"That's how you wronged me. Your father obviously lost his military power because of the loss of the air force's energy silo. What is my business?" Lingfeng shrugged innocently. He didn't recite this kind of crime that had nothing to do with him. .

Seeing Ouhe’s mecha fists clenched, Lingfeng suddenly said, "However, Admiral Owen’s 10,000 Energy Stones were not obtained at the expense of the air force’s warehouse, right? The army’s warehouse is well managed and wants to steal such a freshman. The number of pens is not easy, and under normal circumstances, it is really a loss to the air force library. It is not that you should try to hide it, but your father rushed to admit that it was strange."

The news from the Star Hunting Group’s live broadcast room spread quickly, and the senior officials of the Federation quickly noticed them, and they all clicked on the star network to check. What Lingfeng said was broadcasted to the Federation’s star network through the Star Hunter’s camera verbatim. This was a bit unclear to the federal masses, but the federal government and the legions quickly thought of the clues.

Listening to Lingfeng's words, Ouhe's pupils shrank, and he recovered his composure in an instant, and his face showed a mocking smile, "The more you know, the faster you will die. You are really rushing to die."

With that said, Ouhe stared at Lingfeng's eyes with killing intent, but he was completely unaware of what he was broadcasting.

Ou Yan looked at the figure of Ouhe on the virtual screen with a green face, and the violent aura on his body was almost uncontrollable, and suddenly thought of something, he hurriedly ordered his lieutenant to go to the border guard to take Owen back into custody.

Perceiving the murderous aura on Ouhe, Mo Yan moved a step forward to block Lingfeng's body.

The hostile person didn’t seem to see the raging atmosphere, and said in an enviable tone, “Are you maddened into anger? I guessed it right, but that’s 10,000 energy stones, and Admiral Owen shot it. It’s so generous, and I don’t know where so many energy stones come from."

"Heh! A dying person, what's the use of knowing so much."

"Major General Ou, are you making a mistake? You can't even fight the stranger, how can you kill me?" Lingfeng wanted to provoke him deliberately, hiding behind Mo Yan like the first time he met, and said Don't forget to make a face at him afterwards.

Sure enough, when Ouhe saw Lingfeng's movements, he heard him say that he couldn't beat the strange words, his expression of disgust on his face was almost distorted, and he had obviously made his anger dissipate his reason, "Then open your eyes and see."

Speaking of Ouhe, he threw a bottle of eruptive potion to the place where the strangers were standing. Although Lingfeng’s mental barrier protected them tightly, all the potions were sprayed on the ground in front of them. Lingfeng smelled familiar. The smell of medicine furrowed his brows for a moment, and as expected, four frenzied fifth-level monsters appeared around him in the next moment.

Mo Yan released his mecha for the first time, to guard against a few beasts that looked closely at them.

"These darlings are what I plan to use against the sixth-level beasts. It's cheaper for you now." Ouhe stood beside him holding his arms, seeming to want to appreciate how these two people died in the wild beasts. Under the tooth.

He managed to get these four on Muxing. All of them are good hunters. Each of them is at the top of the fifth level. After injecting the frenzied agent, their strength soars. Together, they are a sixth-level monster. If they could win, he didn't believe that Mo Yan could not stumble this time.

Ling Feng looked at the blood-red eye pupils of a few alien beasts and exclaimed deliberately, "Ouhe, you can control the wild beasts. What have you done to these alien beasts?"

"Aren't you curious about where the energy stones came from?" It seemed that the two of them were about to die in their own hands. Ouch said in a good mood, "As long as I have these treasures, I have as many energy stones as I want. It's just to send beggars."

Those who were watching the live broadcast could not help but take a breath when they heard the conversation between the two. They could control the frenzied beasts. This time not only the senior leaders of the Federation, but even the ordinary people were already aware of the seriousness of the matter.

"Niezhang! It's so bad!" Ou Yan almost vomited blood from anger. The people discussing things in Ou Yan's office felt that his breath was disturbed, and they all looked at him with worry, and Ou Kai went straight to Ou Yan. Persuaded by his side, "Marshal, worry about your body."

Ou’s family has such a traitor. If there is a grandfather with this seventh-level ability, as long as the grandfather is not involved in this matter, the Federation will only target Owen and his son in the face of the marshal. If the grandfather falls at this time, Ou The home is really over.

Ou Yan also knew the severity of the matter, and tried to suppress the violent aura that surged in his heart, "I'm fine, you go and ask if Owen has brought it back."

"Yes!" As soon as Okai answered, the office door was opened.

"Report to the Marshal, the Federal Military Office summoned, and the Second Army was under joint control of the military."

When Ou Yan saw the guard coming in at the door to spread the word, his face changed a lot, and finally he nodded helplessly, "I see."

"Marshal, I will go with you." Ou Kai did not expect the Federation to move so fast.

"No, you stay here to take care of the barracks. If Owen comes back...send people to the Federal Military Administration." Ou Yan motioned to get down to prepare the warship, and got up and walked out of the office after giving an explanation.

