Just as the mecha's iron fist was about to hit the soul armor, the soul armor in front of him suddenly disappeared.You Gao saw this scene of sudden shrinkage of his pupils, but he could not recover the strength of his hand, and his back was affected by a powerful impulse. With a fierce push, he fell a dog and ate **** directly on the stage.

It seemed that such a turning point would not have been expected, and there was a burst of laughter after a moment of silence on the scene.

Yogo heard the mocking faces of the spectators in the stadium rising red, and could no longer think about how the opponent disappeared in front of his eyes just now. He swept around the stage at the end of his eyes, and the mecha leaped into the sky and kicked straight towards the position where Lingfeng stood. .

The next moment the soul armor figure flashed and disappeared in the same place, and the full blow was missed again, but Ling Feng didn't want to give him another chance, and followed his inertia to kick the person off the stage directly.

Originally, he promised Mo Yan to learn and practice with others on the field, but even though he was level 4 on the surface, he was actually a real level 5 spiritual being inside. This opponent was too far from his strength, and the opponent's actions seemed to him. The slow-motion video is really meaningless to practice with him.

The audience on the field was surprised by the result, "Is there such a big gap between the third level and the fourth level?"

It’s no wonder that people are surprised. There are quite a few situations between level 4 spirits and level 3 abilities in the arena, but no one can win so easily, but Lingfeng played too casually just now, as if the opponent is not his opponent at all. This is a bit exaggerated.

"It's not that Yu Gao didn't dare to fight him and jumped off the stage deliberately, right?"

"It's also possible. Lingfeng is the second youngest member of the Lingwei Group. It's okay to spend a little money to let the opponent surrender directly. Now it's just doing it."

"According to you, he won't go all the way to the championship, will he? Then what else is there to see in this year's game."

"It's not so exaggerated. The organizers will not agree to let him do this. At most, he can buy one or two. It is impossible to directly spend money to buy the championship."

"I think he should have hidden his strength. The person just didn't look like a fake."

Some people think that if you really spend money to make people fight fake matches, at least they will pretend to be a little bit like, so that perfunctory will not make both sides lose face.

"Why are these people like this? Just now, that person clearly caused Ling Feng to kick off the stage, but said that he jumped off himself. It was obvious that he would open his eyes and talk nonsense." Ran Yu heard the comments in the audience behind him, drumming. The cheek said with a displeased expression.

Seeing that his younger brother won the game easily, the expression on his face was very relaxed, and he didn't care much about those comments, "Don't worry, they will see how Xiaofeng is."

Just now, Lingfeng should have retained his strength, and didn't make a lot of moves to make people see it, but the gold always shines, and he can't hide it if he wants to hide it.

There are also many people on the viewing platform of the Solar Energy Academy who are paying attention to the situation on the eighth stage. Xi Qian saw the soul armor walking off the arena with a playful smile, "Coach, what you said is really interesting. ."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance." Luo Na's eyes fell on the viewing area of ​​the Star League Academy, just in line with Mo Yan's gaze, and said with a twitch.

When Lingfeng returned to the Star Alliance Academy viewing platform, he heard someone in the audience saying that he was playing a counterfeit match. He shrugged helplessly to Mo Yan, "I tried my best."

"Well, I know." The stranger didn't mean to blame him. Comparing with people who are too far apart would really not make sense for practice. On the contrary, it would expose his own information.

Looking at the strangers, he was not unhappy, and Ling Feng said with a distressed expression about another thing, "When I was in the game just now, I always felt that my eyes were staring at me gloomily."

He didn't know how to describe that feeling, but that person just saw him feel uncomfortable, and suddenly thought of some ridged and mysterious approach to the stranger, "Do you think someone has a crush on me."

"Yin Shen has something to do with secret love?"

Looking at the strange strange words on his face, Lingfeng opened his eyes and said solemnly, "I have a partner now. It doesn't matter if I ask for love and resentment."

"You mean Xi Qian from the Solar Energy Academy has a crush on you?" Mo Yan raised his chin and gestured. Ling Fengshun looked over. As expected, he collided with a student on the opposite side, and the other side raised his hand to greet him, but The smile is not very friendly no matter how you look at it.

"Have I offended the Light Energy Academy?" Lingfeng didn't remember that he had been in contact with people from the Light Energy Academy. He was a spiritualist and the other was an academy of supernatural beings. There was no conflict in nature.

"Their coach Ronaldo used to be Ohe's secret guard." This was when he accidentally ran into it when he was in the Second Army, because there was only one fate. If it weren't for the disgusting smile, he almost didn't remember it. .

When Lingfeng heard Ouhe's name, he rubbed his chin unconsciously, "Ouhe's dark guard ran to the Solar Energy Academy as a coach. This is interesting."

It seems that Ouhe hasn't let go, but this is just what he wants. He hasn't reported the grudges he had in the field training last time. Don't think that being beaten by strangers a few times, and then getting an energy stone by his father will be the end.

