DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 574: Golden World Tree Fruit

In the main plane, no matter how miserable the mage is, he will always carry a few small purification potions on him as a spare.

As a senior twilight master, Shen Caiwei naturally has more consumable props in reserve. The ones drawn from killing enemies, sometimes as mission rewards, and a few purchased by herself, left her with more than a dozen bottles of small purification potions in her nameplate space.

"Alchemy potion..."

When the Naga projection hero saw Shen Caiwei using the slow recovery potion, he immediately roared, ignored Zhao Dingguo's attack, and instead interrupted Shen Caiwei's purification potion. But he was very wealthy and didn't feel sorry for this loss. He looked for an opportunity to use a new bottle for himself. Relying on multiple means of supply, Shen Caiwei's magic power remained roughly at about one-third, just below the standard line for triggering quick wit.

Where there is blue, there is healing!

Relying on Shen Caiwei's comprehensive treatment and assistance, Zhao Dingguo took turns using his skills to attack the Naga hero wantonly. However, Invoker is also a big mana user. Although he has the blessing of Aghanim's Scepter, so that the ultimate element summoning does not require mana consumption, but facing this hero who can draw mana, Zhao Dingguo also feels a lot of pressure.

He had to switch out the soul ring and rely on this small piece of equipment to delay the depletion of magic power.

Three rounds of skills passed quickly, and the life halo of the Naga projection hero had turned yellow. In comparison, Zhao Dingguo's condition is not very good. Especially in the vacuum period after Shen Caiwei's ultimate move ends, without the armor bonus she provides, the projection hero's output suddenly increases a lot. At the same time, Zhao Dingguo's output to the enemy has also been reduced a lot. This undoubtedly gives the projection heroes a chance to breathe.

Moreover, Zhao Dingguo didn't think that Tangtang, a strong plot player, only had these few skills.

Be it the forked lightning or the mysterious snake, although they are quite difficult to deal with, they are mostly just ordinary skills. The real trump card, this Naga hero should not be used yet. Otherwise, the dignified plot hero would have been wiped out by so many Twilight masters long ago!

Because he knew this, Zhao Dingguo always paid attention to the opponent's movements during the battle.

This guess was confirmed when Zhao Dingguo struck a chaotic meteorite that once again severely damaged the projection of the Naga hero. Perhaps because he was ashamed that he would be beaten like this by two warriors, the projection hero paused his attack, holding the gorgeous bow and arrow tightly with both hands, muttering something in his mouth. As he cast the spell, a large tornado was forming rapidly. High-speed rotating thunder and arcs could be vaguely seen in the tornado, which looked very powerful!

At this time, Zhao Dingguo and Shen Caiwei knew without thinking that they had to interrupt each other.

Zhao Dingguo originally wanted to use astral confinement to seal the opponent, but the tornado's casting process actually had a similar invincible effect and could not be interrupted. Unwilling to be reconciled, he used Rapid Cooldown again, but this skill with authoritative judgment also could not be used on the projection hero in the casting state, which made both of them suffer.

Seeing the tornado taking shape, Zhao Dingguo and Shen Caiwei had to spread out to avoid it.

The Naga hero probably hated Zhao Dingguo even more, so naturally this hurricane was coming towards Zhao Dingguo. The hurricane brought a strong suction force, which reduced Zhao Dingguo's movement speed by at least 20% to 30%, and the deceleration effect became more obvious toward the center. What surprised him even more was that the tornado shot out dark blue lightning around him from time to time. Zhao Dingguo was accidentally struck by an electric arc, and his health instantly dropped by 300 points!

This is just a touch on the edge. If it is sucked to the center...

Zhao Dingguo didn't want to be sucked in by the tornado, and he didn't want the other party to leave him alone and go to the trouble of seeking treatment, so he quickly maneuvered nearby. Seeing that there was no way to hide, he used the pushing stick to shoot himself and escaped instantly.

The hurricane refused to give up and was in hot pursuit again.

Zhao Dingguo knows very well that the skills of plot heroes are powerful, but it is absolutely impossible to remain invincible all the time. After trying hard to delay for two seconds, he hit the rapid cooling again. This time, the quasi-invincible ability that protected the opponent really disappeared. Under Zhao Dingguo's authoritative judgment skills, the tornado quickly dissipated!

Without this continuous strong ** technique, the battle returned to its previous rhythm.

As Shen Caiwei's weaving reappeared, Zhao Dingguo summoned two lava elves in one fell swoop, and their output increased again. With the control of poisonous touch, throwing, rapid cooling and other skills, Zhao Dingguo's health gradually sucked back. Seeing this, the projection hero who had been fighting for a long time was finally angry.

Although the strength is much weaker than that of the real plot hero, and he is unable to use various equipment and props, the temper and character of this projection hero have not changed at all. After failing to kill the two enemies in front of him, the projection hero was finally ready to use his ultimate ability.

Focus on shooting!

This skill is a bit like a combination of Naga's Split Arrow skill and Crazy Mask Frenzy.

