Chapter 233: Ace and Margao talk about Daddy's body

"Dad's body was hurt a little bit at that time, and his body hasn't recovered until now, and we all know in our hearts that we want him to worry less. "

As they continued to walk forward, Luffy talked to Ace and Margao about Whitebeard's Edward Newgate's body.

This is clear to their entire group, and the two of them were able to meet this time because they had brought each other together intentionally or unintentionally.

Luffy deliberately wanted to get in touch with the Whitebeard Pirates, as for the Whitebeard Pirates, it was Edward Newgate 267's instructions, and he wanted Luffy to take them to the Whitebeard Pirates, learn with Luffy, and work hard to grow together.

"For me, I knew in my heart that it might not be so easy to become stronger, and this was facilitated by my father. "

"I also know in my heart that the last time he was injured, his body has not recovered yet, and I don't know what to do. "

The reason why Ace chose Margao this time was because he wanted to avoid the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates.

He wanted to discuss things with Ajec, so he couldn't let anyone else know, and that was what he wanted to discuss with Margau the most so far.

"It's okay for my father's body to live for a few more years as long as he doesn't worry about it, but his ability is indeed slowly weakening, which is normal, as long as it is properly maintained, it is absolutely no problem to live for a few more years. "

Speaking of this, Luffy, like everyone else, knew in their hearts that if they wanted to become stronger, they had to show their own attitude.

Luffy didn't participate in the conversation between Margao and Ace, and he knew that this matter was an internal problem of the Whitebeard Pirates.

He can help in any way, but it's better for them to stay away when it comes to discussing issues between them.

Luffy and Zoro also have Nami, and as they move forward, Luffy discovers that Nami has been paying attention to her surroundings.

"How's your map going? Don't you want to make a map of the world? How's it going?"

The reason why Nami came out this time was because Luffy wanted Nami to take a look at this different island. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nami didn't disappoint them either, and when she was with them, Nami would pay attention to her surroundings a lot of the time.

It was clear to them that Nami's abilities would be useful during their voyage.

He's always wanted to get Nami to fall in love with Whitebeard.,Newgate has more contact.,But there's never been a chance.,If the other party can retreat.,He might be able to achieve his own wish.。

"I've made a part of the map, and you know why I came with you this time, I really want to draw this map. "

Nami doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with what she is doing, and the reason why he is willing to follow Luffy is that everyone knows his dreams, just like Zoro has dreams.

Luffy wants to become the king of the pirates, they all have dreams, and they can do whatever they want until their dreams come true.

"Everyone is around your dreams, and you are also working hard, and I can see it clearly. "

Luffy was very pleased.

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