Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1555: again

 Chapter 1555 Another one

The methods of the Black Staff Archmage are still as precise as ever.

 Use the frost-marked phylactery as an instrument for infinite rituals.

 The infinite ceremony is the prerequisite for the reconstruction of Maiyeli Pagoda.

Coupled with the frost mark, it offended him in the first place and was his target...

 Issac only pondered for a moment before he was persuaded.

Without exchanging any conditions, he nodded slowly and said directly: "I will convince Saferekta to cooperate with you."

 He is still not prepared to interrupt his research temporarily, even if it is temporary, it may not require more time.

However, with his words.

Khelben and Laila, after only thinking about it for a moment, they both nodded.

  "Then I'll do it for you, Your Majesty."

Since they were eyeing Shuangyin, they knew that Shuangyin had joined forces with Canglan.

If Canglan is willing to betray Frost Seal and even sell Frost Seal directly to them, with Kelben’s original understanding of Frost Seal and his dedicated research during this period, this will naturally be safe!

  In fact…

Where does this person have the confidence to convince Saferekta?

 Some time ago, Saferekta was defeated once by this man, and Lagon was killed immediately.

This almost irreconcilable hostile relationship is the key factor that brings Saferekta and the Frost Seal Society together.

 But now, this person is actually confident that he can convince Saferekta!

Khelben would not doubt whether this man was telling lies.

 But if this is true...

“Could it be that Saferek Tower’s fall was intentional for others to see?”

“Is there actually some kind of secret relationship between these two people?”

“So... the death of Lagon was not an accident, but fell into this person’s design?”

“But if that’s the case, why did he deliberately expose this secret relationship to me?”

 A series of thoughts suddenly came to Kelben's mind.


 After getting Kelben and Saferekta on the line, Isaac continued to be immersed in magic research.

  Sammaster’s research results have been almost digested by him.

With his increasingly profound insight and mastery of the original evil power, combined with the "Dark Corruption Ritual" and his understanding of the adamantine binding circle, Isaac's personalized transformation research on the "Chaos Double Burning Ritual" is also Going deeper and deeper.

 Only about two months have passed.

Then news came from Kelben and Saferekta that the "Frost Seal" Plamon Rakeisk had fallen into the hands of Kelben.

Isaac's analysis of the "Chaos Double Burning Ritual" and his personal transformation based on it are basically completed.

 Next, only some of the most critical things are missing...

 “The Shadow Crown of Ndulu!”

 “The book of filth!”


 “Dark energy core!”

“Also, the essence of power left by Sammaster, the few ritual relics of Solomon, and a bit of the shadow divinity of the shadow dragon!”

 Isaac is thinking about whether the Dark Sacred Artifact he has in hand, or something that may become a Dark Sacred Artifact. And I am thinking about how to combine these sacred vessels and holy objects with the Chaos Double Burning Ceremony.

"The Chaos Double Burning Ceremony requires first to restrain, second to force, and third to control. During the process, it is also necessary to combine ninth-level chaos runes to bypass the immunity abilities of the abyss lord from the source... "

 With the resources he currently has at his disposal, he is already very confident that he can realize this ritual.


 What he wants is not very certain!

 Sazastan has learned a lesson from the past, but not much time has passed!

 Not only must he be absolutely sure, but he must also be prepared to prevent the ceremony from being destroyed!

It is certainly difficult for ordinary spellcasters to predict his actions, but it is different for gods!

“Using the dark energy core, combined with Enduru’s Shadow Crown, coupled with the adamantine binding circle under the Conjurer’s Castle, and promoted by a triple parallel sky array...

 But this is not enough, wait a little longer, wait for me to use the essence of Sammaster's evil power as the basis to create an evil holy instrument that can be used in conjunction with the "evil magic power", and then complete it! "

 In the end, Isaac decided to wait a little longer to be more stable.

 In fact, compared to the Lord of the Abyss, if he were to enslave the Lord of Hell, it might be simpler.

It's not that the Lord of Hell is inferior to the Lord of the Abyss, but whether it's the Solomon's Grimoire in his hands or his own height in the field of order, this all determines that his control of the "Chaos Double Burning Ritual" is definitely inferior. "Order Double Burning Ceremony".

 But unfortunately, unlike the lords of the abyss who are independent in their own affairs, the authority of the lords of **** is ultimately vested in Asmodeus.

The Lord of the Nine Hells is not just sitting back and watching the power of **** fall into the hands of outsiders!

Just like, although the kingdom of God with many gods is established on the level of hell, the authority of the gods and the authority of the **** lords absolutely do not interfere with each other.

 The only exception is the Dragon Queen.

But even for the Dragon Queen, when she took over the authority of the Lord of Hell, it was the lowest period. She had fallen from the existence of divine power to the level of a great devil.

“Normally reigning Hell Lords cannot be enslaved. However, if there is a chance, it is not that we cannot consider that one, no, those two..."

 In Isaac's eyes, a strange color flashed and disappeared.

However, I didn’t think too much about these things.

 The top priority is that he still has to complete the manufacturing design of the "Evil Sacred Artifact" as soon as possible!

“When the design is completely perfected and the ceremony is carried out with the combination of the adamantine circle under the Conjurer’s Castle and the Shadow Crown of Endulu…”

“The time has come to explore the Temple of the Three Gods!”

He has already counted. The place where Alyssa was imprisoned should be in the Temple of the Three Gods.

 Although in order not to alarm the three gods, he has not conducted any powerful and direct exploration.

 However, Isaac had a vague idea in his mind that there might be a deeper involvement behind Alissa's incident.


There is also an inexplicable intuition.

 It’s not because I have a special preference for Alissa.

 But Isaac just felt that he had the need to find out where it was!

Therefore, when he started the ritual under the Conjurer's Castle, and then it really affected the stability of the seal barrier, and directly alerted the three people, it was just right, and he took the opportunity to say that to Alisana. It’s time to start exploring!


 Ignore changes in the outside world.

  Isaac continued to study behind closed doors.

Like this, in the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Just like Kelben's visit, another visit came that Isaac could not refuse.

 (End of this chapter)

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