Chapter 173: It's useless to worry too much

"Yes, my ability has improved a lot, but so what? My ability has improved a lot, and I think it's really much stronger than before. "

Luffy wants to live a comfortable life by drifting on the ocean recently, and at the same time, they want to improve their abilities through this time.

Originally, he planned to separate everyone and find their own fate, but now it seems that even if they are not separated, eating these fruits can improve their abilities a lot.

"You will have the same result after eating all 227, so there is no need for us to try to improve our abilities, this trip to the island may be the creation of each of us. "

Who would have thought that these people were determined to improve their abilities and become strong as soon as possible.

But I didn't expect them not only to not become stronger, but at the same time, they seemed to have some unexpected results for them.

"These fruits on the island have provided us with strong enough abilities to make us a lot stronger, but it is really not particularly easy for us to come (ajch) and what we want to do now. "

Margao reminded Luffy about the things on the island, they don't know much about these fruits, and they seem to have certain abilities, but they don't necessarily get them after eating them.

It's as tempting as this red fruit, but he doesn't know what kind of results it will bring to them after eating it.

"We came here by fate, who would have thought that we would be driven by ocean currents to come to such a nameless island, where there are so many ancient creatures, who knows what is going on here?"

Luffy is more optimistic, he thinks that Margao's worries are a little superfluous.

Ace was there listening to the conversation between Luffy and Margao, and he felt that Luffy was right.

It's like after he ate this cat fruit, he became this saber-toothed tiger, but the power of the saber-toothed tiger is also clear to him, and he knows in his heart that it can improve their powerful abilities a lot.

"We have just experienced the saber-toothed tiger state, and the saber-toothed tiger's ability is very strong, not only when we became a saber-toothed tiger, but even if we changed back to our original appearance, there is still a part of this saber-toothed tiger's ability left in our body. "

After the ability was improved, their abilities became a lot stronger, which made Luffy and all of them realize that they would change.

For Luffy, he has always been looking forward to this change, and he wants to improve his ability more.

He had planned to contact himself again 20 years later through that phone booth, and let himself 20 years later point out to him.

But with so many people present, even if he wanted to contact himself twenty years later, he couldn't do it, not to mention that the phone booth was not in this place.

"It's an unexpected bonus, I'll try it first, if it weren't for the poison, you wouldn't have to eat it. "

"If there is no poison, I have improved my ability after eating it, then my ability will become stronger in the future, and I am willing to let him have some side effects. "

Luffy's optimistic mood made him think about the problem and think about the perfection of comparison.

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