Hearing the word ginseng tea, Gu Linchao came back to his senses, the veins on his forehead jumped, and just as he was about to say something, Wen Nong Nong immediately said: "Don't worry, my lord, this time I put less ginseng slices, and the taste is very mild. "

Gu Linchao paused, met her earnest gaze, and swallowed her refusal, took a sip from the cup, put it down calmly, and turned to ask, "What do you want to tell me? "

"Yeah." Wen Nong Nong nodded, "I just want to ask the lord to help investigate who the man was in the Yanliu House last night."

Hearing this, Gu Linchao rubbed his fingers against the wall of the cup, hesitated, and said, "Okay, I'll have someone check it out."

Wen Nong Nong felt relieved, "By the way, and what happened last night, don't make a sound, especially you can't tell the emperor."

Gu Linchao frowned, "But no matter what happens to Atuo Jianghua, she can be considered a betrayal of the emperor, and it is no longer appropriate to stay in the palace."

Wen Nong Nong wanted Atuo Jiang Hua to take the opportunity to leave the palace. If she wanted to, with her status as a princess returning to Xinjiang, Gu Heng should not embarrass her, but that girl just gave up.

Thinking of this, she said with a strange expression: "Actually, nothing happened last night, Jiang Hua is still innocent."

Gu Linchao was not surprised. He had already heard what Xiao Yan said when he was in the palace just now.

Wen Nong Nong glanced at him, "Why do I think Wang Ye is not surprised at all, as if he knew about it a long time ago."

"You're thinking too much." Gu Linchao said lightly, for fear that she would bring up this matter again, so he hurriedly changed the subject, "Nongrong go back first, I have to deal with government affairs."

Wen Nong Nong pouted, but did not stay to disturb him.

"Alright then, remember to drink the ginseng tea."

"Okay." He gave her a gentle look.

Wen Nongrong then left the study.

As soon as she left, Gu Linchao breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to lie to Nong Nong, but this matter was a big deal. A Tuo Jiang Hua was now a noble concubine, and Xiao Yan was still the emperor's elder. This relationship was too chaotic. If it was spread, it would not benefit anyone.

Wen Nong Nong just returned to Chen Xiang Yuan, and A Tuo Jiang Hua asked her to teach her to dance.

"Yesterday you taught me something, I want to practice again, you can accompany me."

After the incident of Yanxulou yesterday, she still decided to learn dance in a proper manner and use her dance to conquer Gu Heng.

Seeing that she had recovered so quickly and was not affected by what happened last night, Wen Nong felt helpless, but she agreed.

"Let's go then."

In the study, Gu Linchao, who was dealing with government affairs, suddenly heard a melodious sound of the piano.

He was startled, as if he could hear the woman's singing.

He listened intently for a while, and when he heard it was Wen Nong's voice, there was a smile in his dark eyes.

After thinking about it, he put down the pen, got up and walked out.

As soon as Gu Heng walked into the palace with Wen Ruyi, he heard a piano sound that he had never heard before. After listening carefully, it seemed that someone was still singing.

Butler Chen was shocked when he saw him, and hurried forward to salute, but he stopped him by raising his hand, "Uncle Chen, who is playing the piano and singing?"

Butler Chen shook his head, "Old slave doesn't know, but it should be our princess."

Hearing this, don't say that Wen Ruyi thought it was absurd, even Gu Heng thought it was funny, he raised his eyebrows and asked directly, "Did the uncle accept a new person into the mansion?"

Butler Chen said in surprise: "No..."

"Is this piano sound coming from the garden? Uncle Chen lead the way." Gu Heng interrupted him.

In his opinion, the sound of the piano and singing must have been played by Gu Linchao Xinna's beauty, but it was absolutely impossible for it to be Wen Nong Nong.

Butler Chen had no choice but to lead him.

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