Chapter 143 Barrett Appears, Permanent Pointer

A few weeks later.

The sea is calm.

The wanderers who were bored on the sea because of boredom, Luffy and the others were lying on the boat basking in the sun, and the crabs jumped on their ships, and they didn't react at all.

"It's hot!

"It's so hot right now. Luffy was lying on the deck like a dead dog, and Chopper was lying next to him as well as Usopp.

"It was cold to death a few days ago, it's only been a few days, and at this pace, we haven't even made it to Lovedrew, and we're afraid we'll be burned to death by the sun. "

The crabs on the deck hadn't crawled a few steps before they were dried on the teppanyaki. Luffy and Usopp only glanced at each other, and then grabbed it instantly.

"This is mine!"


"It's mine!"

Chopper also joins the fray.

A few minutes later, they were instantly tossed to the ground, and the crabs they were fighting for just now actually fell to the bottom of the sea in the process of snatching, which made them sigh.


The door on the deck opened, "Luffy, what the hell are you arguing about, I don't know we're all in the cabin!" Nami said to Luffy in a three-point bikini.

09 She was enjoying Sanji's essential oil service in the creation cabin, but who knew that she heard a vibration, and hurriedly ran up, and immediately made Sanji cry.

Such a good opportunity was all ruined by Luffy and them.

Luffy was lying on the ground, listless.

"When the hell is it going to be on the next island? We've been on the island for so long. Usopp and Chopper next to him had completely fainted.

Nami shook her head helplessly: "Didn't I tell you, there are still three days!"

"The seas of the New World are already moody, and you forgot about the snow in June last time? and the heat this time, which just means that we have come to the next area. "

"As long as you keep going, you will soon be able to reach the next residential area. "

The pointer in Nami's hand was turning.

This is a temporary pointer that indicates the direction of the next island, and is required to sail in the New World.

If not, the few people will have to drift on the sea.

"Three days?"

"No, it won't!"

"Then I won't dry the radish yet!"

Chopper smirked when he heard the dried turnips, "That's pretty good." "

Usopp could barely lift his eyelids.

"That's better than freezing to death. Nami was helpless, but they didn't want to enter the cabin either, because Luffy was more comfortable lying on the deck than the vast sea.

It's even more boring in the genesis.


Sauron, who had been lying on the pole of the Sunshine, suddenly opened his eyes. He looked in one of the directions, and suddenly drew his knife.

"It's coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark shadow jumped towards the center of the ship.

Zoro was just about to raise his knife to cut it, when he found that this person actually knew! It was actually Barrett, who had been staying in the Straw Hat Bun Regiment!

"Wow, Barrett, why are you here!"

Luffy really found out right away.

When he saw Barrett, his whole body became excited, and he pounced. Others were also cheerfully sober from their listlessness.


Nami was stunned.

Sanji and the others, who felt the boundless domineering spirit below, immediately rushed to the deck, and only after they were all on top did they breathe a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be Mr. Barrett, and I said who is great here, how can he find us in such a place. "Robin, they both have each other's life papers, and of course they can know the whereabouts of their companions.

"Haha! I've been looking for a long time before I found you, there's big news here, I have to find the captain to decide!"

"Big news?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Nami was stunned: "Could it be that something happened to the big boat group? What the hell is going on, the courier company is not doing well, or?"

Barrett shook his head.

"Something bigger than that!"

"Anything bigger?"

Luffy and the others are also interested. Sauron, who was still standing on the sail just now, jumped down now: "Mr. Barrett, you don't have to hide it. "

He put away his knife and looked serious.

When Barrett saw that all of them were coming, he naturally didn't hide it: "Do you know Ralph Drew?"

"Ralph Drew!"

Usopp and the others' eyes widened!

Even Luffy got up from his surprise: "Ralph Drew, isn't this the final island!

Everyone was shocked.

Ralph Drew is where the Great Secret Treasure is opened, and it is also where One Piece Gore D Roger hides the treasure. Legend has it that you can only know the truth about the world when you come to Ralph Drew, and this is the only way to become the king of the pirates.

"No, you know that kind of news, Mr. Barrett, you're too powerful, aren't you!" Usopp cast a look of adoration.

Barrett shook his head: "If you want to find Lovedrew, you need not only to find the ancient slate, but also to master the words on the slate, otherwise, you can't go to that place at all." "

"The Four Emperors have tried before, but none of them have succeeded. "

"Then why did you mention that?" Luffy was puzzled.

After Barrett heard Luffy's complaint, he hurriedly smiled: "Although I don't know the location of Ralphdrew, I know where the permanent pointer to Ralphdrew is!"

"Isn't finding Lovedrew's permanent pointer the same as finding Lovedrew?"


Everyone present was shocked!

"Ralph Drew's permanence?!" is the little thief cat who has the most right to speak. The island hand itself is divided into one-time and permanent.

The normal pointer can only point to nearby islands, and after each time you enter the island, you need 560 to record the island, otherwise, you will lose your way back to entering the island.

But permanent pointers are different.

This thing is in the hand, like a compass, pointing permanently to a certain place, even if the pointer is damaged, unless the pointer's magnet is removed.

"There's a permanent pointer for Ralph Drew in this world, it's amazing!" Nami looked at Barrett in surprise.

Actually, it's clear when you think about it.

It was not easy for Gore D Roger to get to Ralph Drew, how could he not leave some records, even if he didn't want to, there were so many people on the ship, there must be people who wanted to return to this place.

Permanent pointers are present, and it is understandable.

But Luffy suddenly became suspicious: "Forget it, I still don't want it." He rejected Barrett's message.


Everyone present was shocked!


"Aren't we looking for the Great Secret Treasure? Now that we've finally found it, why give up? If we miss it now, we won't have a chance. "

Nami: They're all puzzled.

Finding Ralph Drew is the only condition for becoming One Piece, and if you let someone else enter first, you can only give it up, which is the rule of the sea.

ps: Kneel and beg for an automatic subscription and a reward, but if there is one, the author will continue to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!。

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