Chapter 282 Faced with danger, Luffy decided to test his abilities first

In Luffy's opinion, since they are going to face danger, then they should all face it together.

But before Luffy could say anything, Robin and Nami made their attitudes clear, and their thinking was that since they were in danger, then all of them should have the same attitude.

They have to face this danger together.

Hearing Luffy and Nami and Robin, they said that Ace and Margao were true, but I didn't expect it to be these people here, they are all so brave, it seems that the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates should not be underestimated.

"Seeing that there is no Straw Hat Pirates, everyone is actually working together, since this is the case, then our Whitebeard Pirates can't sit still, can we. "

Speaking of which, everyone knows that this Ace, and Mal Gang and the two of them are actually involved in this operation, and they want to participate in everything.

It turned out to be the case, and there was no need for everyone to stop this matter, after hearing Luffy say this, everyone wanted to know more about what everyone thought about this matter.

"You guys hide behind me first, if my overlord color domineering can't control the scene, then Ace will help me increase the ability of this overlord color domineering first~. "

Since Luffy had already encountered this danger, he felt that he had to face this risk with everyone.

Hearing Luffy say this, everyone now understands that what they should do so far is to destroy these dinosaurs or tame them first.

Otherwise, they want to search for what they want on this island, and that's all fantasy.

"Okay, then I'll work with you to eliminate these dinosaurs here, if you don't want to destroy them and control them, so that everyone can safely find treasures. "

Ace quickly understood what Luffy meant, his overlord domineering might be stronger than Ace's.

So Luffy himself chose to face this danger, but if it was said that he couldn't control these dinosaurs, Ace had to stand up and help Luffy.

After hearing this Ace's statement, everyone focused on this Luffy, they didn't expect Luffy to be more capable than they thought.

"Of course, everyone faces danger together, even if you don't say it, I will face it with you, don't worry. "

After saying this, Ace took the initiative to stand behind Luffy despite Margao's obstruction, and Zoro was already standing beside Luffy.

He knew that when these dinosaurs wanted to attack Luffy, he couldn't wait, he had to make a move.

In the face of this current situation, if they wait, it may bring them a certain risk.

So now Luffy has to rush out, and after hearing what Zoro said, everyone pays attention to Luffy. (Channo's)

They are expecting Luffy to succeed in one fell swoop, and if Luffy succeeds, it will bring them certain benefits.

"'Who would have thought that there would be such a danger, there are so many monsters and dinosaurs here, and we can only recover them if we want to move forward. "

Robin and Nami are relatively calm, and now that there is such a big danger here, the two of them can't stand idly by.

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