After hearing Su Mo's words, everyone at the scene looked sideways at him.

The ____ does not work?


This is obviously the antidote!

Wei Peidong comforted him with a voice:

"It was provided by Zhenshou Xu. The medicine should be fine."

"Do not!"

This time it was Chen Xiaozhong who refuted him.

"If there is any problem, it must be tested first.

After all, Xu Zhenshou is not a professional therapist, and his understanding of medicine is very limited.

And after we get the medicine, we will not use it on the patient for the first time.

It is necessary to measure the effect first to confirm that there are no serious side effects and sequelae.

Otherwise, indiscriminate use of drugs, if something goes wrong afterwards, who will pay for the responsibility?

You know, there are more than one or two people who are sick in middle school admissions. "

Xue Qiaoqiao nodded and added earnestly:

"Chen Shengshou is right, analyzing the properties of medicine should be the first thing to do.

And this is not just to determine the properties of the drug, but also to prepare for mass production.

If this drug can really work, this amount alone is simply not enough.

We may also need to find a way to synthesize it ourselves.

In the middle, there will even be a considerable delay. "

"I think synthesis should be unnecessary."

Su Mo looked at the crowd with a sincere expression and said:

"This drug is not really an antidote, it's problematic.

Not only was it mixed with special impurities, but it was also cursed. "

Hearing this, there was an uproar in the field.

It's fine if the medicine is mixed with impurities, but has it ever been cursed?

Is this really the antidote?

Are you sure it wasn't the poison that was sent here to aggravate the condition?

But I thought that this medicine was sent by Xu Zhenshou.

Everyone's expressions became very strange again.

Anyway, Xu Zhenshou wouldn't poison the extraordinary people below.

Could it be that kid is lying?

Everyone was feeling suspicious when Wei Peidong's phone rang again.

He glanced at everyone in the field, pressed the answer button, and immediately heard Xu Changfeng's anxious voice:

"There is a problem with that medicine, don't give it to those patients for the time being!"

Hearing this, the people around looked at Su Mo in surprise, and Wei Peidong then replied:

"Doctor Chen said to analyze the medicine, but I haven't given it to them yet."

"Fortunately," Xu Changfeng let out a long breath, and continued, "After getting the antidote earlier, I heard that a patient in the seaside area was about to die, so I temporarily broke some powder for him to use, and he was rescued afterwards. There was no problem with the medicine, so we rushed to send it to several areas where the disease occurred. As a result, just now, the patient suddenly lost consciousness and wanted to go outside, and the people around him were also attacked by him, and then we realized that the medicine something wrong.

It just so happened that the people from the research institute sent a preliminary analysis report. The drug was not a simple antidote, it was mixed with the pollution of the source world and some kind of curse skills to manipulate people's consciousness. Now the people in the research institute are making the final separation of the antidote , to see if the complete antidote can be separated from it. "

"How long will this separation take?"

Wei Peidong asked.

Xu Changfeng hesitated and said:

"I don't know much about this aspect. According to the institute, it can range from a week to half a month."

Wei Peidong frowned and said:

"Those patients may not last that long."

"At present, the corresponding method has been discussed here. Let them fall into a deep sleep first, and then use skills to stabilize the extraordinary characteristics. This should last for a week. During this week, I will invite powerful healers from Fucheng. Combined with the antidote that has already been obtained, we will conduct more in-depth research on this disease."

Wei Peidong glanced at Chen Xiaozhong next to him.

This coincided with the method they had previously thought of.

"Since this is the case, I know what to do."

After hanging up Xu Zhenshou's call, the field became very quiet for a while.

All eyes were on Su Mo who was standing aside.

If they had doubts about Su Mo's statement before.

So now after Xu Zhenshou's confirmation, he can undoubtedly confirm his judgment.

Chen Xiaozhong looked at Su Mo with piercing eyes:

"I remember you said that there is a way to slow down the disease?"

Su Mo smiled slightly, and asked instead:

"Can I see the powder?"

Without any hesitation, Chen Xiaozhong handed over the transparent glass box.

Su Mo stretched out his right hand, and took a trace of taupe medicinal powder from the box.

He stared intently at the trace of the powder.

The prompts on the game panel gradually began to change.

Become more specific and verbose:

[Item: Contaminated Concentration Powder

[Hint: It was originally an antidote specially made for Qushen Powder, which can stabilize the spirit.

After being soaked in Shang River water, it is contaminated with the impurities in the river water, which will aggravate the pollution after use.

