DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 515: Retreating to Advance


In addition to the skill of Energy Gear, the Wandering Swordsman actually also learned the level 1 bristle back.

This is a passive skill from the Rigidback Beast, which can reduce the enemy's damage from the back and sides. With this passive, combined with the increased defense from War Cry, it will be very difficult for Pat Bear to chase and kill the Wandering Swordsman. But, as the core figure of the Zinmei team, how come Paipaixiong only has these methods?

After smashing Lao Li's Aluminum Shield with a slap, Pat Bear snorted and activated his own skills.

The underworld trembles from the undead flying dragon!

This skill can extract the enemy's movement speed and attack speed, and then greatly increase it to yourself. For Pai Pai Xiong, who relies heavily on bursts and craves output environments, Underworld Trembling is simply a magical skill. Even just one level is enough to put the wandering swordsman into danger again.

The elf even used his skills on the wandering swordsman at the right time, the huge wave from the Tide Messenger!

It combines slowing down, armor reduction and damage, making it a perfect match for Pat Bear.

Being targeted, the wandering swordsman was nervous, but not particularly panicked. Because he noticed that the dark animal husbandry summoned by Lao Li had not yet taken action. Since the first skill he learns is not Shadow Wave, it is probably the immortal skill of Thin Burial. Five seconds of immortality was enough to ensure his safety. However, the cooldown time of Level 1 Bo Burial is very long. In the end, Zhao Dingguo did not let Lao Li use this skill, but used the cooled push stick to eject the wandering swordsman!

He used various methods one after another, but all of them were canceled. The output time of Pat Bear was wasted little by little.

While rescuing his teammates again, Zhao Dingguo's plasma field and electrostatic connection were activated together. Naturally, the target was Pat Bear, the main DPS of the Zincmei team. Although the damage caused is average due to the short distance, don't forget Zhao Dingguo's other passive skill - electrostatic field!

All skills with thunder elements will trigger an electric shock from the electrostatic field when activated.

All of Electric Soul's skills are related to thunder and lightning, so whether it was the previous electrostatic connection or the current plasma field, the electrostatic field was successfully triggered. The moment the plasma field takes action. A light blue flash appeared on the heads of several nearby enemies, and they received an electric shock worth 4% of their current health, followed by an additional 30 points of moonlight damage!

The continuous multiple damage, as well as the gorgeous and chaotic skill effects, made the people in the Zincmei team feel a little more uneasy. ()

At this time, Bing Hun also began to work together with Zhao Dingguo to solve Paipai.

You know, Ice Soul's ultimate move only has a cooldown time of 45 seconds. After launching a big move at the beginning, it is about to cool down now. Once his ice crystal blast is fired again. It will have the effect of deciding the situation of the battle. For the members of the Zinmei team, the main damage dealer failed to kill anyone instantly with one round of skills, and Zhao Dingguo was playing five against four. He himself had an immortal shield, and his situation was very embarrassing.

Just when they were in a dilemma, Ice Soul's ice crystal explosion exploded again.

Due to the mistake in the positioning of the Zinmei team and the passerby Binghun's awareness, his big shot actually hit three people in one fell swoop. This perfect ultimate move completely defeated the determination of the Zinmei team.

The member who summoned the Shadow Demon activated Windrunner's Wind Walk at half health. Evacuate first.

After the ogre magician threw another flame blast, he also escaped under the acceleration effect of bloodthirsty.

On the contrary, the elf and Pat Bear who had the chain of lightning were both left behind. When their health was reduced to the minimum, they exploded to death due to the effect of the ice crystal blast.

The extremely cold ghost's luck exploded. Counting first blood, it's equivalent to getting a triple kill!

At this time, the clarion call for the two legions to send troops had just sounded.

Because of the battle caused by Paipa Xiong Stealing the Meat Mountain, the contact test ended with the Zinmei team killing three people and Zhao Dingguo's side having zero casualties. It was a big mistake that Pat Bear failed to get the Immortal Shield that he was determined to win. Then Panda Brewmaster tried to steal the shield and was killed instead, which was his second mistake. In the end, it was no surprise that we lost with less and more.

The bad start caused the morale of the Zincmei team to drop a lot.

On the other hand, the natural disasters took advantage of the victory in the battle. Zhao Dingguo and the others gathered in the middle and forcibly pushed down one of the guards' towers.

Although everyone's average level is a bit lower, their equipment is pretty good, so they can push down towers very quickly. Realizing that not all of our heroes could arrive, the Zinmei team didn't even launch tower defense. Directly giving up this defense tower - this is also the most likely situation for death team battles to occur after the god level points are high.

Now everyone's blood level is not high, so it's okay. If you lose in one battle, you may only lose a few outer towers. If you reach the edge of the stronghold mode and have divine points of 2,344, you will often lose a battle at a high pace, and you may even be directly defeated by the opponent twice in a row. Set up a victory!

