Chapter 260: Ace has a domineering overlord color

Ace is getting stronger, this is what Luffy wants to see at the moment, Luffy said that Ace is calmer, he knows what he should do so far.

"My previous overlord domineering was indeed a little weaker, but now I see it, the power in my body seems to be a lot stronger, Luffy, you are really powerful. "

Ace finally calmed down, and after "Six-Two-Seven" became stronger in his body, he finally felt that he was different from before.

In the past, Ace was very anxious, always hoping that he could make a breakthrough, and always knew that he still had a chance.

But he still wanted to make himself stronger.

Luffy's ability is already very strong, and looking at the overlord color domineering that Luffy is using now, he can already see that Luffy is much stronger than him.

"Why didn't you use this powerful ability before, this ability is indeed very powerful, and it is really the best way to use it when facing enemies. "

When Ace also had the domineering power of the overlord color, he found that this ability was particularly useful.

He said this, Luffy knew in his heart that this was indeed the case, but they didn't plan to use this ability to deal with anyone before, and he wanted everyone to get a chance to exercise on the island.

"If I use this powerful ability and rely on me to solve everything, then when will you be able to improve?"

Luffy didn't look back at Ace after saying this, he knew that the other party could understand what he meant.

He has given everyone a lot of opportunities and I hope they can grow up as soon as possible, which is what he has done so far.

Hearing Luffy say this, Ace also felt that this was indeed the case, why didn't he take this into account before.

"Luffy is right, if he helps us solve all the problems, then we won't have a chance to break through on this island?"

Speaking of this, Ace also deliberately turned around to take a look, Luffy knew in his heart that Luffy was indeed looking forward to the progress of all of them.

He also wanted to improve himself as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that this progress would have to pay some price for him.

When they fought against this dinosaur this time, although he said that he had broken through and had the domineering spirit of the overlord, he still had some psychological stability that was not particularly stable0...

"Although my ability is said to have improved, why do I feel that the improvement of this ability is not particularly good, why?"

Ace quietly walked to Luffy's side, he was embarrassed to mention things in front of everyone, he knew in his heart, mentioning this matter in front of others might make everyone think he was showing off.

In fact, he is not showing off, he just has no way, he has some feelings that this overlord is domineering, and he is not particularly smooth.

"If you want to break through, of course you have to work harder, you are just breaking through, you still need to exercise. "4.1 Speaking of which, Luffy took out a fruit, and he knew that after eating this fruit, it might make Ace's overlord domineering spirit even stronger.

The reason why he didn't take out this fruit before the smoke was because it was very weak when Ace broke through at that time.

The current Ace overlord color domineering has been mastered.,But in Ace's opinion, it's not particularly smooth.。。

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