DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 528: The Great Era of Super Users

The total number of Sester slaves who invaded the real world this time is around seventy or eighty.

More than a dozen of them tried to break out of the blockade area before, but were shot dead on the spot by the soldiers. The rest are scattered in six or seven nearby blocks. It is indeed not easy to clean them completely. Especially now that it is night, if ordinary police officers with fragile bodies are allowed to come in and eliminate them, they may have to pay heavy casualties.

However, for many masters of the Illuminati, this is not a problem at all.

With their strength, as long as they find the figure of Sester's slaves, their fate is already doomed. Even if he was really careless and was caught by Cester's slaves, he would only lose a few or ten points of blood. If you put on those human shields, you may not lose any health even if you stand there and let them hit you.

It took more than an hour for the masters of the Illuminati to complete the cleanup task.

For them, the hardest problem is not to kill them, but to find these monsters in dark neighborhoods while avoiding being discovered by ordinary humans when they do it. If he relies on high attributes to kill him in close combat, it won't matter. It doesn't matter if he is seen. But if you need to use skills, you must be careful. Otherwise, not only are they not here to save people, but they are here to kill!

After eliminating the monsters, Zhao Dingguo and the others naturally evacuated. The remaining mess is a matter of the real world, and how to block the news and deal with the aftermath has nothing to do with the super user. As for the corpses of those monsters, they will disappear automatically after a period of time without leaving any traces. On the contrary, Li Xiaohan and the others, who were still standing there, looked at the people of the Illuminati with eyes full of disbelief and incomprehension.

The number of people who went in was exactly the same as the number of people who went out. But looking at their calm and dangerous looks, they didn't look like they were fighting monsters, but more like they were here for sightseeing. However, Li Xiaohan saw the viciousness of those monsters with his own eyes, and the strong contrast made him dumbfounded.

After Zhao Dingguo and the others left, Li Xiaohan personally led a search, and then confirmed that all the monsters had really disappeared.

"It's really strange... If Li Xiaohan is the person closest to the truth, then to other ordinary humans, the terrifying incident that happened in Mingzhu City at night is completely nonsense. Although there are blurry videos on the Internet, It showed that there were terrifying monsters attacking humans. But then experts came out to refute the rumors, and the video was subsequently deleted. As a result, the incident was regarded as a prank by most people.

but. Only super users know that this is not a scam, but a real thing!

And, this matter is far from over.

If we say that after cleaning up these Sester slaves that night, Zhao Dingguo thought it was just an isolated case. On the next third day, news of monster invasion also spread in California, USA, and Berlin, Germany, and their local super-god organizations immediately came out to prove it. These three incidents have made super users all over the world realize that big changes are about to happen in the real world!

"The main plane is going to merge with the real world? The monster army is counterattacking!"

"A projection of a monster appears in the real world?"

"The end of the world is coming, and more and more powerful monsters will appear in the real world!"

"On the connection and purpose of monster invasion and the creation of the Super God Platform."

For a while. All kinds of speculation and rumors are flying everywhere. Moreover, the monsters that still appear from time to time seem to prove some of these pessimistic conclusions. Fortunately, the number, strength, and frequency of these monsters are still limited. In addition, super-god organizations and users around the world have recently increased their vigilance. They immediately dispatched when an abnormality was discovered, and finally the monsters did not have too bad an impact.

But. There is no airtight wall in the world.

Even if the super-god organization and the real-world government try to cover it up, there are still more and more sighting reports and monster pictures. Under this circumstance, the Super God Platform finally issued a ground-breaking announcement to all Super God users one week after the first monster invasion of Pearl City!

In view of the invasion of monsters in the real world, the Super God Platform will gradually open up behavioral restrictions on all Super God users.

The announcement was short, just one sentence. But the meaning contained in it made the world's super-god power circles boil.

The reason is very simple. Previously, subject to the rules of the Super God Platform, anyone who was discovered using Super God force in the real world would either be killed immediately, or he himself would be wiped out or have victory points deducted. This forces all super-god organizations to retreat to the background of this world. However, once the restrictions on the Super God Platform are lifted, all Super God users can officially come to the forefront and dominate the fate of the human world!

This will be an unprecedented era that belongs to all super users!

