Earthy Superstar

Chapter 99: : Returning from half a lifetime is still a teenager

   The already agitated audience members saw the two instructors leave the meeting angrily and were encouraged. They immediately clamored and shouted, making a mess.


  "Li Tiezhu, come on!"

   "Trash mentor!"

   "Ye...I XXX..."

   "Get out of good sound..."

   "Sabi King Leather Pants!"

   "Stop the broadcast, break the show!"

   There are more talents on the barrage, so angry and talented:

   "Ethan has zoomed in!"

   "The direction is wrong, the monster is on the left."

   "The two teachers are wrong? Li Tiezhu can't be eliminated? What character does Chen Yisen play at the table?"

   "The silly dog ​​is dead!"

   "I can't bear it either."

   "Those two are real dogs, they are also big stars, and their faces are gone."

   "Royal music, puff......"

   "Engine singing, hahaha..."

   "Tie Zhu is so pitiful, he was hacked."

   "Don't panic, there is a resurrection match, the serious brother will definitely return the king."

   "I'm back with a hammer. I can't beat this broken show anymore."

   "Yes! Stop the match."

   Wang Zegang was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "Director Hong, what are you doing in a daze? Cut off the live broadcast! Then you come to the stage to stabilize the situation and resume the live broadcast."

   Hong Bo turned a deaf ear, lowered his head and drank water, some people stretched their hands too long, really treat me as a clay Buddha?

   Wang Zegang shouted towards the exit: "Ms. Yi Sen! Ms. Han Hong! Don't leave."

   Chen Yisen has arrived at the door and can't hear him.

   Han Hong slowly waved to Wang Zegang, did not answer, and let out a full roar:


   Her voice is very penetrating.

   Although Chen Yisen was angry, but when he heard Han Hong's voice, he turned his head in the passageway, and his attitude was not good.

  Wang Zegang's cold sweat was dripping down. Teacher Han Hong stopped Ethan, and there was still room for recovery.

   Chen Yisen: "I won't go back, they are simply insulting the music..."

  Han Hong: "I said wait for me, sister will take you to the string."

   Chen Yisen was taken aback, then smiled and shouted at some fool on the stage: "Hey! What stupid do you commit? Go on line! Sister Hong treats you!"

   Ethan really likes Li Tiezhu, not the kind of appreciation of students, but more like being a little brother.

   begins with talent and ends with character.

   Hearing the words, Li Tiezhu turned his head to look, his eyes firm, I...I'm not hungry yet.

   No, I can't leave yet.

   I can't just be hacked in vain, I must report this time! If it had been before, Li Tiezhu would have picked up his leather pants and hung up to fight. It doesn't work now, and the old methods can no longer be used when the level is high.

How to do?

   Li Tiezhu started calling the system for the first time in history:

   I want to do those two, you make an offer!

   System dad, you are so rough!

   [Automatically generate a revenge item based on the host's situation, the price is 10 intelligence points]


   Li Tiezhu didn't blink his eyes.

   can be stupid or stupid, but absolutely can’t be bullied or humiliated. This is Li Tiezhu’s only bottom line. After all, even cats have been turned against?

   [Consuming 10 intelligence points, the revenge item is purchased successfully]

   Current intelligence value: 85 points.

【Ding! The host opens a new task, congratulations to the host for opening a new challenge...]

new task? new challenge?

Isn't    a revenge project? Labor and management have gained IQ.

   [Vengeance mission: Live on Douyin within 24 hours, earnestly appreciate the high-level taste of royal music, earnestly implement the explosive power of engine singing, and pay tribute to the two instructors. Ten songs are included. Achieve the goal: the number of live broadcast rooms exceeded 10 million, and the number of fans exceeded 10 million. Reward: 20 IQ points + elementary singing skills]

   Is there any more money?

   While Li Tiezhu was slightly excited, with a little sadness, it turned out...

   My singing skills are not even at the elementary level?

