Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 127: Reappearing Firestorm Seven/Ten

Combining the curse of dispersal with Xiao Zi, this is one of Du You's tactics. Xiao Zi was entwined with electricity falling from the sky, and grabbed at Lucas. Lucas's spirit was already in a slack, and some of them didn't react in time.

But Lucas's speed is very fast, still blocking Xiao Zi's front. Du You took the opportunity to break down the spell and fight it out.

But Du You had forgotten that Lucas actually had two axes on his body, so the other hand was horizontal to block his curse. The tyrannical vindictiveness was only dimmed a bit, and did not collapse.

"What kind of fighting qi skill, the star is so high." This is the first time Du You has seen it, and there is fighting qi that can stop him from breaking down the spell once. Although the attack power of decomposing spells is not very strong, it is a regular type skill, and it reaches 10 stars. Even if the opponent is one level higher than himself, the vindictiveness does not collapse.

From the rear, Xi Qianxue found Du You participating in the battle, and her mood calmed down a bit.

"Lucas was temporarily blocked, but our earth element did not have the desired effect. Now, prepare the second set of plans."

"I really need to use that, but this time we have paid a lot."

"Use it immediately, even if you pay a little bit more, the gain will not be small."

Hearing what Xi Qianxue said, Lan Xiaodie nodded vigorously, took out a piece of khaki jewel in distress, folded her hands on her chest, and started the next spell.

The yellow light in his hand burst out, and the magic circle that everyone thought was useless, did not expect to emit a faint light again. It's just that the light is not very obvious, on the contrary it is very faint.

What no one found was that the earth element tiger that had fallen on the ground also had a core in its body that was emitting light, becoming stronger and wider, and spreading to the whole body.

Several spells were cast, but they were all blocked by Lucas. Seeing that the orc warrior behind was about to come over, Du You was also a little anxious. If you are surrounded, you will never get better.

The current level is too low, no matter how effective it is, it is impossible for a person to fight an army alone.

However, there are other ways. "Little Zi, take control of that guy." Du You ordered in his heart.

Xiao Zi suddenly speeded up, temporarily entangled Lucas. In two seconds, Xiao Zi's claws and Lucas' axe touched several times, and the skin on Xiao Zi's claws was worn out.

No matter how hard a flesh and blood body is, it is difficult to touch metal weapons, especially when the level is low.

Fire snake curse, Du You pointed his finger, a red curse hit Lucas.

Most of the spells of the spellmaster are very fast, and it is difficult to avoid them when they are cast at close range. The spell hit Lucas, sparks shot from Lucas's body, and the three fiery snakes kept entwining.

Even under the control of the Curse of Dispersion, Lucas still felt pain throughout his body. The pain concentrated Lucas's mind. One hand continued to resist Xiao Zi, the other hand faced a fire snake and chopped it down.

With a "boom", the fire snake exploded.

"The fire snake of the fire snake curse will automatically explode once it dies. You are really looking for death by yourself."

The fire snake formed by the fire snake curse can entangle a person for three minutes. This is because the current level is 3rd. After three minutes, it will disperse automatically. But if it breaks actively, it will explode.

Of course, no one wants this thing to entangle themselves for three minutes. If no armor is burned for three minutes, a living person will turn into a roast pig. But the explosion was equally uncomfortable, and there was obviously a scorched black body on Lucas.

The skin of the animal was burned, and even the skin became black, with faint blood seeping through it. It was just the blast of air that affected Xiao Zi. Only then did Du You realize that not all curses can be ignored by himself and his pets.

This kind of explosion, as well as the high temperature generated by the flame, can't even be immune to it.

Lucas gritted his teeth and suddenly returned with both hands. One hand blocked his chest, and while the fire snake was just passing the guardian on his chest, his right hand chopped it off with an axe. With a "boom", the fire snake exploded again, without causing any damage this time.

But Xiao Zi took advantage of this opportunity to leave a scar on Lucas' head.

Lucas swung his axe to force Xiao Zi back, and once again started at the third fire snake.

"That's okay? I really have you, but it's good to catch up." Du You didn't expect that Lucas could use this method to solve his Fire Snake Curse. Unfortunately, the fire snake curse's attack is not too strong after all.

But the Fire Snake Curse itself has the ability to restrain, under the effect of the Fire Snake Curse, Lucas has no way to run towards him at all, and can only be restrained in place. If you are active, not only is your speed slow, but you are more likely to get injured.

While the third Fire Snake Curse was broken, Du You's finger pointed towards Lucas lightly.

Mucus swamp, the spell followed in time, hit Lucas's chest, and then spread countless mucus. The next moment, the spark that hadn't completely disappeared fell on the slime swamp, igniting it instantly.

Xiao Zi, who had been prepared for a long time, had already left Lucas's side and flew high to avoid the flames.

Lucas was instantly enveloped in flames. What Du You just used was not a slime swamp, but three at the same time. Because they all hit a target, they didn't spread to a larger area.

At this moment no one can discover the effect of Du You's spell splitting technique. But this flame is in a three-in-one state, and its power is not compromised. Even an existence like Lucas couldn't help but screamed. But the next moment, the screams were enveloped by flames, and only the sound of flame burning was heard.

For a long time, a black figure rushed towards Du You, relying on mental lock, because of the close distance, Du You clearly found Lucas's figure. "Strength is stronger than that wild boar man, it's a pity that I met me today."

While talking, Du You sent out the three-in-one slime swamp he had just prepared again. With the perception brought by the mental lock, Du You could still barely feel the target location.

If it weren't for the fear of getting too close and worrying about being burned, Du You would still be able to hit accurately.

As the slime swamp formed, another fire ignited. Two consecutive flame explosions, even Lucas couldn't hold on. Who made Du You's curse star really too high? This power is extremely terrifying.

Beside, the orcs who wanted to rescue Lucas ran over frantically. But without waiting to get closer, they covered their necks one by one, and fell down with an ashen face. The concentration of this diffuse toxin is also very high.

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