Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 129: This is the real firestorm 9/10

"No, there are more and more half-orcs. After Lucas died, these half-orcs went crazy."

"What do we do, the arrows we prepared are almost running out." No way, when they came here, the task they received was after all patrols. The preparation time is also short, and the arrows are simply not enough.

This is only a short time consumption, it is not enough. If we continue, we will have to fight hand in hand. If there is no danger to defend, it is very dangerous to meet with each other, or you will die.

Although everyone is here to fight, they are all students after all. It's okay to let them fight, but it's not enough to let them fight hard. Seeing this scene, Xi Qianxue also sighed, there was no way.

"Send a signal to let everyone in the forest return."

Daniel pulled out a tube, and three fireworks with sharp sounds flew into the air.

That's right, it is this kind of ordinary firework, which is used as a signal, and it can also be used here. Hearing this voice, Du You looked back and knew that Xi Qianxue was about to use the last resort.

Without even thinking about it, Du You asked Xiao Zi to follow behind to deal with the chasing soldiers, and then ran all the way toward the gap.

The same goes for everyone else. The only difference from Du You was that although there were chasing soldiers behind the others, there were not many. There were too many chasing soldiers behind Du You alone, and Xiao Zi couldn't completely stop him. The half-orcs in front saw Du You, immediately gave up the attack gap, and launched a siege on Du You.

"Damn, I really thought I was too bullied." Du You cursed secretly, and threw a slime swamp toward the front.

The 30 meters ahead suddenly turned into a piece of glue, and the half-orcs felt difficult and continued to sink. The strong toxicity made the orcs continue to take medicine, but there was no way to break free.

And the orcs behind, avoiding the slime swamp, continue to rush towards Du You from the side. This is really stunned and afraid of being horizontal, horizontally afraid of death. Du You was also afraid of encountering these desperate people.

"A bunch of lunatics, fortunately, I still have a way, Xiao Zi."

Xiao Zi heard Du You's call, gave up continuing to block the pursuit, and flew towards Du You instead.

Still the same formula, still the same pain. Du You's face was distorted, Xiao Zi grabbed her shoulders and flew with her, the target is the rear. Just because he flew too fast and climbed too high, Du You felt pain in his shoulder. This sharp claw is the same for everyone, and it is also effective for Du You.

Du You secretly made up his mind to find two good shoulder armors next time, otherwise he would have a shadow if he came back several times. Xiao Zi's speed was too fast, and the half-orcs in front had dispersed again in order to avoid the slime swamp, so no one stopped him.

After Du You flew past, there were only a few sparse axes flying over in a whirl, but they couldn't catch up with Du You at all. After a while, almost everyone in the forest evacuated and returned.

"Is there anyone coming back? Can you inform me?" Xi Qianxue asked.

"I can't tell, it should be dead." Daniel's face remained unchanged, but his words were still a bit heavy.

"Although I knew it was dangerous, I was ready for someone to sacrifice, but I didn't expect someone to die here. Forget it, I'll consider how to explain to their parents when I get back these things."

Xi Qianxue is also a decisive person, so she doesn't think about too many useless things at this time. The staff in his hand was thrust into the ground. I don't know when, a small magic circle appeared on the ground in front of Xi Qianxue.

"Spark, burst." Xi Qianxue released a wide range of magic to the front.

In an instant, the magic wand that had been used for a long time exploded, but this time the spark range was extremely wide. Countless sparks in the sky naturally generated, but they enveloped the large forest in front.

Arranged aside, the kerosene bottle, which was not found by those half-orcs, was ignited by sparks. In the surrounding forest, a large pillar of fire suddenly rose up. If you look at it from the air, they are two semicircles.

The two flames were half-circle, just surrounding the middle. There are also some hidden fires, which gradually burst into flames. A large number of combustibles in the forest began to burn frantically under the influence of the flames.

In just a few minutes, the fire was full, and the forest seemed to have been lit. This magnificent sight, where is the flame made by myself? Feeling the hot wind blowing against his face, Du You's heart was faintly shocked.

For a plan, this woman is really willing to go out. These three items have been consumed, and there is a large amount of white crystal coins. If you replace it with such a large consumption, you will feel distressed, and you should not be able to arrange it. This interlocking layout ability is not something that I can do.

No matter how much, stop the crazy half-orcs first. The orcs wanted to rush out before being burned to death, so they were even crazier. The soldiers and students here also went all out.

"Don't keep the magic power and weapons, shoot them all out, don't let them rush over."

Daniel roared as he stood at the mountain pass, turning the fish that slipped through the net into patties one by one.

A few minutes later, the fire was completely closed, and the orcs inside screamed, and there was no way to get out.

"It seems that the traps prepared in the forest behind us are useless." A student said.

"No, it's still useful. These half-orcs haven't It seems they really don't want to die. There are about five hundred half-orcs on the opposite side, some of them are injured, but most of them are intact. Everyone retreated and evacuated into the trap behind."

Xi Qianxue gave the order, and the students evacuated one by one towards the back. Some people's faces were hesitant.

"It's too dangerous. If we fight hand in hand, we will die. Now that we have gained something, it is better to go back."

"No, now the task is not completed. If we go back at this time, we will lose the reward for the task. As long as we can persist to the end, we can get a good result in the college entrance examination. Anyway, I won't go back."

When the students thought of the crazy half-orcs, the worry in their hearts became more intense.

In the end, some students who couldn't stand it chose to escape. After all, no matter how great the benefits are, their lives are not important, right? Only if you are alive can you have everything.

Du You shook his head as he watched these people's performance. Backing once means backing out again and again, and 80% of these people will eventually become degenerate awakened and semi-awakened ones. I am afraid that there will not be much in this life. It's a pity that it has been accomplished.

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