Mo Shi was a little surprised by being forced to kiss, but he also understood.

Sometimes when people face the person they like, they will have the urge to kiss. This is a biological instinct.

It’s a natural thing.

Although Kai Xin is a relatively reserved girl, when she knew she was about to leave, she felt unwilling to give up, and she couldn’t help but give birth to this impulse.

Mo Shi touched the place where there seemed to be a trace of temperature on his face, and a smile called happiness appeared on his face.


3rd day, the man and woman in the C2 base were released.

Guo Jutao, the head of the corpse hunting group, apologized to the two people said with a smile:

“The matter has been investigated, and you two are innocent. You are wronged. “

The leather-clothed woman Zhen Shishi, although she feels uneasy.

But at this time, I dare not say any more.

She now understands that mind power is not a panacea.

Level 4 psychic is not able to run rampant.

In case of a bad situation, another strong anesthesia bomb was given. Wouldn’t it be another hardship?

Then Hao Ren smiled, waved his hand, and said:

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it’s understandable. You are investigating the case, it should be done.”

Guo Jutao, as Mo Shi ordered, said to the two men:

“You said that C2 base has no laboratory and no corpse room. Then our base will send two Technical talents for you, a laboratory researcher, a corpse raiser.”

After that, he called the researcher and Mo Shi over.

This man and woman have been locked up for a few days, and I don’t know that Mo Shi is a mysterious powerhouse.

Mo Shi went to the C2 base on this trip, and did not intend to reveal his true identity.

He still enjoys hiding behind the scenes and becoming stronger silently.

Besides, people’s hearts are separated by their belly, who knows if others have peace of mind.

He is already so strong, doesn’t Ma Yangshi dare to hurt him?

The two of them are naturally very surprised that the C2 base can send them technical talents.

The unhappiness in my heart is also much less.


Mo Shi they are leaving the C1 base.

Not many people come to send them off.

Guo Jutao looked into Mo Shi’s eyes and whispered in a low voice: “Don’t worry, I will take care of Kai Xin and Old Li for you.”

Mo Shi nodded:” Then many thanks.”

The Kai Xin next to him looked at Mo Shi, and some tears flickered in his eyes.

Mo Shi came to Kai Xin’s side, comforted: “Don’t worry, I will be back soon.”

Kai Xin nodded.

She is very sensible and would not have to ask Big Brother Mo to stay.

A pair of bright and intelligent eyes, looking at Mo Shi.

As if saying: Big Brother Mo, go early and return early.

Mo Shi rubbed Kai Xin’s head, rubbing her hair into a mess.

Said: “Go back.”

After that, he turned to the helicopter.

The helicopter’s rotor began to spin and slowly lifted into the air.

The ground is raised up dust filling the sky.

Watching Mo Shi leave, Guo Jutao began to feel a little pressure.

Mysterious powerhouse has left.

Then the security of the base during the next period of time is all on the corpse hunter.

I didn’t feel any pressure to maintain the safety of the base before.

But now that the mysterious powerhouse left, he suddenly felt that the burden on his body was heavier.

If there is another crisis like the previous one, I’m afraid…

After the helicopter takes off, then Hao Ren laughed at Mo Shi. Said:

“Hey, brother, what is the relationship with you that girl just now?”

Mo Shi hasn’t spoken yet, then Zhen Shishi gave him a fiercely look:


“Hao Ren, what do you want to do?”

Hao Ren shrank subconsciously.

Hehe smiled: “It’s nothing, I just think that girl is really beautiful.”

Seeing that Zhen Shishi’s complexion became cold, he quickly said:

“Of course , Not as pretty as you.”

Then quietly winked at Mo Shi.

Then said to Mo Shi: “Brother, she is your friend. I saw that when I went to the corpse that day, you are really blessed.”

Mo Shi glanced at Hao. Ren glanced at him and faintly replied: “Hmm.”

When Hao Ren saw Mo Shi seem to be hostile to him, he waved his hand, said with a laugh:

“brother Don’t worry, although I am not a good person, Hao Ren is lustful and not lewd. And I also know my friend’s wife, don’t be deceived, just put your heart obediently and honestly in your belly.”

That Zhen Shishi seems to be unable to bear it anymore, angrily said:

“If you don’t close your dog’s mouth, I will sew it up!”

Hao Ren hurriedly shrank his neck. Said:

“It’s just a chat, no need, no need.”

Then turned his head and started the plane with peace of mind.

Zhen Shishi in the leather jacket, coldly snorted in his nose.

Lean on the back of the chair.

no longer paid attention to other people.

Mo Shi is too lazy to talk.

As for the researcher sent by that laboratory, he didn’t say anything when he saw other people.

The helicopter faces the sun and flies toward the northeast.

C2 base, in the former Anshan in Liaodong.

It is more than 1,200 kilometers away from the C1 base.

The oil that Hao Ren brought when they came to the C1 base should barely be able to stick to the C2 base.

Mo Shi leaned against the cabin door and looked out.

As far as I can see, everything is jade green.

Abandoned cities and lonely villages are all occupied by green plants.

Mo Shi looked at all this, his thoughts fluctuated.

Twenty minutes later, a cry suddenly pulled Mo Shi’s thoughts back.

“Not good, there are flying mutants!”

next moment, bang——

There was a loud noise, and the helicopter suddenly shook violently.

Besides the helicopter, there is a huge human head bee 10 meters long.

This human head bee has two pairs of scarlet wings.

The widest part of the wings actually reaches fifteen meters.

The six legs are covered with barbs.

The tip of each leg has a hook-like spike.

Under the sun, cold light flashes.

The strangest thing is that its head is a huge human head with a diameter of half a meter.

This human head has no skin, and it is bloody.

A pair of sunken eye sockets.

A mouthpart that looked like a javelin came out of the man’s head and mouth.

The whole look is disgusting and terrifying.

Mo Shi used to think that human head bees were named because their honeycombs resemble human heads.

But now that he saw this huge mutant human head bee, he understood it.

This is the real bee.

He took advantage of the fact that everyone did not notice.

In both eyes, the pupils suddenly turned blood red.

The pupil of bloodfiend opens.

next moment, you can see the level of this mutant human head bee.

[Species: Mutant Human Head Bee]

[Level: Level 3 Strong Mutant Beast]

After the pupil of bloodfiend is upgraded, you can check the strength of any creature grade.

This is a lot more convenient.

Since it is a Level 3 strong mutant, these two people are not a problem to deal with.

Mo Shi naturally does not have to take action.

Hao Ren said to Zhen Shishi next to him:

“Yen Zi, you come and drive.”

Then turned around and faced Mo Shi and the researcher. Said:

“Brothers, show you a hand.”

Said, directly open the door next to it.

Jumped out.

Hang on the landing gear of the helicopter with one hand.

The right hand beckoned to the head bee, hehe said with a smile:

“The beauty on the other side, look here.”

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