When turned on, it consumes 10 maximum mana points, and then consumes 40 mana points per second. Increases the attack speed of the projection hero by 100, and adds an additional splitting arrow effect to the attack. Split attack damage is 50% of the first hit, and can affect up to four additional targets. However, in this state, the projection hero will suffer an additional 20 damage.

There are negative effects, but compared to the extra Split Arrow effect and the attack speed of up to 100, this extra damage is nothing.

After turning on focused shooting, this Naga projection hero assumed a special shooting posture, seemingly preparing to enter a stance for output. With the addition of skills, the projection hero's shooting speed is doubled, and the arrows are like meteors chasing the moon, so fast that it is impossible to dodge. Moreover, the extra splitting arrow effect also caused Shen Caiwei to be attacked at the same time. She had to retreat temporarily to avoid taking direct damage from the projected hero.

As a result, Zhao Dingguo's situation became much more difficult.

When the projection hero maintained normal attack speed before, with the help of Shen Caiwei, Zhao Dingguo could still hold on. But the opponent's attack speed doubled, and the existing balance was almost immediately broken. Under the opponent's stormy attack, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume dropped rapidly. This is the effect of the weaving armor bonus reaching more than ten points. Once the weaving ends again, it is conceivable that Zhao Dingguo will definitely be in danger!

However, Zhao Dingguo actually considered this situation before fighting.

After all, the opponent is the projection of a strong storyteller. It is normal to have a way to suppress the situation. It would be strange not to have the opposite. Seeing the rapid drop in blood volume, Zhao Dingguo, who had been mentally prepared for it, not only ignored it, but boldly confronted the projection hero head on. Shen Caiwei understood what Zhao Dingguo meant, and helped with treatment from time to time, and used Mekensim again to delay the time for Zhao Dingguo's blood volume to return to zero.

But in the end, it’s just procrastination!

Seeing that Zhao Dingguo's blood volume was steadily decreasing, the projection hero felt proud, and the speed of shooting arrows in his hand actually became one minute faster. The arrows that shot through the air at high speed kept attacking Zhao Dingguo with a sharp whistling sound. If this was not the main plane and not an ancient battlefield in the real world, Zhao Dingguo would have turned into an iron hedgehog full of arrows.

Finally, with the attack of the Naga heroes, Zhao Dingguo's health dropped to the most dangerous level.

Shen Caiwei became more vigilant at this time, fearing that the other party would suddenly release some powerful skills and kill Zhao Dingguo in an instant. Fortunately, this focused shooting seems to be a state that needs to be maintained. No other skills can be used during full-speed shooting. Thanks to this special feature, Shen Caiwei accurately grasped the changes in Zhao Dingguo's blood volume and added Bo Burial one second in advance!

Five seconds of immortality.

The projection hero obviously knows this skill. Although his attack has no effect on the opponent who has a little health, he is not worried and steadily maintains the attack. He knew that once the five-second effect of the burial disappeared, it would be the moment the opponent died.

In his eyes, everything Zhao Dingguo is doing now is just a desperate struggle.

Zhao Dingguo didn't think so. Five seconds was actually very short. To be safe, he used the Golden World Tree Fruit in the nameplate space one second in advance!

【Golden World Tree Fruit】

A fruit with magical power that vaguely contains the supreme power of the World Tree.

After use, 100 blood points + 10 maximum health points will be restored every second until the health value is restored to full value. The healing effect will not be interrupted by attacks. The magical power in the fruit will expel all negative conditions at the moment the treatment ends. This effect has the highest priority.

The effect of this small golden fruit was extremely powerful. Almost instantly, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume, which was only a little, surged. In just a few seconds, his blood volume quickly increased by more than half. At this speed, the Naga projection hero was stunned. Although he noticed something strange, he didn't know why Zhao Dingguo's health increased so quickly, so he could only continue to attack angrily.

However, despite his futile efforts, Zhao Dingguo's health was still rising!

This shocked Zhao Dingguo. You must know that the most powerful effect of the Golden World Tree fruit is that as long as the health value has not been restored to full, it will continue to recover without any limit on the total amount or time. If used well, Zhao Dingguo can enjoy several times the life recovery, instead of the current situation where it ends when it reaches full. In order to avoid that situation, he quickly disabled the true damage reduction ability and asked Shen Caiwei to stop treatment.

At exactly this time, the woven armor bonus disappeared again. Now, the output of the projection hero has greatly increased.

Zhao Dingguo's skyrocketing blood volume immediately stabilized, roughly stopping at ninety percent!

This number made Zhao Dingguo wipe his sweat. It seems that the effect of the medicine is too good, which is not a good thing...

As the agility cooled down quickly, Zhao Dingguo didn't think much, blessed himself with this skill, and continued to take advantage of the opportunity to output. However, with the attack speed and attack increased by this skill, Zhao Dingguo relied on the blood-sucking effect of 17, and his health actually began to slowly increase again!

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