DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 691 Dark Titan Sargeras

The person who directly put this acute issue on the table is an organization that has a good relationship with the mirror.

The question raised by their president was firstly out of their own worries, fearing that the three major organizations were planning to completely annex them; secondly, they also had the intention of apologizing for their allies. Bi Jing held the Night of the Gods every few years, but it was suddenly snatched away. No matter how you look at it, it was too much.

Because many organizations have such concerns, his words were echoed by many presidents.

Although more participants chose to wait and see what happens, Zhao Dingguo could see the same concern in their eyes. They were just worried that they would be retaliated against if they came forward rashly, so they did not dare to come forward immediately.

If this problem is not resolved, even if the so-called Super God Alliance is established, it will be a castle in the air based on no trust.

However, since the Throne Organization dares to propose, it is naturally prepared for the problems that it will inevitably encounter. After more than a dozen experts who stood up expressed their concerns and doubts, the vice president of the Throne accepted their questions and began to clarify: "There is absolutely no such thing as annexation."

He made the venue quiet again with a sonorous and powerful denial.

"I think you haven't figured out what kind of organization this Super God Alliance is. It's not like some people think, breaking up the masters of major organizations and then re-forming a super organization. That's annexation, yes. But our alliance is just an overall planning organization. The access rights, resource reserves, interests of the main plane, etc. of each organization are still controlled by you, and the big alliance will not interfere! In this regard, we can I give you my clear assurance!”


A twilight-level master couldn't help but confirm, but as soon as he spoke, he realized that he had made a mistake and asked a meaningless question. How could the Vice President of Throne go back on his promise in front of all the top leaders of the organization at the Night of the Gods? In that case, the credibility of the throne will be lost, which is tantamount to slapping yourself in the face.

"Absolutely true!"

The vice president of Throne smiled and said: "You absolutely don't have to worry about this being changed after the alliance is established, we guarantee it!"

"That's it..."

"Huh, then I'm relieved."

As soon as Throne's explanation and guarantee came out, the worries of many organizations were immediately relieved. What they care about most is that the masters they managed to win over and the resources they obtained were taken away from the throne. Since the organizations of each franchise alliance are still independent, their resistance has suddenly become much smaller.

Zhao Dingguo was not as naive as they were.

As a director of the Illuminati, Zhao Dingguo undoubtedly has some clues. He knew that the guarantee of the throne in front of him was of no use at all. Because once the alliance is established, the leader will get the status and justice he wants most. Righteousness is a vague thing, but it depends on whose hands it is placed. It's useless in the hands of a second-rate organization, and no matter how much you yell, it won't be listened to. But in the hands of those in charge of the major leagues, it is an invincible artifact.

Taking the alliance into one's own hands and then ordering other organizations in the name of the alliance is simply a replica of using one's own power to order the princes!

The Grand Alliance does not need to control the specific rights of each organization. As long as the foundation of the Burning Legion's existence is still there, the leader of the alliance can easily use this right to let each franchisee do exactly what he needs and wants. . If anyone thinks that Du Li's rights have been temporarily preserved and is relieved, then Zhao Dingguo can only say that his vision is too short-sighted.

However, Zhao Dingguo is certainly not the only one who is smart.

Some experts saw something deeper, but with the guarantee of the Throne and the precedent of an entire city in western Hunan being destroyed by the Burning Legion, they could not deny it directly. They could only ask in a roundabout way: "The credibility of the Throne, we are It’s trustworthy. Annexation and whatnot are just speculations by a few people who don’t understand the situation. Now it seems to be a rumor. However, the problem before is still there. Is it really necessary to establish such a super god alliance? "

"I agree with President Midas Touch!"

"Not bad! I think, we just need to establish a rule on this Night of the Gods. Whoever the Burning Legion appears on their territory must fight to the end. Of course, other nearby organizations must also provide full support. I think , Is this enough? It would be time-consuming and labor-intensive to establish a major alliance, so there is no need."

"Are those two organizations in western Hunan just an accident?"

Many experts who oppose the Grand Alliance organization have spoken out, using clear statements to oppose the issues of the Throne Organization.

"Let me tell you, do you really think that with our current scattered combat power, we can resist the invasion of the Burning Legion?" The vice president of Throne stood up again in the face of the opposition: "I think you still have to be more discerning. Longer term. If we only look at the current situation, it is true that the Burning Legion is not something to be afraid of. There are so many organizations in our country that can completely resist it. However, that may not be the case in the future."

