Just as Captain Yang took the soldiers to check the situation, arrows suddenly flew around.

Yang Xiaowei shouted: "Everyone be careful."

Those who can join the Royal Forest Army are all good at it, and even if some are involved, there are not many. Not to mention the soldiers in Yunxiang County, because there is nothing to do in Yunxiang County, so Qin Fang takes them to practice every day. These people usually fight with their own people. .

Captain Yang shouted, "Come on."

Yu Nian also followed: "Leave fifty people by the carriage, and the rest will follow me to kill them all."

Only, when they saw the face of the enemy, they were all stunned. Judging from the other party's clothes, it is obvious that they are not from Qiguo, but...

Yang Xiaowei shouted: "Barbarian."

Barbarian? Yu Nian looked at Yang Xiaowei: "Are these people barbarians?"

Yang Xiaowei said: "I have lived in Yongzhou for five or six years, and I am familiar with the barbarians. Their clothes are the clothes of the barbarians. Damn, why did the barbarians come here?" Although this is not the capital, it is also within the territory of Qiguo. It's off the center, how did the barbarians get in?

Yongzhou barracks have traitors.

This was Yang Xiaowei's first thought.

So annoying. While fighting, Yang Xiaowei called his subordinates: "Go back to Yunxiang County to find the general, and tell the general that it is the barbarians who robbed the gunpowder this time."

The subordinate immediately left the battlefield: "Yes." As soon as he got on the horse, he left quickly.

The barbarians wanted to stop the other party, but Yang Xiaowei and the others immediately swarmed up, not giving them a chance to get close to the other party. Moreover, the person who was stopped by Yang Xiaowei was also capable, and it was not so easy to be shot by them. Seeing that the barbarian wanted to shoot the subordinate with an arrow, the subordinate neatly avoided the arrow, and in a blink of an eye, the horse had already run away.

Because there was no living thing to carry, the soldier arrived in Yunxiang County three days later. It was daytime, and Qin was in the barracks during the day, so the soldiers went directly to the barracks. "General... General..."

Qin was placed on the training ground, turned around when he heard the voice, and saw the soldiers rushing over: "General, this subordinate sent gunpowder to Yongzhou Barracks with Captain Yang, and something happened in the middle."

"Oh?" Qin Fang was not in a hurry. He washed his face and put on his clothes, "Tell me carefully, what's going on."

"Yes." The subordinate recounted the situation of encountering the barbarian on the way.

"Barbarian?" Even though Qin Fang thought that someone would shoot gunpowder to frame him, he never thought that it would be a barbarian. Moreover, how could there be about two hundred barbarians entering the Yongzhou border? Unless... Yongzhou border has a traitor. Although he thought so, Qin Fang was not nervous. He said, "Let's go, show me." Unfortunately, it's the season of horses in heat. Well, otherwise, the red handsome is faster.

Qin Fang set off directly from the military camp and sent someone to the General's Mansion to inform Yang Haiyan.

Two days later, he arrived at the scene of the incident. The subordinate was still chasing him, and it would take another day. He arrived early.

The place of the incident was a complete mess, those who were healing were healing, those who were resting were resting, and some were chatting. However, the carriage box that had been transported from Yunxiang County was gone.

"General." Yang Xiaowei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Fang. He got up and took a few steps forward, "General, you are here."

"Brother Qin." Du Xingran also came over.

Qin Fang got off his horse and ignored Wu Shuai, who was very spiritual and would not run away. "How? How about the casualties?"

Captain Yang said: "Our soldiers are okay, only 26 were injured, and 15 of the Royal Forest Army died. If we hadn't used gunpowder to lure the enemy away, the result would be uncertain. Those barbarians are exceptionally good."

Qin Fang said: "Tell me about it specifically."

Yang Xiaowei: "Yes. We arrived here six days after we set off. We first encountered a roadblock. When I took people to look around, these barbarians appeared. According to your instructions, if there is an enemy, don't fight, just delay for a while. , but to save your life, then run away with gunpowder, and when you can't escape, give up the gunpowder. We did the same, escaped with the gunpowder for a while, then returned after giving up the gunpowder. Those barbarians ran away with the gunpowder when they saw us. If we have, they will chase us, and the Royal Forest Army will stop them and block the way. General, although these people are wearing barbarian clothes, they are really barbarians. They should want us to misunderstand and lead us, thinking that barbarians will not wear barbarian clothes to **** gunpowder. ."

