Yang Haiyan looked at Yang Dahua's letter, and Qin Fang was also looking at the letter sent by Han Zhen.

Han Zhen mentioned in the letter that the situation at the border is getting more and more tense, and the remaining barbarians don't know what's going on, and they start harassing the border again. It stands to reason that after some barbarians surrender, the remaining barbarians will surrender again depending on the situation. But looking at their situation, they didn't plan to surrender. According to Han Zhen's speculation, the border battle was not far away.

Secondly, when it comes to the franchisee of Huangliang, Yonghe Houfu gave them a place for one of the county agents. Han Zhen knew that this was a blessing for Qin Fang.

Potato flour and sweet potato flour were proposed by the Qin family. Han Zhen and Qin Fang have a good relationship, and they came from the same place. Everyone knows this, so the Yonghe Houfu gave Han Zhen the seat of one of the county agents. , Smart as Han Zhen, naturally know the reason.

In the original plot, it was Han Zhen who became the captain first, and then it was Han Zhen who became prosperous, but after Yang Haiyan passed through, Qin Fang walked in front of Han Zhen, and then Qin Fang was transferred, which belonged to Han Zhen's trajectory Start to restore.

But some things moved, and it wasn't far off.

For example, Yang Dahua did not get the shop of Mrs. Shizi, but she got the shop of Yang Haiyan. Although she bought it with money, it also explained the restoration of the trajectory from another aspect.

After reading the letter, Qin Fang burned the letter again. Nothing is safer than destroying the corpse and destroying traces. Even if there is nothing substantive in the letter, it is hard to guarantee that it will be used as a fuss one day. Qin Fang is careful. Man, after Duco's instructions, he became more cautious.

After going out of the study to find Yang Haiyan, Qin Fang found out that she was going to Han's house to deliver the New Year's gift.

In the past, Han Zhen and Yang Dahua were in poor conditions, with limited monthly appointments, and they couldn't afford to give good things. Now Han Zhen has become a commander of thousands. With silver, he has given more New Year gifts. Coupled with the matter of the royal grain agent, there are many New Year gifts sent this time.

There are a lot of game, fur, and traveling merchants at the border, so the things the Han family sent this time were mainly bacon and fur. There are also two pairs of shoes made of fur, like modern snow boots. This shoe was made by Yang Dahua herself. When she was pregnant, Yang Haiyan gave her a jacket. She always remembered this friendship, but she couldn't give anything decent at that time. Now she can afford fur and is willing to buy it. The fur is gone, so I sent two hands of fur shoes.

"It's still out on such a cold day." Qin Fang stepped forward and rubbed the little woman who was watching the New Year's ceremony, "Aren't you cold?"

Why isn't it cold? I felt that the breath I exhaled would freeze immediately, but: "I see the New Year's gift from Sister Dahua. Look at these shoes and this fur. I will use this fur to make fur shoes for everyone. It's very warm." She had changed into fur shoes and stepped on the ground a few times. "I'll make you a few more pairs of fur gloves so your hands won't be cold when you go out."

Qin Fang was never afraid of the cold. Taking cold water baths in winter was a common occurrence. When he was in the barracks before, who had the spare time to boil hot water for a bath? So over time, I am not afraid of the cold. In addition, in the past two years, Yang Haiyan has been taking medicated baths from time to time, and his health is not very good. However, he would naturally not refuse his wife's wishes, and happily agreed: "It's still as thoughtful as you think. I see a lot of fur, so you should also make some warm clothes. You are so afraid of cold, but you must not wear warm clothes. Warm." In fact, he had never seen someone like Yang Haiyan who was afraid of cold.

Yang Haiyan said: "Well." Can she not be afraid of the cold? From the modern with air conditioning to the ancient times when even the cotton is compact, it is no wonder that you are not afraid of the cold.

On the third day of receiving the Han family's New Year's gift, they received another New Year's gift, this time from the Yonghe Houfu. The annual gifts sent are several times more than those of the Han family. As for why the new year gifts are sent, it is because of the franchisee of Renzhou's royal grain.

Now, I have to prepare two copies of the New Year's gift.

Speaking of which, based on the relationship with the Han family, Yang Haiyan felt that a practical New Year's gift would be better, but the Yonghe Hou Mansion had already sent it, so it took a little thought to prepare the New Year's gift.

"Hey..." Yang Haiyan sighed, "Mother Lian, what do you want to prepare for the New Year's gift to Renzhou?"

Mother Lian said: "The New Year's ceremony in Hou's mansion is very generous, and the old slave can't think of anything for a while. However, the old slave thinks that it is more appropriate to follow the rules."

Yang Haiyan said: "It is indeed quite proper, so, take some potato flour and sweet potato flour from the factory, we will make some dry noodles and send them over. I will draw some manuscripts, and you can ask Xiu Niang to make some clothes according to my manuscripts. Come out. The ceremony doesn't need to be heavy, it's good to be honest." If it weren't for the franchisees of the imperial grain, it is estimated that Yonghe Houfu would not have thought of giving them New Year gifts.

Renzhou, the border gate family room.