"How do you say it?" Amidst the commotion, the president of a second-rate organization who had been silent stood up: "Vice president, please explain it more clearly, okay?"

The appearance of this person immediately made Zhao Dingguo and some smart people realize that the throne's pre-arranged agent had appeared.

"I'm happy to explain it to you~"

The vice-president of the Throne cleared his throat and continued: "Before further explanation, I would like to know how much you know about the Burning Legion? Everyone here, do you know what such a monster group is like? Their background, how strong their strength is, and how many core bosses they have? Or do they know nothing at all?"

His words were like pouring a bucket of water on the burning firewood, immediately extinguishing the flames.

The venue became quiet again.

The issue of the Vice-President of the Throne has caused many organizations that are hesitant, or feel that it doesn't matter and just follow along to join in the fun, to start to reflect on this issue. How much do they know about the Burning Legion?

It can be seen from the silence that not many people really know about this issue!

Zhao Dingguo talked with his mentor Jia Ruo. With this strong man who had played in both legions helping to popularize science, Zhao Dingguo felt that he knew quite a lot. However, Zhao Dingguo suspected that they might not know anything about those ordinary second-rate organizations. Many experts even think that Super God Platform deliberately created such a monster spawning system to make them extra troublesome.

Vice President Throne's rhetorical question made them face this issue for the first time.

Compared with the confusion of second-rate organizations, the top management of first-rate organizations with Twilight masters in charge basically understand some of the situation. After all, many of those who can step into the twilight are related to those who are strong in the plot. It is not surprising to get some information from them. However, those who know the most are undoubtedly the three major organizations.

Zhao Dingguo firmly believes in this.

Seeing that the three major organizations were about to explain this issue, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but get excited. In fact, he didn't know enough about the Burning Legion, and he really wanted to know more.

The entire venue was silent for half a minute. Seeing that there was no sound, the Vice President of Throne was very satisfied. He coughed loudly, drew everyone's attention, and then said: "Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Since you don't even know the specific situation of the Burning Legion, how can you make judgments based on it? Our current situation can resist the Burning Legion. What about the invasion? This kind of conjecture based on feelings is absolutely unacceptable!"

Many of the masters present at the meeting looked a little embarrassed after being given a gentle lecture by the Vice-President of the Throne. But the fact is that they have no way to defend themselves and can only respond with silence.

Seeing that these guys who had been opposing him were speechless, the Vice President of the Throne felt happy. He scanned the venue one by one with his eyes and saw that almost no one had the nerve to look him in the face. Then he said: "Then, let's We have invited Huiyao’s top-ranked Twilight Master, Yue Yefeng, to explain it to you.”

This time the atmosphere suddenly became lively and the applause was much warmer.

The glorious master Mu Se appeared on the stage, and naturally all the masters present showed respect. Moreover, the great master Yue Yefeng has extraordinary strength and is the best in the world's super master list. Many masters speculate that he can step into the eternal night at any time. Even if there is any resistance to the Vice-President of the Throne, they will not show it at this time. Otherwise, it would be terrible if such a super powerful person mistakenly thinks that he is targeting himself.

Amidst the applause, Yue Yefeng stood up and nodded, and then without saying much, he began to explain the true situation of the Burning Legion to the experts present with a calm attitude.

"The Burning Legion is an extremely powerful demon army, stronger than the Guards Legion and the Disaster Legion in the main plane!"

Yue Yefeng began his explanation with a sentence that seemed sensational, but was actually not the least bit complimentary: "Such an army of demons that tramples countless worlds in the universe is mainly composed of demons such as the Eredar, the Doomsday Guard, and the Fear Lord. Its leader It is the dark titan Sargeras with the rank of god, and its commanders are Archimonde the Defiler and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver. Their purpose is to destroy all ordered worlds and return everything to chaos."

"Unfortunately, both the main plane and our real world are being targeted by them!"

"Has the status of a god?" Seeing Yue Yefeng pause for a moment when he said this, a master couldn't help but take the opportunity to stand up and asked: "Is Sargeras, the leader of the Burning Legion, really that strong? ?”

Yue Yefeng glanced at him and said: "It seems that you still don't know the strength of the gods. You must have understood the strength division of our super god users by now. From the level without a tavern nameplate, all the way to Shuguang, Xuguang Day, dusk and twilight. After being stuck at the twilight level for a long time, several strong men have now broken through to Yongye. But ah, the gods are a higher level existence than Yongye! ah Yongye The gap between the gods and the gods is like the gap between dusk and twilight, or even much bigger!"

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