"Be careful when you meet them." Mo Yan couldn't help reminding that the other party would definitely target Lingfeng.

Although there is a rule in the Mecha Fighting Tournament that the total equipment of the Mecha loses combat power, there will be no danger even if the game is over, the stranger is still not at ease.

"Well, I will be very careful." Didn't Ouch just want to see him embarrassed? He won't give the other party a chance.

After Lingfeng finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Yue who had returned to the viewing platform. Seeing that there were several bruises on his face, he walked over and poked at his wound with some surprise, "What's the matter with you, soul? It's also very powerful that A Fight can actually be injured like this."

The quality of Lingwei Group's mecha soul armor is still very good.

"Don't jab, it hurts." Jiang Yue covered the injured area, his face was not too depressed, just unprepared, he was dragged and bumped around by the man, his face knocked on the control lever of the soul armor cockpit.

"The people of the Solar Energy Academy are really insidious. There are already several people in their hands today." Huo Dong has been watching other people's matches after losing the game. Jiang Yue is already considered very good.

"It seems that you are not the worst one." When Lingfeng heard Huo Dong's words, his eyes swept across several viewing platforms, and he found that Shengyuan Academy and the audition team were more injured than Jiang Yue. It's amazing.

"They were just by surprise. I am afraid it won't be so easy next." Si Jian's opponent today is also from the Light Energy Academy, but that person is only at level three and is not strong, so he quickly cleaned up.

The Light Energy Academy was able to have such a gain this time, that is, at first, everyone did not react. Now that they know their tactics are prepared, it will not be so easy for them to succeed.

There were a total of 120 players in this comprehensive competition. Sixty knockout rounds lasted for a full day. The opponents encountered in the first match today were uneven in strength, and none of them could stand in a stalemate for more than one hour, but they were eliminated. Half of the players, the next game is more difficult.

The second knockout game was held the next day. There were obviously a lot of omegas in the audience to watch the game. After the live video of the game came out yesterday, the military academy and the Star League Academy’s outstanding looking and capable players were not attracted. Few people paid attention, but there were still a few omega superpowers because Jiang Yue personally came to the scene to support him.

When Lingfeng saw someone holding Jiang Yue's name in the audience, the corners of his eyes trembled uncontrollably.

"Haha, am I so popular?" Seeing that he already has supporters, Jiang Yue laughed triumphantly. Even the haze of yesterday's embarrassment was wiped out, "I'm still amazing!"

"Yeah, no one can match your miserable technology." Lingfeng nodded in agreement.

Jiang Yue seemed to have not heard the ridicule of Ling Feng, and said to him earnestly, "Cousin, you can't do this. No one mentions your name. You have to learn from Pang Jun. You see, all the fans are beautiful. ."

"Do you dare to say that your cousin does not look good?" What is the use of Fan Shuiling, and it's not his own.

Jiang Yue glanced at the stiff stranger who was walking in front of him and laughed.

Seeing Mo Yan's side, Lingfeng glanced at him warningly, and bared his white teeth to please him. Seeing that Mo Yan didn't say anything, he rubbed his nose with a guilty conscience. He didn't expect Jiang Yue to be so shameless.

Not knowing the turbulent undercurrent between Mo Yan and Ling Feng, Jiang Yue kept searching the audience and found that Jiang Chi had more supporters than Pang Jun, and he curled his lips slightly uncomfortably.

"Pang Jun is so handsome and stronger, how come there are fewer supporters than Jiang Chi?"

"You worry so much, and it's not yours." Seeing that he was actually counting the heads, Lingfeng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Pang Jun looks good, but in Alpha, he is not enough to look at him. In addition, his temperament is too cold, and he always looks like a stranger. It's not that everyone is as careless as Jiang Yue.

As the partner of the protagonist in the text, Jiang Chi's appearance is indeed impeccable, and he carries the iron-blooded and fortitude temperament of a military family, even if his strength is not as good as Pang Jun's popularity, he is still very popular.

"Who said it wasn't mine, I lost if my brother lost."

Looking at the lottery table, Lingfeng looked at him and pushed Jiang Yue up without any explanation, "You still worry about what opponent you will get in a while."

"Anyway, as long as it's not the perverts of the military academy, everything else is easy to say." Jiang Yuehua was drawn to the military academy's fourth-level supernatural powers as soon as he finished speaking, and he was also the team leader who had fought together during field training.

Jiang Yue:...

"You ask for your blessings, don't let your fans see you being beaten off the stage as soon as they come." Lingfeng patted him on the shoulder with pity, Jiang Yue's luck was still as bad as ever.

"Cousin, do you think it is possible for me to win?" Jiang Yue couldn't help crying. He lost the knockout but was over. He didn't want to be out so soon.

"A tragic victory is also a victory. I think you still have a chance." After Lingfeng said, he pressed the draw button.

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