Earth Era

Chapter 28: Crimson Heart

There are more than 30 launch sites on the earth. After the outbreak of the solar crisis, all kinds of satellite launch plans for commercial use, meteorology, monitoring, and civilian use were all stopped and replaced by scientific research satellite launch missions. In the past period of time, at least three rockets have been launched every day, transporting a huge amount of materials and a large amount of technological equipment into space. However, after the "reverse fusion layer" on the surface of the sun was discovered, and the possible existence of a K2-level civilization was speculated, all launch plans were stopped. The reason is very simple. The high-level human government is worried that too many space launch plans will cause misunderstandings of super-extraterrestrial civilizations, which will bring disaster to the earth.


However, after Zhao Huasheng proposed the paradox that existed between those two preconditions, the signal transmitted by the Xinghe radio telescope did not receive a response for three days, and the possibility of the existence of super-extraterrestrial civilization was reduced, The massive space launch program was immediately resumed.


This first space launch mission is the largest of these launch sites.


It took Zhao Huasheng several hours to arrive at this launch site from the Vulcan Solar Telescope Base. Launch Site 1 is located in the subtropical zone of the former Earth period, and it is summer time, so it should be quite hot here. However, due to the impact of the solar crisis, the average temperature here has dropped to about 15 degrees Celsius, and the temperature will even drop to zero at night.


Today's weather is not very good. Although there are no clouds in the sky, and there is no sign of rain or snow, the wind is so strong that even the helicopter is a little unstable. After the helicopter landed, Zhao Huasheng erected his collar and left the cabin with Meng Zhuo and others. Outside, Wang Tang and others were already waiting there.


After a brief chat, everyone walked to the launch control room together. On the way, Wang Tang gave a brief introduction to the launch mission.


"This launch is the most important part of the entire solar exploration program." Wang Tang said, "We have made some improvements to the Mars exploration spacecraft that have been deployed in the orbit of the earth before. Radiation network, increased fuel reserves, improved the power of engines and communication equipment, replaced related scientific detection instruments, and made many other transformations, and finally transformed it into a manned spacecraft that can be used for solar exploration missions. ."


Before the Sun Crisis broke out, the human government led the ambitious manned exploration plan for Mars, but at the critical moment when the spacecraft was finally assembled and waiting for the arrival of astronauts, the Sun Crisis broke out and the plan was shelved. Now, its purpose has also been changed, and its target is no longer Mars, but the sun.


There are many differences between missions to Mars and missions to the sun. The closest distance between Mars and the earth is only 55 million kilometers - of course, this is only the shortest distance in theory. In the actual Mars exploration mission, it is basically impossible for humans to get such a good opportunity. In the original orbit plan of the Mars exploration mission, the length of this orbit is 80 million kilometers. The "Crimson Heart" spacecraft will reach Mars and enter the orbit of Mars in 50 days, and then release the lander to carry the spacecraft. The crew reached the surface of Mars, and after a three-month expedition, it took about 80 days to return to Earth.


The distance between the sun and the earth is much larger. The average distance is 150 million kilometers, which is a little more than twice that of the Mars exploration mission. This will inevitably require more supplies and fuel reserves, and the space environment after being close to the sun is much worse than Mars. Crimson Heart can reach Mars, but it cannot get close to the sun.


Therefore, under the leadership of the human government, the scientific research department made many improvements to the Crimson Heart, and finally made it able to undertake the task of getting close to the sun.


If there is enough time, re-manufacturing a solar exploration spacecraft is undoubtedly a better choice, but unfortunately, the solar crisis is too violent and fast, and it will take at least five years to build a spacecraft that can travel interstellar - this time , including the initial mission planning, that is, the scientific research department puts forward requirements for the performance and functions of the spacecraft, and then the engineering department will combine the scientific research department to study how to realize these functions, draw drawings and submit them for review, and the review is approved. Only then will it enter the final construction stage.


The construction tasks will be distributed to tens of thousands of factories around the world for separate manufacturing. After passing the acceptance, these parts will undergo preliminary assembly, and then undergo a lot of debugging and testing. After passing, they will be launched into orbit around the earth by rockets. . A temporary space station will also be formed to take care of the subsequent docking and assembly of these modules, as well as maintenance tasks.


