Dr. Green Dragon

: I wish you all a Happy New Year

I wish you all a Happy New Year

  The Year of the Tiger, I wish you all a new year, your studies and careers, the tiger will be powerful, and you will be majestic!

   Thank you all for your long-term support over the past two years.

  Tell me something about this book.

   Actually, before I started writing, and after I started writing, this book has changed a lot from what I expected.

Before I started writing, I just wanted to write a fantasy book, and then I kept looking for various materials. If I have friends who are in contact with DND, I actually want to say... Before I started writing, I had absolutely no idea what DND was, so the front was all Made up. . . . .

However, as I progressed and more and more materials came into contact, I thought about trying it out to see if I could incorporate the relevant content into the book. Then, there was another problem... I was new to it at the time. I don't understand half of it, so there are contradictions in many things, and I can only slowly correct them in the process. In fact, I also feel that it is a bit nondescript.

After that, due to the constant revision of the map, in some of the original frameworks, I integrated a lot of Faerûn's background. In the end, Faerûn's background became the main framework... It also greatly deviates from the one before I started writing. expected.

Of course, although there are too many changes before and after writing, this is also reflected in the subscription data, but in any case, this is another writing attempt after stopping writing for several years, and it will be more "durable" to two years. Not being a "eunuch" is really beyond my own expectations.

Therefore, there is no accident in this book. There should be no "eunuch" phenomenon. However, because of my grades, I will not delay on it for too long. , the author is more subtle, except for shouting "please subscribe", he can't shout anything else.

   Having said that, let's look to the future... well, let's not talk about such nonsense, it is the plan of the new book.

  No surprise, the new book is going to be a fantasy again, and it is still going to be a mage as the main job, and it is going to be invested in the background of DND, but there will be no game-related data directly reflected.

  In the new book, a few settings from this book will be used.

  The background will no longer directly refer to Faerun and the like.

   Using the suggestion of a book friend, the atmosphere will be dominated by dark characters, but on the background, try to make the character frame more complete.

The most important point is to open a vest to test the water and say goodbye to the portrayal of "nothing = nothing originally" that my wife said (sweat), so I won't give advance notice (emphasis), see if there are any friends, and then I will be able to. see it

   Finally, cheer yourself up.

   "In the Year of the Tiger, let the tiger prosper!"

   "To be majestic with all book friends!"

   (end of this chapter)

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