And because the medicine powder has been cast with the curse-type skill Spell Seed, after being taken by someone, as long as the level difference does not exceed 3 levels, it can be controlled by the caster. 】

[Note 1: The pollution in the powder can be stripped through the source beads]

[Note 2: The pollution in the medicine powder can be stripped through the soul ringing bell of the magic weapon]

[Note 3: The Seed of Spells can be neutralized by a minimum level 6 spiritual skill]

[Note 4: The seed of the spell can be smashed through the magic weapon Tiansha mirror]

[Note 5: You can obtain relevant materials to remake Ningshen San. The required materials are... The preparation method is...]

Su Mo looked at the prompt given by the game panel, and his eyes lit up slightly.

When checking the patient before, there was insufficient information on the panel, and only ways to slow down and weaken the disease were given.

The relevant preparation method of the antidote is not directly given as it is now.

After learning the general method, Su Mo didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately asked Wei Peidong if there were magical artifacts such as the Soul Ring and the Heavenly Evil Mirror.

Both of these are very precious magical artifacts, not to mention Wei Peidong, even Chen Xiaozhong doesn't have them.

But knowing that this magic weapon is related to whether the medicine pollution can be removed, Wei Peidong no longer hesitated, and immediately applied to Xu Changfeng.

About half an hour later, the two magical artifacts were all brought over.

Looking at the two instruments, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

Then, under Su Mo's prompt, Chen Xiaozhong, who had the highest level on the field and the most exquisite healing skills, made the move.

First, the soul-shocking bell was used. The moment the bell rang, a little black smoke suddenly wafted from the gray-brown medicinal powder.

Seeing the smoke, everyone's eyes widened.

Chen Xiaozhong was also amazed.

Immediately afterwards came the Heavenly Evil Mirror.

Aim the mirror at the medicine powder, after injecting the source force.

The Tiansha Mirror suddenly shot out a divine light, which landed on the medicine powder.

The powder became distorted out of thin air, and there seemed to be a faint screaming sound coming from it.

When the sound dissipated completely, the whole medicinal powder looked clearer and clearer.

Seeing all this, the doctors who had some doubts about Su Mo's proposal.

Everyone was shocked at the moment.

They racked their brains and couldn't figure it out.

Why did Su Mo find a solution just by observing the medicine powder for a while.

This is not scientific at all!

It made them doctors above level 4 feel like eating dry food.

After thoroughly purifying the powder.

With a trace of caution, Chen Xiaozhong took some out of it and gave it to the most seriously ill patient for trial.

And after taking the medicine powder, the abnormal flush on the patient's face quickly began to fade away.

Combined with the purification skills learned from Xu Changfeng.

One pass cast down.

Soon the patient's breathing became steady and powerful.

Appears to be out of danger.

Waited about another ten minutes.

Confirm that his condition has not recurred.

No abnormality was found after the inspection.

Only then did everyone feel relieved and cheered.

Xue Qiaoqiao patted Su Mo's shoulder vigorously, and said excitedly:

"I knew it, it must be right to ask you to come here! My eyesight is indeed unmatched!"

Qian Tao said enviously:

"My good brother, I will leave my personal safety to you in the future!"

Just as they were talking, Chen Xiaozhong and Wei Peidong also came over one after another to express their thanks.

Su Mo took the opportunity to say:

"You don't need to pay too much attention to it, it's actually a coincidence.

I entered a source world fragment before, and accidentally obtained the preparation method of Qushen Powder and Ningshen Powder.

But at first I was not sure that the poison in them was Qushensan.

It was not prepared to be made public until it was confirmed that it was no different from what was recorded after careful inspection.

Now that the antidote has been determined, it happens that I have the detailed preparation method of Ningshen Powder here.

Although some of the ingredients may not be easy to find, I hope it can help everyone. "

When Chen Xiaozhong and Wei Peidong heard this, they were immediately overjoyed.

The faces of other people around also showed a clear look.

No wonder he has studied this disease so clearly. It's not that we are incompetent, it's just that he is very lucky.

Right now, the antidote is purified first, and then the formula is provided.

If his formula is really effective, it can eliminate this epidemic disease.

The official will definitely issue meritorious service.

The thought of getting the incomparably precious feats with ease.

Everyone was so jealous that their eyes were almost red.

After receiving the formula provided by Su Mo, Chen Xiaozhong didn't delay at all, and immediately took people to study it.

