DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 664: Playing Hide and Seek with the Bone Dragon

There was deathly silence near the Heroes Cemetery, and it seemed like a world away from the base camp just a stone's throw away.

However, just because there seems to be no one from the outside does not mean that you can enter and exit freely. Zhao Dingguo learned from limited intelligence that the defense of the Heroes Cemetery was actually very strong. After all, those buried here are all heroes and masters from the past, and the current plot masters will not let their corpses be desecrated.

Normally, there would be heavily armed soldiers guarding the place as early as two kilometers away.

But now, affected by the Scourge Legion's counterattack, all the outermost defense forces have been mobilized, leaving only a small group of ghoul soldiers standing here symbolically. If necessary, Zhao Dingguo can use stealth to approach, and then use super-seismic sound waves and chaotic meteorites to eliminate them in an instant, so that these soldiers cannot even issue a warning. However, there is obviously no need to kill him.

Zhao Dingguo only used a mist of trickery to easily deceive them.

After getting past the perimeter defense line of the cemetery, Zhao Dingguo, under the true vision effect of the Queen's Eye, carefully advanced towards the cemetery that was obscured by the gray fog.

Why open the Queen's Eyes?

The first hurdle that Zhao Dingguo had to face was not the powerful men guarding the cemetery, but the magic guards and detection magic arrays shrouded in fog outside the cemetery. If you accidentally touch them, the indigenous soldiers guarding here will come quickly before entering the cemetery.

Although the place is now empty, Zhao Dingguo still won't be careless.

The gray mist with a decaying smell not only affected Zhao Dingguo, but also provided a kind of protection in disguise. Under the double protection of the fog and the fog of conspiracy, Zhao Dingguo walked tiptoe deeper. Along the way, under the blue true vision effect of the Queen's Eye, the magic guards and detection magic arrays at the edge of the cemetery were clearly visible. In several high places where the fog is slightly bouncing, the presence of reconnaissance guards can still be vaguely seen.

This line of defense alone is enough to keep out 70% of super god users.

Here, Zhao Dingguo found a hidden and safe place and laid out the coordinates of the teleportation props. Once this coordinate is set, it cannot be changed or canceled. If Zhao Dingguo encounters any accident next, it will be reported directly here. If you return safely, then this prop can actually be thrown away, because it is useless...

After the settings were completed, Zhao Dingguo nodded with satisfaction before continuing.

In the fog, people can easily lose their way. Zhao Dingguo couldn't guarantee that he would keep moving forward. He could only work hard to grasp the direction. Fortunately, this layer of gray fog was not wide. After he walked for about two minutes, the visibility quickly increased. Especially after climbing over the neat fence made of white bones, Zhao Dingguo knew that he had successfully entered the cemetery.

Although there is still gray mist in the air here, it is much lighter than outside the fence. If you look into the distance, you can already vaguely see the scene a hundred meters away.

"Is this the Heroes' Cemetery of the Scourge?"

Zhao Dingguo officially set foot on this black and barren land that was deeply affected by the power of the throne, and then looked at this extremely large cemetery.

Due to the protection of the magic circle and the aura of the undead, the sky in the cemetery is always hazy, with no sunlight for ten thousand years. The air is filled with the smell of death and decay, and time seems to stand still here, with the four seasons remaining unchanged. No life affected by the escaping power of those dead heroes can survive here. The only architectural traces that can be seen in [Qihang Hut] are the graves of the skeleton heroes that appear every fifty meters.

In front of each burial ground, the identity and past glory of the heroes buried there are engraved with magic.

However, before Zhao Dingguo could take a few steps inside, his senses suddenly noticed something strange. Just two or three seconds later, a powerful pressure came from the distant sky, as well as a slightly harsh sound of bones rubbing together. Zhao Dingguo was shocked and immediately realized what he had encountered.

The bone dragon that patrols the cemetery from time to time is here!

The Bone Dragon is definitely one of the most powerful units among the Scourge's non-heroic units. Their bodies are ten meters long, and their wings made of hard white bones are also more than ten meters long when spread out. In addition to its good attack and defense, its powerful mobility and the undead aura contained in its breath that can continuously corrode armor, all give it a huge headache for super-god users who face it.

Even if Zhao Dingguo uses all his strength to defeat monsters with such a high-level dusk template, he can only defeat one at a time.

If there was any slight movement and the patrolling bone dragons noticed something strange and attracted more companions, Zhao Dingguo would have no choice but to flee.

Therefore, when he noticed the abnormality, Zhao Dingguo immediately entered deep invisibility, and at the same time replaced the ancient sacred tree ring - this piece of equipment that is rarely used in daily life, its biggest function is to cover up the human aura, which is very good for dealing with undead monsters. use. Even the dignified prophet must use the ancient sacred tree ring when entering the secret realm of Carlo Vinci. Zhao Dingguo's invisibility is already good, and with the bonus of the sacred tree ring, he naturally doesn't have to worry about being discovered.

