tiezhu.

Song Zhu'er was pushing Li Tiedan on a swing, and the poor Tiedan, who was only one and a half years old, was so frightened that the egg was cold, but she couldn't say a word about it.

When Zaban saw Li Tiezhu come back, he stopped kicking the shuttlecock, and ran over to help Li Tiezhu with his luggage with a smile. He just knew that Li Tiezhu was coming back today. He must be able to eat a meal made by idols and kick a shuttlecock tonight? Who is a Mongolian guy who rarely kicks a shuttlecock with a girl?

Liu Xiaohua: "Hello? Are you still kicking?"

Zaban carried Li Tiezhu's suitcase and said, "Stop kicking, the shuttlecock didn't make it well. Looking back, I stole my Abba's bird and killed it. Mao Quan pulled it off and made two more."

Great filial son!

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