Drunk House

Chapter 473: poisoning (one more)

  Chapter 473 Poisoning (one more)

  At night, in the Hebei Army barracks, someone noticed something was wrong.

  After eating dinner and drinking water, most people felt weak in their hands and feet, and their bodies were sore and limp, and they couldn't even hold a knife.

  A military doctor was invited to take a look, and the military doctor immediately judged, "It seems to be poisoned."

   "What poison?" Zhang Cheng was shocked.

   "Like Ruanjinsan." This military doctor still has some skills.

  Zhang Cheng's complexion changed, he glanced around, most of them were lying on the ground, unable to move, he asked: "How could you be poisoned?"

  Military doctors don’t know either.

   "Quick check." Zhang Cheng ordered immediately.

  The military doctor looked at more than a dozen people one by one, and said with certainty: "General, they are all the same because they have suffered from Ruanjinsan."

  He also wondered who was in the barracks of the Northern Hebei Army and how they poisoned them quietly.

   "Is this Ruanjin powder fatal?" Zhang Cheng asked.

  The military doctor shook his head, "Fatal is not fatal, but if the number of people is small, it is easy to find the antidote, and I can make a prescription. After all, this is an ordinary Ruanjin powder, but if there are many people, even if I have the antidote formula, I can't find so many antidote. If there is an antidote, just drink a bowl. If there is no antidote, it will take three days at the fastest to pass."

   The implication is that killing the enemy and attacking the city is not even a thought.

   Zhang Cheng heard the words and looked around again. Seventy-eight out of ten people had already fallen down, and some people were falling down one after another.

  He was full of anger, "Did you find out?"

   No one answered that he hasn't found out yet.

  He suppressed his anger, and walked quickly to Zhang Yun's tent, only to see Zhang Yun lying on the bed, his face pale, and his expression changed, "Are you also tricked?"

  Zhang Yun nodded, pointing to the food on Xiaofang's table, "Second Uncle, it's the food."

   Zhang Cheng remembered that he hadn't had time to eat because he had deployed the team to accommodate the wounded, but Zhang Yun was more seriously injured than him, and he was not the coach, so he didn't need to deal with these, so he had the time to eat first.

  His face was extremely ugly, "I have ordered someone to investigate."

   "I'm afraid that the soldiers will be recruited seven out of ten times, right? The most urgent thing now is to order those who have not eaten food to stop eating for the time being." Zhang Yun said.

  Zhang Cheng nodded, "I'll give the order right away."

  So Zhang Cheng left Zhang Yun's camp and ordered the whole army not to eat or drink for the time being.

  The military doctor quickly went to the food camp, inspected the food, and checked the water. Sure enough, the food was poisonous, and the source was water.

  The military doctor reported to Zhang Cheng, "General, it's the water problem."

  Zhang Cheng's expression changed all of a sudden, "Which river is it?"

   "It should be." The military doctor didn't expect that someone would start poisoning from the river. In such a wide and long river, the water flow under the ice layer under the river is slow in winter. How much poison would it take to pollute the entire river's water source?

   "Immediately take someone to investigate the river." Zhang Cheng ordered.

  So, immediately went to the river not far away to investigate.

  The soldiers tapped the water in the river, and the military doctor examined it, and quickly concluded, "General, it's the river's problem."

  Zhang Cheng's face was ashen. How could he have never expected that someone would be so tricky as to poison the entire river? This is after a few days of planning? He was so ignorant that he was really tricked.

  He was furious, and went back to discuss with Zhang Yun, "There is a problem with that river. The water source of the entire river has been thrown away. The 200,000 soldiers and horses of our Northern Hebei Army need food and water. Even the war horses in the army cannot do without water."

  Zhang Yun saw that river, "The whole river is poisoned, it's really terrible."

  Zhang Cheng nodded.

   "It must be Zhou Gu." Zhang Yun said.

  Zhang Cheng also thought so, but after searching the mountain for two days, he couldn't find his whereabouts, and now he appeared again out of nowhere to poison the river. How much should it be? How many herbs to throw in? He couldn't imagine it.

   "Second Uncle, how many good people do we have today?" Zhang Yun asked.

   "It's less than 50,000. There are still people who are getting fits gradually." Zhang Cheng was almost suffocated, and secretly hated himself for being careless, because the food camp made meals in batches, and the soldiers also had to eat in batches, so the rest of these people had dinner late.

   "Less than 50,000 is enough to attack the city." Zhang Yun said.

  Zhang Cheng was stunned, and emphasized again, "There are still people who have attacks one after another. Now, in a hurry, I can only make a rough estimate."

   "But in Nanping City, after two sieges, it is at the end of its strength." Zhang Yundao: "Second Uncle, go and find out how many people are not poisoned. As long as Nanping City can be captured, the military doctor can dispense the antidote from the pharmacy in the city."

   Zhang Cheng made sense after thinking about it, "I'll go right away."

  Feng Ling ordered people to keep an eye on the movement of the northern Hebei military camp. When news came that the soldiers had been poisoned in the northern Hebei military camp at night, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and reported it to Su Rongzhou.

  Su Rong and Zhou Gu also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The 200,000 Hebei Army would not be able to delay them if they hadn't used extraordinary measures in extraordinary times.

  Zhou Gu ordered, "Explore again and see how many soldiers of the Northern Hebei Army have been poisoned. I am afraid that if the Northern Hebei Army responds quickly and knows that the water is poisonous, some soldiers will be stopped."

  Feng Ling nodded, he also expected this, "The investigation has been continued."

  Su Rong thought, "Ruanjinsan is an ordinary poison after all. As long as the military doctors in the northern Hebei army have some skills, they can detect it. If half of the northern Hebei army can't be recruited, then Nanping City is still dangerous."

   "Yes." Zhou Gu nodded, "Half the population is enough to capture Nanping City."

   "Taking Nanping City, the pharmacies in the city will be able to find a large number of common herbs that can detoxify." Su Rong sighed, "I'm afraid we still have to find a way."

   "For the time being, let's investigate the current situation in the northern Hebei army camp! Then send a letter to Ningchi. In any case, defend Nanping City to the death. Don't let the Northern Hebei Army break through Nanping City, and don't allow them to enter the city to find herbs to detoxify." Zhou Gu thought, if it is really impossible, and if the remaining number of Hebei Army is small, he has to take people with him to defend the city.

  Or, he will take the opportunity to kill Zhang Cheng and Zhang Yun?

   Not impossible.

  Because most of the soldiers in the Northern Hebei Army camp were planted with Ruanjinsan, they suddenly became chaotic. It didn’t take long for the hidden guards who were good at stealth detection to get back the news, saying that most of the soldiers in the Northern Hebei Army were planted with Ruanjinsan.

  Zhou Gu roughly estimated, "40,000 to 50,000 troops."

   "Although this number is small, compared to Nanping City, it is still a lot." Su Rong said.

  Zhou Gu nodded, "But it's okay, the number is not so huge, it's better than the number of 200,000 soldiers and horses."

   "Immediately send a letter to Ningchi and ask Feiying to send it in. Tell the city to defend Nanping City no matter what. Mobilize the people in the city. As long as they survive this hurdle, the danger of Nanping City will be solved." Su Rong said immediately.

  Zhou Gu also meant the same thing, so he immediately picked up a pen, wrote a short letter, tied it to the eagle's leg, and let it fly out.

  (end of this chapter)

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