Of course, not all behavioral restrictions on the Super God Platform have been lifted. Although the use of force in front of ordinary people is allowed, it is limited to the action itself. The existence of the super god platform and the main plane is still taboo. Anyone who dares to leak relevant information will have their winning points deducted for the first time and given a warning. If they don't listen, they will still be killed - but in any case, compared with the previous strict restrictions, this restriction seems to be loose. As if it doesn't exist.

They only need to follow one point: super-divine force can be used but cannot be said, and that is enough!

Almost as soon as the announcement appeared, major super-god organizations around the world cheered and celebrated. However, they did not immediately walk out of the front desk, but jointly held a meeting to prepare for further negotiations. After all, super-god organizations and the government of the real world are not the same thing after all. Even if they want to show their existence, there must be a transition process, otherwise they may cause unimaginable chaos in the real world.

Under the constraints of these large organizations, ordinary super god organizations and most super god users have continued their previous lifestyles. Only some unscrupulous small organizations, or ordinary lone super-god users, can't wait to act, even unscrupulously, to show their strength and superiority to ordinary humans in the real world.

In the first three days after this landmark announcement, the world was in chaos.

A large number of super users show off their abilities unscrupulously, almost subverting the worldview of ordinary humans. Although the official attitude is unclear, and some countries even try their best to conceal and deny the existence of super users, such blatant activities are enough to explain everything.

However, the chaos quickly subsided within a few days.

There is no other reason than that it will lead to success and the benefits will move people’s hearts!

Before this, since most of the super users kept a low profile and concealed their existence, if you didn't know them, they probably didn't know where the other super users were. Those organized super-god users are easy to find, but offending one will likely bring about retaliation from the entire organization. Therefore, some warlike super users dare not act rashly even if they want to kill people. But now, there are people on the street who dare to openly show their identity as super users, which naturally attracts the covetousness of many people!

Killing people can obtain the real name key, which can temporarily charge equipment such as shrines and blood stones, and even those with the passive skills of Butcher and Silence can permanently add attributes.

Under the trend of profit, those guys who don't know what is good or bad, who are dissatisfied with only one bottle and only use half of the bottle will often be unlucky after a day or two. The first three or two were okay, but as more fools died, other super users had to cover up their whereabouts, which allowed the real world to temporarily stabilize.

However, everyone knows that there is no turning back for an arrow fired.

Once something happens, it can never go back. The day when the super-god organization comes out in full force and dominates the real world is just around the corner. In this big wave, many things before will change. Without the restriction of not taking action in front of ordinary people, previous battle plans, security measures, etc. may need to be re-formulated. But there is only one thing that will not change, and that is strength!

As the super god circle has entered such a period of rapid change, and when many super god users are feeling uneasy, Zhao Dingguo, Lao Li, Yan Yuelan, and the newly moved Shen Caiwei are working hard on the task of upgrading the team contract. Unfortunately, this week Lao Li's bloodline mission happened to be in its final step, so Zhao Dingguo and the others had to postpone the team upgrade to the new year, which is the first week of January!

As Zhao Dingguo's senior, Lao Li has accumulated a lot of experience. In addition, I made a lot of preparations for this bloodline mission, and finally succeeded in obtaining the rare centaur bloodline. In this way, the team formed by Zhao Dingguo will become a high-level pure-blood team of Two Dusk and Two Dawn, and the lowest blood level is rare level!

Such a small team, coupled with the reasonable combination, is simply too attractive.

After learning that there was still a vacancy, everyone from the Soul Stone people to the masters of the Illuminati asked directly or asked people to tactfully ask, hoping to apply to join. It's a pity that these masters who want to join either have a mismatched bloodline and cannot form the best combination with Zhao Dingguo and others, or their own strength is still lacking. In addition, Zhao Dingguo had no intention of recruiting a fifth person urgently, so the matter was put on hold for the time being.

Besides, his current team contract hasn’t been upgraded yet!

After considering the time that the four of them entered the main plane, Zhao Dingguo entered the main plane with three teammates on January 7th. Since one more person means more combat power, Shen Caiwei also came with him, and after paying a certain amount of victory points, he temporarily joined the team as a reserve member.

In this way, it became the task for the four of them to prepare for the team's promotion.

It is not difficult to apply for this task. As long as one person in the team is stronger than the Asahi level, he can theoretically apply for the team promotion task. The only condition is that you need to pay magic materials worth one thousand victory points for this. Once the team upgrade task fails, you will have to pay again the next time you apply!

Therefore, people who do not have certain abilities will not easily apply, otherwise they will be making fun of their hard-earned winning points.

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