Just as Qin Fang was about to speak, Yu Nian came over at a convenient time: "General Qin."

Qin Fang: "General Yu."

Yu Nian's face was very bad. Although he was not injured, Yang Xiaowei and the others were retreating in his eyes, so he looked down on these people. And these people's immediate boss is Qin Fang, so he looks down on Qin Fang even more: "General Qin, you sent a hundred soldiers to accompany you, what happened? Seeing the barbarians coming, these people gave up gunpowder and ran away. , this is a deserter on the battlefield, and he will be beheaded for sin.

Moreover, the emperor sent us to **** the gunpowder to the Yongzhou barracks. Now that the gunpowder is gone, what do you think? General Qin, I have a suspicion. When we first arrived, you said that there was no gunpowder. Could it be that you cooperated with the enemy in those days, and then let the barbarians intercept the gunpowder here? "Yu Nian has been thinking about it for two days, and I really can't think of how the barbarians would ambush here. To be precise, how did the barbarians know about the gunpowder. If they didn't leak the news, or Qin Fang leaked the news, Yu Nian would not admit it. It's on my side, so I think it's on Qin Fang's side.

Qin Fang was not angry. He said, "If General Yu suspects that I have leaked the news, why should I wait until today? If I want to transport the gunpowder out, I can finish it in the past two years."

In fact, Yu Nian is just angry and quick-talking, and he also thinks that Qin Fang is impossible. After all, he is in charge of the entire Yunxiang County. If he is suspected, the gunpowder will be gone. But: "I naturally believe in General Qin, but what about the people around General Qin?"

Qin Fang asked back: "So, why didn't General Yu talk about the people around you?"

Of course Yu Nian would not admit it: "They are all the emperor's royal guards, how could they do such a thing?"

Qin Fang said: "Throughout the ages, there have been many traitors who opened the city gates."

Yu Nian: "You..."

Qin Fang didn't argue with him about this: "General Yu, don't worry, the gunpowder will be delivered to the Yongzhou barracks on time, and the gunpowder you transported from Yunxiang County is not gunpowder."

When Yu Nian heard it, he immediately understood: "Could it be that General Qin had doubts?"

Qin Fang said: "That's not true, just be careful to sail the Wannian ship."

Yu Nian: "Then who carried the gunpowder?"

Qin Fang: "Don't worry about this General Yu. Let's investigate the situation at the scene? Did General Yu find anything?"

Yu Nian said: "I have never been in contact with barbarians, but I heard from Captain Yang that these people are indeed barbarians, not what other people pretended to be. General Qin came from the Yongzhou military camp. I wonder what General Qin thinks?"

Qin Fang walked over to Manzi's body and checked it out: "It's indeed a Manzi. Manzi is different from our Qiguo people. Their appearance is more profound than our Qiguo people." According to Yang Haiyan, the barbarians are of mixed blood, so the facial features are relatively deep. .

Yu Nian: "So, these people are really barbarians?"

Qin Fang: "Isn't it captured alive?"

Yu Nian: "There was originally, but there was poison hidden in his mouth, and he committed suicide by taking it. These people were prepared for this when they came, and their bones were quite hard."

Qin Fang nodded and looked at Captain Yang: "Have you found anything else over there?"

Captain Yang said: "Yes, I found that the Royal Forest Army is missing two people."

Yu Nian was shocked: "What?"

Yu Nian's lieutenant said: "General, you are not included. We have a total of 100 people. At present, 15 people have died, and there are 83 people. There are indeed two less."

Without waiting for Yu Nian to speak, Qin Fang said, "General Yu, it seems that it may be someone from your side who leaked the news."

Yu Nian was stubborn: "Maybe they died somewhere else."

Qin Fang chuckled lightly and looked at Captain Yang again: "Did you follow the traces?"

Captain Yang said: "I chased, but they seemed to know that we would chase, so they erased the traces. More importantly, they couldn't run far with ten boxes of gunpowder, so there must be someone nearby to meet them. But we didn't find it."

Qin Fang said: "Don't worry, we'll wait until the evening. But you are right, there must be someone nearby to meet them, otherwise it would be difficult for them to hide their whereabouts with gunpowder. And they chose to do it here, it can be seen that they are here. I'm ready. But, why did they choose this path? You chose this path?" He said, looking at Captain Yang.

