Druid of Marvel

Chapter 226: Salesman on the battlefield

The Manhattan Mech War is over!

The few remaining vampires are no longer a problem for police and soldiers!

The angry New York police and the special forces soldiers who have been fighting in Manhattan have poured themselves a glass of whiskey and are ready to find and kill the vampires all night!

They don't need to search carefully, now there are five big red dogs in the city, they will take themselves to find those vampires!

Sometimes they just need to rush over to get a gun. This is not technical work, but manual work! It's easy. People with healthy limbs and normal brains can do it!

Alvin sent Dr. Ivan to Dr. Ison, and dragged Dr. Ison to murmur for a long time. One of Ivan's kidneys was dug out. This was irreparable harm. Alvin was able to save his life, but the area he was dug out needed to be dealt with.

This dude is now the number one suspect in the murder of the President of the United States. He must keep this secret in any case. Which doctor in the United States is more reliable than Dr. Ethan!

After telling Dr. Ison what happened to Ivan, Alvin drove God of War 2 and walked towards the subway where Director George was.

God of War 2 is the number one star in Manhattan. Everywhere Alvin passes, citizens will applaud and cheer.

There is no shortage of journalists and videographers on TV stations. Today, the most appearing on the television in the United States is Alvin driving the God of War 2 and those horrible steel mechas!

Steve, Frank, and JJ are famous. The three of them drove a pickup truck through the streets of Manhattan, turning each vampire into a fly ash, saving too many lives!

And these three guys really fit the needs of American women for men! Tall and handsome Steve, mature and cold Frank, enthusiastic JJ, three guys can almost wipe out the middle-aged and elderly women in New York!

Peter appeared in front of the New Yorker for the second time with a mask. The last time he was in Brooklyn, he was wearing a green school uniform and a stupid wrestler mask. This time he wore a waiter uniform and took He got a black hood from Frank's house.

People who have followed him throughout New York can feel he is growing up, at least he has a job now!

The master image of Shangqi holding the two swords to fight the vampire army is also remembered. With the pavement of the previous Peter image, the waiter uniform on Shangqi seems to be mysterious!

Everyone is guessing which restaurant waiter they are?

Residents of Hell's Kitchen smiled, "I know, but I won't tell you!"

When Alvin walked to the subway, he saw Chief George leaning his arm against a police car, his face lightly smoking a cigar, and several middle-aged men in smart suits surrounding him.

Looking at the smile of Director George's smile, Alvin estimated that it was a few high-level farts!

Several soldiers armed with guns saw the God of War No. 2 covered with smoke and involuntarily saluted him with military salute. Today is this person, who almost defeated those terrible steel mechs with his own strength and kept this. The core of the world's economy, there are hundreds of thousands of lives!

Alvin took a moment, took off the helmet of God of War No. 2 and held it under his arm. He touched his fists with several soldiers with iron hands. All the people fighting on the front line today are good!

Alvin said with a smile: "You are all good, guys, hold on, wait for the vampires in the city to be killed, there should be a grand celebration, when we have a drink together!"

A soldier took off his helmet, scratched the head of the pot, and said with a smile: "That's our honor, Mr. Tomahawk, can you sign me? This will be my testimony of honor today! My son will be happy madly!"

Alvin froze for a while. He had never encountered a situation where someone asked him to sign for two years. Was he famous?

Mr. Principal was just a bit of emotion. After all, he is a person who has seen big scenes. Signing a name is really not a big deal.

Alvin laughed, and told An Qier to "disarm", God of War 2 sent a burst of mechanical sounds that sounded high-level at first, and quickly peeled off from Alvin.

Putting the helmet on the neck of the reassembled mech, Alvin took over the carbon pen handed over by the soldiers and thought about it, and signed "Heaven is on the left, the warrior is on the right!"

After writing, Alvin took a look, nodded in satisfaction, then patted the soldier's shoulder, and said "Come on!"

Taking off the mech, Alvin relaxedly walked up to a step and sat down. He pulled out a cigar from his jacket pocket, comfortably clicked on him, took a heavy breath, and exhaled gently, so that The aroma of the cigar flows between the nose and mouth!

Looking at the busy crowd in front of him, Alvin suddenly felt a little tired. Today he experienced too many battles. Since receiving a call for help from Russell, he has not stopped fighting that day!