The performance of Bone Dragon also proves this point.

Although this oppressive evil creature vaguely sensed something was wrong, it circled several times in the sky where Zhao Dingguo was invisible. Its dry wings beat the air hard, but in the end it found nothing and turned around and flew away in the direction it came from.

Watching this behemoth leave from a distance, Zhao Dingguo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's one thing to have confidence in yourself, but it's another thing to be there in person. Seeing this stupid big man with a body of bones hovering several times in the sky dozens of meters high, Zhao Dingguo didn't even dare to breathe for fear of leaking something. However, now he can relax for a while.

There are not many bone dragons in the Heroes Cemetery. Even if they are not mobilized, there is still a certain interval between them when patrolling. Although Zhao Dingguo didn't know the specific time, he could infer based on the uncertain information that it was probably at least five minutes.

For Zhao Dingguo, this is the most precious time.

Because he was worried that the bone dragon would leave and come back at any time, Zhao Dingguo didn't even come into contact with the ghost walk, and just started walking in the cemetery. Soon, he stood in front of the first hero's grave since entering the cemetery.

The Tomb of the Harmonious Face Dark Fearer!

The so-called harmonious face is the Void Mask. This powerful hero who controls the power of time is a strong competitor for the Scourge in the first and later stages. With the ultimate move of the Six Gods in his hands, Void is definitely going to kill the gods in sight. However, such a powerful hero cannot withstand the passage of time even after death.

The powerful force back then can no longer be felt on this tomb. Even if Zhao Dingguo used the magic circle passed down by Karl to activate his energy, he could only see faint, fleeting fragments of time energy.

No way~

Zhao Dingguo frowned. This hero had been dead for too long, and the magic power in the corpse that could be refined into saint energy had long since evaporated. He looked carefully under the tombstone and suddenly realized that the Void Mask died during the period of the Natural Disaster Alliance. The Calamity Alliance was when the Scourge Legion was first established. I don’t know how many years have passed since then...

Next, Zhao Dingguo checked several more tombs and found that they were all from at least a thousand years ago.

Zhao Dingguo suddenly understood. It seemed that the burial place in the Heroes Cemetery was not random. It seemed that the group he came into were all very old heroes, and none of them came after the Mage War. In this case, Zhao Dingguo could only venture deeper into the cemetery.

At this time, the figure of the Bone Dragon appeared again in the sky a hundred meters high.

In front of these powerful creatures, Zhao Dingguo did not dare to be careless. It would be better to delay a little longer and wait for them to fly away before continuing. After all, Zhao Dingguo doesn't worry much about time. Although the Scourge Legion's major counterattack will not last long, it will never be withdrawn after just a few hours. With the intensity and determination of the Presbyterian Church's mobilization this time, it is very likely that they will fight the Burning Legion for a day in the outer domain, and may even push forward with the trend and push away their forward base, the Floating Island!

Therefore, Zhao Dingguo can take his time.

After crossing hundreds of hero's graves along the way, Zhao Dingguo went from the first legion war between the natural disasters and the guards to fight for hegemony, to the later mage war, to the lost swan song, and then to the rise of the third clan, as if Wandering in the long river of history. It was not until the end that Zhao Dingguo saw the heroes who had died in the past few hundred years. From the special energy and aura lingering near their burial sites, Zhao Dingguo easily determined their identities and lineage.

This is it!

Zhao Dingguo randomly selected the tomb of a demon wizard, and then began to set up a magic circle here, extracting his energy to charge the mottled sword edge.

Unlike the chaotic energy possessed by the elite monsters of the Burning Legion, the heroes here possess the purest energy and will not cause any mutation in the saint's relics. Moreover, such a large cemetery! Before, I had to work hard to kill so many monsters in the Carlo Vinci Secret Realm before I could find a few hero burial grounds. Except for the regular bone dragon patrols here, there is no danger at other times, and Zhao Dingguo can extract them at will.

This convenient way, compared to those who worked hard to serve the two legions, how much they had to pay to get the saint's relics, it simply made Zhao Dingguo extremely happy!

Under the operation of the magic circle, the energy of the hero's corpse is steadily and rapidly extracted and transformed.

However, Zhao Dingguo soon discovered a new problem. This demon wizard Ryan died not long ago, and the energy that has not dissipated in his body is too majestic. For a while, this small-scale magic circle could not be exhausted at all. If it was outside, Zhao Dingguo wouldn't have to worry, just wait a few more minutes. But at the moment, the bone dragon may pass over the head at any time. Once discovered, it would be better to escape successfully. If his identity was accidentally exposed, Zhao Dingguo knew very well the tragic outcome of being blacklisted and hunted by many natural disaster heroes.

Bone Dragon must come a little later~

Zhao Dingguo looked at the uncertain magic circle runes and prayed with some worry.

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