"Ouhe!" Until Ou Yan's figure disappeared at the door, Ou Kai finally couldn't control the expression of hatred. After so many years under Ouhe's pressure, he took pains to get to this point with great difficulty. Destroyed in the hands of the father and son.

This time the Federation reacted quickly. Not only the Ou family, but also the Fourth Army, which had an in-law relationship with Owen, were also under control.

The desired purpose has been achieved, and a sly smile flashed through the black eyes of Lingfeng, and he stopped talking nonsense with Ouhe. He went into the soul armor and prepared to kill the crazy alien beast with Mo Yan, and he actually delivered it to the door by himself. Don’t forget about the five-level crystal nucleus, even though none of these are from Pyrus, he can take it back and find someone to replace it.

Mo Yan manipulates the mecha to cooperate with the energy body to fight against the madness. After a long time, he obviously feels that the seeming block in his body has completely disappeared, and he no longer needs to shoot like before. Concerns, you can arbitrarily mobilize the energy in your body to fight.

He knew that this was the result of the treatment that Lingfeng had helped him during this period of time. After the test, Mo Yan was very satisfied with his current state, watching the four wild beasts exuding high fighting spirit.

Looking at the stranger, Lingfeng seemed to have deliberately tempered him, and did not help him strengthen the energy body. He only covered him with a layer of hard protection, and he stood beside him and watched Ohe's movements by the way, lest this guy break through the sneak attack.

With no worries about the future and the bonus of machine armor, Mo Yan's dealing with the four wild beasts looks easier than fighting with the wolves a few months ago. The domineering and neat movements of the red mecha and the fierce stature of the Red Flame Suzaku , So that the viewers in the live broadcast room were so obsessed with it, they had already forgotten the blasting news just now.

Originally wanted to see how these two people struggled under the claws of the wild beasts, but found that Mo Yan could contain four strange beasts alone, and these strange beasts could not even catch his mecha. His face suddenly sank.

I originally thought that even if these four strange beasts couldn't kill them, they could at least cause Mo Yan to be seriously injured, so I could solve it by myself. I didn't expect that the strength of not seeing Mo Yan in just a few days has increased a lot. Now the situation is a bit tricky. , He must not let these two people go back.

Lingfeng’s worries were true. Seeing that the two strange beasts were about to die under Mo Yan’s hands, Ouhe suddenly moved, and the mecha wrapped in a layer of thick soil energy flew violently in the direction of Mo Yan. A blocked in front of Mo Yan and collided with the attacking mecha. Ouhe sneered when he saw Lingfeng's overwhelming behavior.

The two huge energies collided with each other, and Yu Wei actually shook the closest fifth-level alien beast away. Mo Yan's mental protection with the wind and wind was completely unaffected, while the alien beast was transferred by the movement just now. Attention, neatly dig out the crystal nuclei of the two alien beasts under him.

"How is it possible." Seeing that the Soul Armor could stand in front of him unharmed, Ouhe muttered, suddenly he thought of something and said with a shocked expression, "You really are a fifth-level spiritual being."

Earlier when I heard Xi Qian say, Ouhe didn't care too much. Now, when I recalled the aura he felt at the moment of impact, it was obviously not something a fourth-level spiritual being could have.

"You said yes!" Lingfeng didn't intend to refute what Ouhe said. He wrapped the soul armor with his mental power and fought with Ouhe's mecha. The combat power is also very average, with only a brute force left. How did you become a major general?"

The impact just now was fine, but unfortunately, he had to rely on inertia. Lingfeng said that he kicked him on the mecha’s fart and directly pressed him to the ground, and then took out his fight against Xi Qian in the fight. Set, rubbing hard at Ouhe's mecha, the audience who was watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing at this scene, but they were even more convinced that Lingfeng was a fifth-level spiritual being.

"Ling, I won't let you go." Ouhe tried his best and couldn't get rid of his hands. He was irritated by the wind and his eyes were red, and he released his energy body and knocked away the one that was pressing on his back. Talents can get away.

"Speaking as if you were about to let me go just now." Lingfeng curled his lips when he saw the one-horned rhinoceros that appeared suddenly. Is this bullying his mental body and not being able to see people?

When the two played against each other, Mo Yan had already cleaned up the remaining two strange beasts, and when he turned around, he saw the unicorn rhinoceros playing against Lingfeng. The Red Flame Suzaku had already flew first, with its blazing paws. Scratching wildly at the unicorn rhinoceros.

"Let's wait and see!" Seeing that he had no chance of winning at all, he took back the energy body and walked away.

Mo Yan was about to chase him when he was stopped by Lingfeng. He turned his head and glanced at the other person in a puzzled way. Since Ouhe belonged to that group, of course he couldn’t let him off because of his murderous intent on Lingfeng, but he saw Lingfeng's fingers touched the corners of his lips and motioned him not to make a sound.

After watching Mo Yan calm down, Ling Feng slowly put away the corpses of a few alien beasts, and checked the scene again before leaving the scene of the Star Hunting Group with him.

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