Druid of Marvel

Chapter 136: Missile Sword Fairy

阿尔 When Alvin cut off the other leg of the robot, the female warrior shouted at him: "Be careful, the destroyer is not afraid of being injured!"

Alvin gave her a puzzled glance, and cut an axe on the waist of the so-called Destroyer, tearing a huge gap there.

When Alvin was a little confused, a red light was emitted from the Destroyer's wound, and his severed feet flew towards the wound, and soon he was fully grown!

The destroyer's face emits a red beam of light at once, and fires at Alvin. Fortunately, the destroyer's red beam of light takes some time to prepare, giving Alvin a chance to escape.

A hill in the distance was struck a bit, like a **** that was stabbed, and with a violent explosion, a full quarter was cut off.

God of War No. 3, took a circle and went behind the destroyer. This time, one leg of the destroyer was cut off from the root of the thigh. Alvin didn't think about it. He grabbed the broken leg, the mech's thruster was fully open, his wings spread, and he flew into the desert.

You are missing a leg, you ca n’t jump and hit people, right? After flying for about five minutes, you dropped a leg of the Destroyer next to a boulder.

阿尔 When Alvin flew back to the scene, he saw the female warrior and dark-haired warrior walking around a destroyer with sound limbs, trying to hold it.

They can only leave wounds on the Destroyer with all their strength, and there is no way to cut off the limbs of the Destroyer like Alvin.

Alvin landed on the ground and shouted at the female warrior: "What's going on? I buried his leg somewhere! Where did he find another leg?"

The samurai warrior shouted angrily: "This is Odin's armor. He is the guard of Asgard's treasure house. You can't completely destroy it without destroying his core!"

Alvin was attracted by the Destroyer's attention, he severely chopped an axe on the Destroyer's waist and almost stopped the Destroyer.

的 The destructive power of the two tomahawks inlaid with the rune word "Famine" really makes one look. Every time you hit, in addition to physical damage, the damage of the four magic elements will also rag around the wound.

But this is so, such a violent battle axe does not have such a great effect on the destroyer. At best, it hurts him a little bit, and then he slows down.

东西 This thing can be turned upside down, attacking Alvin with a red beam of light. It is a pity that Alvin is not very useful.

Alvin is indeed kung fu, but I am not afraid of your fist attack, as long as you pay attention to the red beam of light on the face of the destroyer, it is actually not dangerous. Isn't that right? Whom was the principal Alvin afraid of? I have to move before "Spiracus" and "Acupuncture Aura" are broken, even if I lose!

A few famous Asgard warriors watched Alvin unloading the Destroyer eight times again and again, which made them feel uncomfortable! How to say that the Destroyer is also Asgard's high-end weapon. Being chopped by such an earth person makes them feel seriously hurting their pride!

The impatient Alvin yelled at several Asgards: "Hey ~ tell me what should I do? I've **** it off dozens of times."

I was still the woman warrior who answered Alvin's question, and she cried, "You can't destroy the Destroyer, only Sol's Myronil has the power to destroy it!"

Alvin is very upset with their high attitude. Why are you so terrified that I am in front of you?

The call was connected to Coulson. The busy Coulson took the call and asked anxiously, "How's it going? Is that weird thing destroyed?"

Alvin glanced at the Destroyer who was fooling at himself in front of him, and said helplessly: "No, how are you doing there? If it's almost the same, I decided to evacuate. This thing can't be beaten. I can't help it! "

Coleson froze for a moment. He did not expect that Alvin would admit that he had no choice but also said that he was about to retreat. Coleson looked at the team in front of him, and it was impossible to remove all the people in the town.

"Can you delay a little more time, Alvin, man, there are still some people who have not evacuated here. I can't take risks, but if you can't stop it, you can evacuate first! We will go upstairs and the Air Force support will be fast. Here it is! "Coleson gritted his teeth.

Alvin was actually not too strenuous. He was just a little impatient. He hung up the phone. Alvin cut off one of the Destroyer's legs and picked it up and hit several Asgards. "Don't always look at it, either come to help or find that Mournell and quickly get rid of it."

A few Asgards on the other side staggered and turned to look at Sol, who was lying on the ground.

The short, strong man held a broken leg and rushed to Sol. "You have to get up, Sol. You are the future master of the imperial palace and the leader of the Asgard ~"

Desol shook his head in despair and said, "No, no more, no, I killed my father, and I lost Mourne's approval."

The samurai warrior shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Everything is a conspiracy of Rocky. Our king is also in a deep sleep. You have to work up your spirits. The fairy palace needs a master! But it is not Rocky!"

Sol paused and said, "My father is alive?"

The short and strong man shoved Sol's shoulder rudely, and shouted, "Of course, Odin is the king of the gods. Who do you think can kill him?"

Sol stood up angrily ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with a crooked nose and roared at the sky: "Rocky, you lie to me again, I'm going to kill you!"

Alvin crooked his neck, took a punch from the destroyer, and shouted at the aliens: "Can you think of a way quickly, I will withdraw if you don't act!"

At this moment, Stark's voice sounded in Alvin's communicator, and the background was accompanied by rock music. "Man, do you need Mr. Stark's help?"

Alvin glanced at the sky and said with a big laugh: "Yes, hurry up and help, there is a group of aliens who are very annoying toe!"

Stark Haha laughed and shouted: "Hide away, there will be missiles coming soon, let us show these things a little bit!"

Alvin listened, forcing the fist of the Destroyer hard, and in the direction of the power, he pushed the thruster with all his strength, and swooped out for a long time!

I did not forget to inform a few Asgards before leaving, "Come on! There is a big bomb!"

A few Asgards were not stupid, they supported each other and ran away.

Stark galloped in the sky wearing a steel suit. This dude, while flying, talked to the distant F22 combat pilot. "I'm almost there. Now I will start joint guidance. Let me have a few calves!"

The F22 fighter in the distance fired four "Mavericks" air-to-surface missiles.

斯塔 When Stark arrived on the battlefield, Alvin saw an amazing scene, Iron Man's bag stopped in the sky, four large missiles passed by his side, and rushed straight towards the destroyer.

Alvin's envious eyes are all straight. If he is in that position, he can put on a "Missile Sword Fairy" and take a photo. Is there any topic about bragging this year?

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