Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 746: dark day

   Chapter 746 Dark Sky



   There is an adamantine golem guarding the left and right, followed by a large group of loyal servants.

Before the red copper gate, Isaac pressed his hand on the center of the gate, and there was smoke of darkness rising. overall.

   The indescribable atmosphere of evil and despair is constantly pervading from where they are, and even the loyal servants of the kobold behind them are instinctively uneasy.

But at this time, Isaac didn't have any extra thoughts to take care of them. All his spiritual senses were completely devoted to the "red copper gate", remodeling the altar, and re-ceremony On the thinking and construction of deduction.

Dosal-Manas is dishonest, this is normal, such an old ghost, even if he has scruples about his "killing" words, how can he reveal everything just because of his few threats .

   However, although this old ghost is dishonest, but because of its inexhaustible and unclear explanations in many places, Isaac has captured enough useful information.

   with this information.

   Combined with his original research on the "red copper gate".

   combined with his in-depth grasp of the theoretical ideas of the four altars that he repaired and destroyed again.

   is finally combined with his high magic for elves, and the possible unfolding of this reversal...

   All of Isaac's wisdom was burning completely at this time.

  In the mind, the frameworks are constantly being constructed and optimized.

   Along with all this, gradually, magic power began to flow between him and the red copper gate, and it became stronger and stronger.

  This is... He is leaving the altar, directly using his own power, practicing step by step, and getting deeper and deeper.

   "From the system of knowing the difficulty of the ability, the function of the altar can also be equivalent to the difficulty unit. Furthermore, as long as you understand all of this, you can fully reflect the role of the altar in the casting itself!"

   "So, this dark and evil ritual, if the effect of the four altars is corrected, can be expressed as an evil spell with the 'red copper gate' as the casting instrument!"

   Of course, to complete this correction, especially to reflect the difficulty of knowledge equivalent to the four altars into the spell itself, this is definitely not something that can be done casually.

  Even if the "Bronze Gate" is used as a spell-casting instrument, it can already weaken the difficulty of spell-casting to a certain extent, but Isaac has a clear enough understanding that even a ninth-level spell is difficult to fully express.

   In addition to the "high-energy core", and the constituent elements of the "Demon Spirit"...

From the very beginning, Isaac had a clear enough grasp of reason. Without performing legendary spells, his deduction of this "dark ritual" only needs to focus on one point, focus on, through the "ritual". "Dark Side", which has a synergy with the sealed "Tanari Essence", and then, it is time to determine where that "high-energy core" is!

   And as long as that "high-energy core" is found...

If he misses today, he has time to perform the complete "Dark Corruption Ritual" thoroughly, and even go a step further, modify this "Corruption Ritual" to what he needs and can completely control the "Exclusive Ritual" , is also entirely possible.

   Clarity of goals!

  Isaac's deduction progress is also extremely smooth.

  In the mind, with the construction of countless frameworks, they are constantly combined and optimized.



   His eyes opened silently in the thick black smoke.

   A strange brilliance flashed in the depths of Isaac's eyes.

From his remodeling of the "altar ceremony", it is further reflected in the process of "spell". With the conception of countless compositions, he has already created this "ritual" and the corresponding "spell". , the intrinsic nature of the two is sufficiently clear cognition.

  If it is expressed as "spell", this "spell" is the real magic!

   Of course, it will be magic, and this is normal.

   After all, generally speaking, sacrifices and spells are performed through the "altar", which is the "source force" directed to the gods, or similar existences.

  From this point of view, it is normal for rituals to be linked to divine arts.

   And magic, this is not difficult for Isaac.

  Although his divine skill can only be prepared to the fifth level of divine art, but...with the professional ability of "Wheel of Days", he completely has the ability to express and display divine art in the way of arcane art!

   What really makes him different...



  Normally speaking, divine arts originate from belief, from the gift of gods, how many kinds of divine arts can be bestowed by gods, and all the divine arts that priests can prepare are among them.

   However, this is only normal.

  Ashan plane, there are quite a few senior priests who have in-depth research in the field of magic, and then study and create magic by themselves.

  Isaac is naturally one of them.

He is able to directly express divine art in the form of arcane art, and he truly touches the root essence of divine art and arcane art, even if it is a powerful main material plane like Yashan plane On the other hand, it would be extremely difficult to find someone who could surpass him, or even be at a similar level to him.

   It is in this area that there is enough height and enough depth.

  When Isaac gradually formed part of the "Corruption Ritual" through divine magic, and slowly expressed it...

In the eyes of   , the strange color that flashed out of the eyes clearly showed some surprises, and even...surprise, and even more, the look of faint surprise!

   "Pure Evil Essence!"

   "Not in hell, not in the abyss!"

   "It's not about law, it's not about chaos, it's not about neutrality!"

"This is……"

In Isaac's soul, the light wheel of the number of days is shining brightly at this moment, especially the "group" that symbolizes the "lower evil plane", a kind of darkness, but it is also extremely "radiant". Evil light!

   In his philosophy system, the wheel of days corresponds to the composition of the current outer plane.

  If the wheel of days is purified from complexity to simplicity, then it is exactly in line with the position of the nine palaces of the eternal wheel of the great dragon father.

   And if the wheel of eternity is purified again...

   "Three, Lawful, Neutral, Chaos!"

   "Vertical Three, Good, Neutral, Evil!"

If Isaac's grasp is correct, the source of this "dark and decadent ritual" is clearly this "pure evil that has nothing to do with law and chaos", which is related to all gods, including all abyss lords and The Grand Duke of Hell, there is a source of essential difference!