Yang Xiaowei said frankly: "Yes, my subordinates think it is safe to take gunpowder on the official road, so after discussing with General Yu, we decided to go on the official road."

Yu Nian also said at this time: "Indeed, this is what we discussed together. Gunpowder is very important. If you go official, I don't think anyone has the courage to rob us, but how do you know that the other party actually chose to do it in the evening. ."

Qin Fang said: "Although the evening is not good for them, but at night, it is inconvenient for them to carry gunpowder, so they choose to do it in the evening."

In the end is not, who knows.

Du Xingran: "Brother Qin said that at night, did you have any clues at night?"

Qin Fang didn't give a shit: "Yes, I was on the defensive, but I didn't expect it to come in handy."

Du Xingran breathed a sigh of relief after hearing his confident tone: "Brother Qin is more careful."

Qin Fang waved his hand and said, "I'm afraid of it. The emperor gave me such an important matter, and of course I can't let him down." I just didn't expect that someone really dared to shoot gunpowder, and it was a barbarian.

Speaking of which, this plan can be called vicious. If the gunpowder goes missing, Qin Fang's side will not have much problem, because he has already handed the gunpowder to General Yu, but it is inevitable that he will not be implicated. After all, he was the only one who could know the movement of gunpowder except for the Imperial Forest Army. If it is said that the Royal Forest Army belongs to the emperor and cannot betray the emperor, then someone with a heart might throw a knife at him.

In addition, there is a more important person who will be implicated, Yonghe Hou.

The gunpowder was transported to the Yongzhou Barracks, which means that Yonghe Hou also knew about it. If neither the Imperial Forest Army nor Qin Fang disliked it, then wouldn't Yonghe Hou be suspected? Moreover, it was the barbarians who robbed the gunpowder, and the barbarians came from Yongzhou. Even if the Marquis of Yonghe would not be suspected and let the barbarians come in, the crime of dereliction of duty could not escape, and because of this crime of dereliction of duty, the gunpowder was taken away by the barbarians. As soon as it came, Yonghe Hou's crime was serious.

The Yongzhou Barracks will definitely change hands.

Qin Fang is no longer a newcomer to officialdom. If something happens to Yonghe Hou, who will be involved? In addition to Yonghe Houfu, the second prince is the most direct person, because the young son of the prince's family is the second prince's companion, Yonghe Houfu is indirectly standing with the second prince's position.

So, when the other party is dealing with Yonghe Hou, is it to abolish the power of the second prince?

Qin Fang didn't think about it too much, these battles in the court had nothing to do with him. He took out a pen and paper, immediately wrote a letter, handed it over to the soldiers, and asked them to send the letter to the capital.


Whether it is Qin Fang's soldiers or Yu Nian waiting for the Yulin Army, they are all looking forward to the evening. No, as soon as night came, everyone looked at Qin Fang. Du Xingran: "Brother Qin, it's night, can you tell us the clue?" They really have no idea at all. Not to mention that the traces of the wheels were erased, when they searched, they found more wheels. It stands to reason that the wheels of the carriage with gunpowder would be deeper, but those densely packed wheels could not find such traces at all. He knew that this was the barbarian's intention.

Therefore, they really can't find it.

Moreover, there were mountains nearby, and no one saw it. They searched for two days and found nothing. Therefore, he can only wait for Qin Fang here.

Because of what Yang Xiaowei said, Qin Fang seemed to have plans.

Qin Fang got up and picked up a torch: "Let's go." He looked around, along the ground.

Everyone thought he was looking for traces of a carriage, even Du Xingran thought so, so he couldn't help but say, "Brother Qin, are you looking for traces of a carriage and carriage?"

Qin Fang explained: "No, I moved my hands and feet on the carriage... I found it, you see." I saw some light on the ground. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all. Even if I glanced at it occasionally, I would think it was the light of fireflies. After all, there are already fireflies in the wild this season.

Yang Xiaowei leaned down and took a look, and dipped some of his fingers: "Is this powder?"

Qin Fang said: "Well, the powder that glows at night... I learned from the officials of the Ministry of Industry. We will look for this clue." He didn't even tell Yang Xiaowei about this clue, but it's not that he didn't believe Yang Xiaowei. , but was afraid that Yang Xiaowei would show his stubbornness and be known by others. After all, he could not guarantee whether the enemy was mixed with the soldiers and the garrison army.

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