Each rocket launch only takes a portion of the spacecraft into space. The assembly of the entire spacecraft requires many launches. The Crimson Heart spacecraft carried out more than 100 rocket launches in succession, and was finally assembled in space. In this process, the launch, return, life safety guarantee, material guarantee, coordination and command of all aspects of the astronauts responsible for assembling the spacecraft is a huge project.


Among the more than 100 rocket launch missions, there were three failures. Because of these three failures, four outstanding astronauts died and three batches of valuable precision instruments were damaged.


A total of more than one million outstanding scientists, engineers, workers, managers, logistics personnel, etc. participated in this huge project. Human civilization spent five years with its own sweat and blood, and finally poured out this great spaceship. But at this last moment, its target was changed from Mars to the sun, which has to be said to be a bit dramatic.


"The later retrofit missions involved thirty-seven rocket launches. The Crimson Heart spacecraft is excellent, and converting it into a solar probe saves a lot of time and resources than rebuilding one. Now, all matters All preparations have been completed, and the Crimson Heart can go to the sun to conduct field observations on the sun." Wang Tang said, "Of course, before that, we need to send these five excellent astronauts to the spacecraft first. ."


Zhao Huasheng stopped and turned his eyes to the distance, standing upright like a huge rocket pointing to the sky.


This is the Hercules heavy launch vehicle. It has a height of 70 meters and a total weight of up to 3,500 tons. Each launch, it can send 130 tons of payload into space. This is a miracle in the history of human engineering, and it is the largest rocket ever built by mankind.


The Hercules rocket is more than two thousand meters away from Zhao Huasheng. Despite such a long distance, the magnificence of the Hercules rocket is still overwhelming. Anyone who sees this rocket marvels at its sheer size and power.


Zhao Huasheng looked at it with fascination, not knowing what he was thinking.


Wang Tang walked behind Zhao Huasheng and said in a low voice, "Among the 130 tons of payloads launched this time, in addition to three men, two women and five astronauts, there is also a material storage warehouse, which is stored in the storage warehouse. The supply material. It has some power, and after the Hercules rocket sends them into space, the astronauts will operate the material storage warehouse to dock with the Crimson Heart spacecraft and become part of the spacecraft. Then the astronauts will enter Go to the operating cabin and drive the Crimson Heart spacecraft to break free from Earth's orbit and head to the sun."


"Robots are incomparable to humans after all, and there are many operations that only humans can perform. Therefore, scientists set this exploration mission as manned spaceflight. They hope that the instruments loaded on the Crimson Heart spacecraft, as well as this Five astronauts can figure out what is going on in the "reverse fusion layer" and whether it is possible to break the reverse fusion layer."


Zhao Huasheng nodded, looked away from the Hercules heavy launch vehicle, and followed Wang Tang into the operating room.


More than 100 staff are busy in the operation room, monitoring all aspects of the Hercules launch vehicle and the material storage warehouse at any time.


"I am the commander-in-chief of the launch mission of the Crimson Heart spacecraft." Wang Tang said to Zhao Huasheng, "Now is the final preparation stage. The astronauts have completed the last medical examination and are coming here by car. The launch The window period is between two and four in the afternoon, and according to the weather data, the Hercules rocket will launch at the right time."


Zhao Huasheng nodded, and sat down with Li Wei and Meng Zhuo before the audience.


Perhaps the solemn atmosphere in the operation hall infected Li Wei. After sitting down, Li Wei took Zhao Huasheng's hand and whispered, "Watson, I'm a little nervous."


Zhao Huasheng squeezed Li Wei's hand and said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous, the Hercules launch vehicle is known for its high safety, and this launch will be fine."


After arranging Zhao Huasheng and several others, Wang Tang re-entered the intense work. A large amount of data needs to be analyzed by Wang Tang, and a large number of decisions need to be made by Wang Tang, so Wang Tang cannot delay Zhao Huasheng for too long.


After waiting in the operation hall for about an hour, the door of the operation hall opened again, and five astronauts wearing sky blue spacesuits lined up and walked in.


Seeing these three men, two women and five astronauts come in, in the operation hall, all the staff put down their work and all stood up, and there was warm applause in the operation hall.


Wang Tang stepped forward, hugged the five astronauts one by one, then stood aside and scanned the entire operation hall with a very serious expression.


"These are the five astronauts who are about to undertake our solar exploration mission," said Wang Tang.




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