"If you look at the conceptual essence of the outer planes, whether it is **** or the abyss, including all other lower planes, a part of its composition is the existence of 'He', whether it is the prince of **** or the abyss The lord, the power of the authority of its evil side, should also have a relationship with 'He'."

   "But at the same time, 'He' has nothing to do with all of this."

   This kind of existence is both related and unrelated...

   "'He' is the most basic composition of a faction, an intermediate state between the camp concept and beyond the camp concept!"

   "There is the existence of 'He'... Then, as opposed to 'He', those five 'conceptual states' also exist!"

  Isaac tries to interpret this "evil concept", but it is difficult to interpret it with a sufficiently specific and precise concept.

   However, by this process of "interpretation"...

In   's soul, the reflection of the "dark side" of the light wheel of the number of days... His mind clearly sensed a kind of endless darkness... Heaven!

   and thus reflected...

  Isaac could clearly feel that the professional accumulation of the "Wheel of Days" was incomparably rapid and endless, and it was constantly growing.

   However, with the accumulation and filling of this profession, it continues to grow richer...

  I don't know when, the surprise in Isaac's eyes gradually disappeared, and a slight frown appeared in his eyes.

   "The matter here must be resolved as soon as possible. After the trip to Vaasa, the matter of the drow must be resolved as soon as possible."

   "The perfection of the wheel of days and the further sublimation of destiny, this is urgent!"

Isaac can sense that in his soul, the omen of the imbalance between the "dark side" and "light side" of the light wheel of the number of days can also be grasped. Facade”, are unable to truly achieve this balance.

However, after all, his level is still enough, especially the dragon of conferred gods is biased towards "lawful evil", even if the "wheel of days" reflects this "dark sky", the resulting "pour and indoctrination" ", for a period of time, it will not make him really unbalanced.


"that one!"

  Although Isaac was not in a hurry before deducing the "Corruption Ritual", he is now exploring the true origin of that one.

   However, when he counted the halo in the sky, he reflected the evil origin concept of the "dark sky"...

   "Perhaps, he is not a real god!"

If that one is really a god... Isaac doesn't believe that, like the elf master god, the powerful gods in the powerful gods will be ignorant of their conspiracy calculations that may last for tens of thousands of years against the elves. .

   Similarly, the lord of **** and the lord of the abyss are similar.

   Really want to be able to hide from the elf main god...

   "The... servant of this 'Dark Sky'?"

  Isaac did not simply refer to that one as "priest."

   is just a "priest" and cannot represent this "source of evil".

   Those who can represent the "source of evil" to a certain extent, not to mention "voters", must be "servants" anyway!

   should be able to represent the "source of evil", and then intervene in the essence of that "intermediate state". This should be able to make even the main elf **** unaware of his conspiracy.

   Furthermore, Eilistraee doesn't think that there is something behind the design of Aerivanda.

   "The spokesperson of the source of evil!!"

   In Isaac's eyes, a blazing light flashed fiercely.

  It is hard to judge at his current level, whether this "identity" conforms to and suits the nature of the current world, and furthermore, it is impossible to judge whether there is room for further improvement.

  For this reason, his "imbalance" needs to be resolved as soon as possible!

   However, from his understanding of this "identity", he could vaguely grasp some of the essence of the "Wheel of Days" after completing the destiny.

   And if the "Corruption Ritual" is like this, to perform the reversal of high magic...

   "To create my 'High Magic System', or, 'Dragon's High Magic', maybe..."

  In the mind, there are constantly shining spiritual senses bursting out, and inspirational ideas are constantly accumulating in Isaac's soul.

   Of course, all of this did not hinder his creation of the "corruption magic".

   is all through the remodeling of the "altar", combined with the "red copper gate", and then the "day number light wheel", which reflects the concept of "dark sky".

  Using this "source power" to invert the "corruption magic", this is much more direct than pure deduction!

   Just a while.

   One of Isaac's paws is still pressing on the "red copper gate".

   The smoke of darkness that enveloped the door and also enveloped him, the terrifying atmosphere of evil and despair, the deepest darkness, suddenly surged.

   In an instant, the entire tunnel, all the light, died in an instant.

   Behind Isaac, all the loyal servants of the kobolds were already restless and restless, and could not help but cry out in surprise.

   However, all the voices disappeared in this darkness before they could be exported.

   All the movements, this moment is also sculptural, directly stagnant.

   In the dark.

   There is only one voice at this moment.

  Isaac pressed on the red copper gate with one hand, from the soul, from the mouth, from the heart and voice, while reciting the mysterious dark cipher text.

   Another "ninth-level spell", this moment is also back to the original magic energy.

   With this powerful magical energy, through the "Wheel of Days", combined with the reflection of the "Dark Sky"...

   in the low chanting of dark ciphertext.

   From the "red copper gate", countless evil howls, at the level of will, suddenly boiled.

this moment.

   The location of the Blackwater Front.

   where Amarinda is.

   Buried deep in the ground, there are still some people who are still tenacious.

   And there are farthest forest, and other tasks, and some people outside.

   Invariably, everyone's eyes turned almost simultaneously at this moment, all looking in the direction of Hell Gate Castle.


   "He was really caught by him..."

In the eyes of    Muvassis and Grishnas, at this moment, there was an extremely complicated look.

   Even the release of the power of the "Gatekeeper Crystal" has not completely broken the seal. At this moment, from the boiling resonance of the "essence of life", they can clearly feel that this is the seal that has really been activated!

   is the same as in the past, being sealed, it is the opposite feeling!

   (end of this chapter)

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