   Putting aside Chen Yisen’s meticulous guidance and training, Li Tiezhu sings purely by his voice, without the slightest skill at all, at an entry level.

   Wait, ten songs?

   Let me hear... Uh! Well, it's really only suitable for repaying two mentors! These songs are amazing, superb.

   Finally withdrawing energy from the system, Li Tiezhu saw Mr. Yi Sen open his teeth and claws at him.

   Chen Yisen: "Come down! Also sing a fart, with your talents and your works, do you still need this bad show?"

   Li Tiezhu said: "No! You must have a beginning and an end in doing things. It's not good for you to give up like this halfway through."

   Chen Yisen: "You are on the street! Believe me or not you?"

   Li Tiezhu: "You can't beat me, don't waste your effort."

   Ethan: "Hehehe...I'm so angry, hehehe..."

  Han Hong patted him: "Let's go, just the two of us, this kid, he has a very good shaft! I like his power!"

   Shaohua seized the opportunity and hurriedly ran over to persuade the two instructors to go back. Naturally, no one paid attention to him. Instead, he invited him to go to make a bunch of strings. Shaohua said that would not work. Not only did I have oral ulcers, but also constipation.

   At the same time, in the area where the director team is located, Wang Zegang's legs are soft, and it's over: "Director Hong? Director Hong! Think of a way!"

   The whole northwestern Shanxi is in a mess!

   Hong Bo supported the gold-wire glasses, calmly one, and said with a proficient "talking and stopping" Dafa:

   "Don't worry, don't worry, don't panic when something happens! Xiao Wang, do you think this is messy? It's nothing, it's better to be messy... A show that is not in my control, what is there..."

  Wang Zegang: "???"

  Boss! When is this? Still leaving suspense?

   Hongbo bet a mouthful of Chitose Mountain: "What... is necessary? Either give me absolute power or destroy it! This water thief Jill is terrible, and I want to drink every show! Gum!"

  DiDiDi, the phone rang.

  Wang Zegang was surprised, who didn’t mute the phone while working?

   When riots broke out in the venue, Hong Bo turned on the ringtone of his cell phone, and he answered the phone: "Hello? Ah, that's it? Goodbye."

   hung up the phone and continued to drink water.

  Wang Zegang's face suddenly became solemn, he saw the name of the caller on the phone screen his pupils were widened.

   As expected!

   I'm still a noob!


   The phone rang again.

   Hong Bo picked up the phone and looked at it for five seconds before answering the call: "Hmm...hmm...Would you like to think about it again?'s okay."

   There was extra noisy all around, and Wang Ze just couldn't hear what the big guy on the other side was saying.

After hanging up the phone again, Hong Bo looked at Li Tiezhu who was stunned in the stands and Shaohua who was trying to persuade Han Hong and Chen Yisen. Position mentor.


   Hong Bo stretched out his hand and Wang Zegang put on the microphone. Finally, the chaos should stop! After all, the price has been negotiated, and the loss should be stopped in time.


   At this time, a familiar guitar sound rang out. Through the live sound, the sound was not too small, and it suddenly overwhelmed other sounds.

   Hong Bo, who was about to take the stage to "quell the rebellion," was stunned. What did that guy do?

   The audience also stopped and looked at the guy playing the piano on stage.

   Under the pretext of "eating spicy skewers, constipation would be fine", Chen Yisen, who dragged Shaohua to the exit, also stopped, and looked at the stage with Han Hong.

   The two instructors who were sitting like a mountain under the stage also frowned. They were not afraid of making things worse, anyway, they were "for Li Tiezhu's good"!

   Li Tiezhu played the guitar a few times, then put it down, and said, "May we go out of our lives for half our lives and return as a teenager!"

   Then, he chose a cappella:

   I'm still the boy from the past

   no change


   (Thanks to Hu Qi for the 500-point reward! Thanks! Please recommend!)

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