In order to express his gratitude, Chen Xiaozhong even personally gave him a Yuanling Pill.

Qian Tao was almost drooling with envy.

After leaving the Cang District, within two days, good news came.

Chen Xiaozhong found a substitute for Yuanjie medicinal materials, and successfully manufactured Ningshen Powder.

Afterwards, he used Ningshen San, combined with purification skills, to quickly control the infectious disease that would have caused a huge disaster.

Because of this, everyone who played a huge role in it all received rewards.

Both Su Mo and Chen Xiaozhong received a second-class merit.

For Su Mo, this second-class skill was completely for nothing.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is obviously the same.

He was even robbed by Xue Qiaoqiao and Qian Tao, and he went to a famous old shop like Qianqiulou.

After Hao rubbed it for a while, Su Mo didn't let the second-class work lie down and get moldy, and directly exchanged it for the needed supplies.

In the next few days, his body seemed to have almost recovered, and he began to study the fourth-level sword master skills.

Compared with level 2 breaking level 3, breaking level 4 at level 3 is obviously more difficult.

Because there is only a gap of one level between the third level and the fourth level, in fact, the difference is a big realm, and there is even a special thing like the promotion ceremony in between.

Even with Su Mo's talent, it took a full two days and eight hours to raise the [Quick Sword] from level 3 to level 4.

Compared with the speed at which Tier 2 breaks through Tier 3, it took eight hours more!

Su Mo felt that the time had been extended for a long time, but he also had to concentrate on finding ways to improve the remaining skills.

On this day, he had just raised [Finger Sword] to level 4, and Deacon Xu suddenly received a message that there was a task.

five minutes ago.

Inside an abandoned factory in Luming District.

Three dusty figures stepped inside.

They were the two elders of the Chu family and Chu Qingwu who had been searching for the whereabouts of the puppet master for days.

Chu Guofu, who always had a kind expression and a smile on his face, now looked serious.

He squatted on the ground, distinguishing the almost unrecognizable footprints, nodded and said:

"The route we traced is not wrong, that kid has indeed been here."

"In addition to him, there are many other people here."

The gray-haired Chu Minan next to him glanced at the numerous messy footprints on the ground.

"There are so many people gathered in such a remote dilapidated factory building, it seems that this should be one of their strongholds."

Chu Qingwu, who was wearing white t-shirt jeans, turned her head and looked around, then said with a puzzled face:

"But since it is a stronghold, why are there no guards? Are they so relieved about this place?"

"I'm afraid it's not just because of reassurance."

Chu Guofu stood up, looked at the internal environment that was no different from a normal dilapidated factory building, and said with a smile:

"If someone else came here, they might not find anything strange.

It's a pity that the one standing in front of you is a [Space Wanderer]! "

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Guofu disappeared from the spot in an instant.

In the next second, he appeared at the position where Chen Luobai had been standing before, and waved forward.

A space blade transformed from source force suddenly cut towards the dilapidated wall in front of it.

Then, a huge magic circle suddenly appeared on the wall.

The magic circle fluctuated slightly, like the surface of a lake, completely devouring the space blade.

Chu Guofu sneered, and punched the circle.


An overwhelmed voice was heard.

The magic circle centered on the location of the fist, and countless cracks spread in all directions.

When these cracks spread to the edge of the magic circle, there was a loud bang, not only the whole magic circle shattered, but even the entire wall behind the magic circle was completely reduced to dust.

Among the dust flying all over the sky, there is only a huge crack in neon color lying in the void.

"Is this... the entrance to the fragments of the source world?"

Chu Qingwu was suddenly shocked.

The gray-haired Chu Min'an narrowed his eyes and was about to walk forward.

Chu Qingwu quickly reached out to stop him.

He gave Chu Qingwu a strange look.

Chu Qingwu calmly explained:

"We don't know what's going on in this In case they set up some backhands, maybe even the sixth and seventh grandpas will be injured, we should investigate it more cautiously.

In addition, fragments of the source world have appeared here. As a member of the official team of Tianmu City, I must report this situation to the higher authorities to deal with it.

We can cooperate with the authorities to act together, which is what they would like to see. "

Chu Min'an and Chu Guofu looked at each other.

Chu Guofu said with a smile:

"Xiao Qingwu seems to have grown up, okay, just do as you say, Grandpa Six and Grandpa Seven will always be your strongest backing."

A warm current surged in Chu Qingwu's heart.

She didn't hesitate anymore, and picked up the phone in her pocket.


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