Chapter 225 It's Not Worth Wasting Time

Although Ace said that they were leaving, Luffy was still in this place, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex leader slowly regained some consciousness.

In his opinion, Luffy's powerful power is very useful to him, and if Luffy wants to leave, for them, it is not necessarily that they are unwilling to let Luffy go.

But they had to remind these companions of his that Luffy's power of "One Seven-Three" was good for them.

"You don't have to let me go too far, let me go and rest assured, no problem. "

After Ace had walked some distance with the help of Margao and Sauron, they stopped, and Ace walked back some distance.

Margao and Zoro followed them back, but Ace reminded them that there were times when they didn't have to follow so closely, and that he knew what he was in.

"Luffy, they think you're capable, and they don't plan to let you go, so be careful. "

Ace could understand what these Tyrannosaurus Rex were saying, after all, he had just eaten the powerful jacket fruit.

The jacket fruit could understand what these T-Rex were saying, and when he translated it to Luffy, Luffy wasn't nervous.

"Don't worry, even if they want to eat me, they have to have this ability, and when they don't have this ability, it's useless to do anything. "

Luffy quickly and calmly analyzed the current situation, for him, even if these Tyrannosaurus Rex had the ability, they might not necessarily have the ability to eat him.

Now she doesn't plan to use his sights and knowledge with these Tyrannosaurus rex.

Since he didn't plan to use his overlord power, then his overlord color domineering didn't plan to use it, Luffy wanted to deal with these Tyrannosaurus rexes for a while longer, so that they could face the current situation calmly.

"I know you want to eat me, but I don't know if you can understand what I'm saying, you don't have that ability, let alone that you are so big, even if you are as big as me, you don't have this ability. "

Luffy said this while he was also observing his surroundings, although it was said that he said it as if he was bragging.

But he knew that in the face of this powerful opponent, it was impossible for him to give up his ability without 0.........

He has a powerful ability to control these Tyrannosaurus rexes when facing these dinosaurs.

The reason why he didn't do it was because he felt that the island was the territory of these dinosaurs, and he had no intention of harming them.

"I don't respect you by not moving you, but if you say that you don't respect yourself, I can't help it. "

Luffy said as if he hadn't done anything to prepare, but he was actually prepared, and if these dinosaurs dared to attack him, then he would definitely not fight back.

"What time is wasted with them, it makes no sense to tell them so much about 2.6 points, if you plan to make a move, then make a quick move, it's really not worth wasting this time with them. "

Zoro is not a good-natured person, and he heard Luffy discussing with these Tyrannosaurus Rexes there how to do something with them.

Zoro felt that it was all a waste of time, and in his opinion, it could be wasted by doing it directly, and this time was meaningless.

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