I glanced at Ares No. 2 with the auto-follow function turned on, and stood silently there, holding my hands on the handle of the "famine" that was pestered on the ground, like a silent warrior! Alvin suddenly felt relieved! It is now the most powerful individual armed in the world, it belongs to itself!

The soldiers and policemen consciously didn't bother Arvin anymore, they could see that Mr. Tomahawk needed to rest for a while!

In the distance, there are several television reporters who are not afraid of death. They want to break through the police blockade and break in to interview Alvin. Unfortunately, the New York police today cannot be offended.

The middle-aged white man holding a microphone and having an oily face just touched the shoulders of the police officer, and was dropped by an over soldier next to him with an over-shoulder, and then the five big and three thick soldiers put their knees on his back and rudely got on Vice handcuffs!

The middle-aged reporter furiously struggled like a hardcover fat fat on the ground, shouting, "I will sue you, you **** soldier, I will put you in jail!"

The New York policeman who was at a loss with reporters just now walked to the middle-aged reporter and said, "Sir, this is still a combat restricted area. You want to break into the restricted area. Of course, they have the right to arrest you."

And you are actually accusing a soldier who is still fighting for the people of New York and there are so many cameras behind you! Sir, your career is over! "

This reporter man just reacted, what he had just done, turned his head to see a few steps away from the cordon, and the cameras of seven or eight television stations were shooting at himself.

Several colleagues holding microphones are reporting excitedly. Seeing that they point and point at themselves with their fingers and look scornful, it is unlikely that they can say good things for themselves!

The middle-aged reporter's face suddenly disappeared, and he rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground. This is the most effective escape method he can think of now. Nothing fainted at this time!

It's "political incorrect" to have trouble with these policemen and soldiers in New York today. He made a stupid mistake and it is useless to explain it!

It may be for the truth that this dude deliberately put his head on the ground. Although the person "fainted", the calf was still pumping with pain.

The police and soldiers are two years old churros, how can you not see what this reporter is doing!

The soldier smiled, walked around and carried the middle-aged journalist's back, and walked to a temporary prison surrounded by a trash can next to the subway station. Inside it were some unlucky ghosts who committed the crime today!

The middle-aged reporter was thrown in, the soldiers clapped their hands, turned and walked back, and saw Alvin looking at himself with strange eyes when passing by.

The soldier smiled "Hey," and said, "Hello, Mr. Tomahawk." He said that the soldier put his right hand on his chest to block the eyes of others, pointed to Director George, and said, "That would be my new boss!"

Alvin stared at the soldier as he walked away from the television camera, clapping and punching all the police all the way! It looks like this guy will definitely be mixed in the New York Police Department in the future, because he turned in an excellent vote before he joined the job!

Director George sent away those hardcover farts, walked to Alvin, sat down, and sighed wearily, saying, "Thank you, Alvin, if you don't have today, Manhattan will be ruined!"

Alvin took a cigar, waved his hand, and said, "That's fine! I didn't have much effort, I just came to see what else you need to help!"

Chief George adjusted his injured arm and said wearily: "There are monsters in the sewer that have not been dealt with. I want to take this opportunity to destroy them together!"

Alvin closed his eyes and contacted the vines that had been in the sewer. He had forgotten about the sewer before. It turned out that four little turtles were in the sewer, carrying a few car batteries, holding the sun light in their hands, and were cheerfully hunting down those ugly monsters. People, the vines will not attack them actively, as long as they do not die in front of the poisonous flower vine, there is no danger of life.

This group of little turtles is estimated to understand the temperament of the vines and cooperate well with them. There are not many monsters killed in Manhattan's sewers!

Alvin, who was silent for a moment, thought about it, and tidy his collar with both hands to make himself look more formal.

Then he looked at Director George sincerely and said earnestly: "Mario Brothers has enthusiastically undertaken all kinds of sewer cleaning work. The fees are reasonable, fast and efficient!

Director George, if you want to clean up sewer monsters in New York, please definitely consider our company.

If you agree, I can give you a discount for the first cooperation, the original price is 1 million, now only 800,000! what do you think? "

Director George was stunned. He couldn't connect Alvin, who spoke like an insurance salesman, with the God of War 2 driver next to him!

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