After taking down one of the enemy's towers, Zhao Dingguo and the others made a small supply run. Afterwards, the five people skipped the early laning phase and directly entered the group roaming phase.

There is nothing we can do about this.

The enemies include elves and pat bears. As long as someone is alone and they see them, the two of them will use a big pass to kill them instantly in one round. After all, they had taken a lot of advantage since the war started. After buying the flying courier, Lao Li and the ice soul contributed a group of reconnaissance guards and mist of trickery respectively. While doing vision, open the fog and prepare to catch people.

However, after walking around for a while, they found no trace of the enemy.

The people in the Zincmei team are not stupid. Although they haven't bothered to do vision for the time being, when they saw that there was no trace of the natural disaster heroes on the military line, it was not clear that they were looking for them. Under the instructions of the captain of the Zincmei team, one by one retreated to the tower early. The five members of the Scourge were not arrogant enough to rush to the tower to engage in a team battle with the enemy without a line of troops, so they could only retreat to the line and advance as a group obediently!

The target this time is the first tower in the bottom lane of the Guards.

Noticing the movements of the natural disaster, the five heroes of the Guards naturally rushed over and defended with all their strength.

Since everyone has a good equipment foundation, even if a small group was defeated before, the gap between the two sides is still not big. What's more, Zhao Dingguo, the main force, has a bloodline level of 11 but cannot use the Invoker skill. The Zinmei team is defending according to the tower, so the actual situation is that the Zinmei team is better!

Zhao Dingguo's progress was not smooth.

The outburst of Paipiao Xiong and Little Elf is not something to be ignored, not to mention that the two of them are blood masters with extraordinary strength. Especially for the most important Dark Priest, if Pat Bear and Elf attack others first, his thin burial might be able to save them. But if he is attacked first, he may be in danger. Therefore, Lao Li's dark animal husbandry was positioned quite far back, and was under the protection of Zhao Dingguo's astral imprisonment.

This kind of position prevents the Zhimei team from catching too many opportunities.

The first wave of troops quickly converged.

On Team Zinc America's side, Panda Jiuxian is still blocking the front. Previously, he couldn't steal the shield and was killed, which cost the Panda Brewmaster a blood in vain, but his equipment is actually very good. This time, with teammates following behind, Panda felt a lot more confident. If you stand there, you will be like no one can pass me by until I die. The ogre magician and shadow demon huddled under the tower, waiting for an opportunity.

After several waves of soldiers tested them, Zhao Dingguo and the others were not very sure and did not dare to step forward rashly.

What's even more cunning is that after clearing out the first wave of soldiers, Pat Bear, who was still showing his face online, went into hiding. No one knows whether he has shrunk behind the tower, is hiding in the bushes under the Guards Tower, or has some stealth skills. In short, losing this guy's vision made the members of the Scourge a little uneasy.

"It's hard to handle..."

Although the opportunity of using the troops to enter the tower slightly consumed the durability of the defensive tower. But in the absence of summons or clone units, just grinding it from time to time, it will take an unknown amount of time to consume the tower, not to mention that the defensive runes are still there. After a brief exchange of opinions, Zhao Dingguo and the others chose to retreat while the opponent's troops were not coming up.

Of course, the five people did not really leave, but took a few steps back and hid in the wild area again.

This is a trick that Zhao Dingguo has suffered before and used to trick others more than once. If the Zhimei team really thought they had left and rashly came out from the tower to pay and push the line, then the five people squatting in the dark jungle would swarm out, catching them off guard, and then take advantage of the tower!

However, the Zhimei team was still not fooled.

The reason for their judgment was very simple. The troops on the road and the guards were about to rush into the natural disaster tower. If the heroes of the natural disaster really evacuated, how come no one went over to close the line? That's under the natural disaster tower, so safety is still guaranteed. Even if Pat Bear and the elves teleport over, other people on the disaster side can immediately rescue them!

Since no one has gone there and Ice Soul has not recruited any troops, it proves that they probably haven't left yet.

The trick of retreating in order to advance is not very sophisticated, and the people in Team Zinc have certainly played it before. They never fell for the trick, and when the troops came back, they quickly cleared them out. If the troops leave the tower, the five of them will not step forward. In short, unless there are figures of natural disasters appearing on the military line, they will not leave hastily!

This caution and turtle-like defense made Zhao Dingguo a little blind.

Just when he had a headache, Yan Yuelan came up with an idea. Since retreating in order to advance doesn’t work, how about luring the snake out of its hole?

After a concise communication, the five people from the natural disaster quickly determined the plan. Three seconds later, Yan Yuelan reached the top lane alone and began to close the line. But she acted very carefully, always lingering near the defense tower and refusing to stay away. She would retreat back from time to time, as if she was wary of the attacks of the elves and Pat Bears.

Yan Yuelan's performance was so good that no one in the Zinmei team had any doubts. rq

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