It's New Year's Eve and everyone is busy. Compared with ordinary families, the Han family can be a little more relaxed because there are servants. But because of the relationship of the agent quota in Huangliang County this year, it was even busier.

But this kind of busyness is what Yang Dahua likes, because being busy means earning money.

Speaking of which, the conditions of their home this year are pretty good. Although she borrowed money from the Qianzhuang and bought Haiyan's farmhouse and shop, the farmhouse raised poultry, including eggs, duck eggs, chicken and duck meat. Although there is no Haiyan's broccoli, cauliflower, etc., people in the town of ordinary vegetables also want to eat. Therefore, the conditions at home this year are really good, and Yang Dahua is very satisfied.

"The husband is back." Yang Dahua was handling the New Year's gift from Yunxiang County when he saw that Han Zhen had returned.

Han Zhen stepped forward: "Do you want me to help? Is this a New Year's gift?"

Yang Dahua said: "No, you go see your daughter, this is a New Year's gift from Haiyan. By the way, there is a letter from there, and it's in your study."

Han Zhen nodded: "Okay." He said, and went to the study.

There is a private guard at the entrance of the study. As the head of a thousand households, he also has a private guard.

"Sir." Seeing Han Zhen coming, the private guard saluted, "The letter from General Qin has been placed on your desk."

Han Zhen nodded: "I didn't come back in the future, so I put the letter on my body, and I will give it when I get back."

Private Guard: "Yes."

Having said that, the two have already entered the study: "Tell me about the affairs over Yunxiang County."

Private Guard: "Yes." So, he said everything he had inquired about in Yunxiang County, including the matter of the beast mountain that General Qin had solved when he first arrived in Yunxiang County, as well as the matter of the barracks land, and the matter of the horse farm. ... In short, General Qin arrived in Yunxiang County and gave many people a job.

Han Zhen listened to what the private guard said, and his eyes were full of smiles. He knew that now the brother who shared life and death was no longer the former commander Qin Fang. His status was getting higher and higher, and the things he did It's also getting different. But one thing hasn't changed. Although his status is getting higher and higher, their relationship doesn't matter, and his feeling for himself has not changed.

"This kid..." After becoming a court official, he became a parent official. Han Zhen was happy for him.

Han Zhen quickly read Qin Fang's letter. Qin Fang's letter wrote about the matter in Yunxiang County. Of course, the matter about gunpowder was not written. First, it was the emperor's secret order, and second, there were some things that Han Zhen knew, right Han Zhen is not good. However, he did write about the teacher Du Ke, which Han Zhen's private guard also inquired about in Yunxiang County. But the most embarrassing thing Qin Fang wrote was that he was going to be a father.

Children are the continuation of life, not only Qin Fang is happy, but Han Zhen is also happy for him.

However, Qin Fang also mentioned some things in the court in the letter. For example, he had some secret missions, but this secret mission might touch the interests of others in the court, so he told Han Zhen Wan to be careful.

When Han Zhen saw this reminder, a flash of vigilance flashed in his eyes. Qin Fang did not mention what secret mission it was, but Han Zhen knew that this secret mission affected the interests of others in the court, so this mission was definitely not easy. He and Qin Fang are good friends and came from the same place. If others can't deal with Qin Fang, what about themselves?

Han Zhen understands a little bit. From now on, in front of others, he has to keep a proper distance from Qin Fang, at least... there is no need to contact him on the bright side. Thinking of this, Han Zhen has a plan in his heart.

After reading the letter, Han Zhen set the letter on fire. Like Qin Fang, he didn't like to leave behind a proof. After burning the letter, he walked out of the study and went to see his daughter. The little girl who was born last August is one and a half years old and can walk. Seeing Dad coming, two short legs ran towards him, and then threw themselves into his arms.

The little girl is very beautiful, and her daughter is like her father. There is still something to be investigated for this. Han Zhen looks good, and her daughter is like his copy, so Han Zhen is especially fond of this daughter. Children who look similar to themselves are more loved by parents who are naturally biased.

Han Zhen picked up the little girl and hid her in his coat: "Come on, let's go see your grandmother."

The little girl hugged Dad's neck and kissed him on the face, causing Han Zhen to chuckle.

Seeing their father and daughter coming, Yang Dahua smiled and said, "Haiyan brought a lot of girls' clothes. The styles are very nice. I'll wash them, and when the clothes are dry, they can be worn by the girls."

Han Zhen: "Listen to you."

Yang Dahua took out the clothes: "Baby, these are the new clothes that your aunt gave you. Which one do you want to wear?"

Even though the little girl is only one and a half years old, she also knows she looks good. She looked left and looked again, and finally paid attention to the goose-yellow clothes with cute little animals embroidered on them, so she refused to let go of the clothes. .

Seeing this, Yang Dahua touched her head and said, "Okay, let's wear this first."

Han Zhen looked at their mother and daughter, and felt very satisfied. In his life, he had suffered when he was a child, and even got married was an extravagant hope. Now, he has become a father.

In a blink of an eye, in the third month of the new year, Qin was placed in Yunxiang County for a year.

On this day, Qin Fang eagerly went to Yang Haiyan: "Yanyan, there is a letter from the teacher, the capital is a little chaotic."

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